Have you thought more about trying the veggie juice fast, or simply start eating near-vegetarian temporarily along with monitoring your blood glucose to see if you have toxic hunger instead?
When I thought my symptoms were hypoglycemia, there were so many times I felt so bloated from my previous high protein/high fat meal, yet I started to feel "hypoglycemic" before the bloating went away and got scared that there's no way I'd be able to eat enough to falsely "raise my blood sugar." But it was all a vicious cycle of a FALSE diagnoses and my "recommended" diet was what was making it worse and slowly killing me.
Don't be nervous to try to veggie juice fast or start eating near-vegetarian to see if your condition is toxic hunger. I was real anxious about attempting this and never thought I could not eat meat and yet be able to sustain me, but monitoring my blood glucose during my juice fasting proved I wasn't hypoglycemic and relieving all that anxiety is what probably helped the most!