How to build up strained nervous system after years of depression? How to regain emotional strenght and discipline? How let "loved ones" best take part in that positive change? Also physical questions!
Hey everyone,
Just wanted to let you know first of all that English is not my mother tongue so bear with me please if some things sound weird. Okay, I am a student that has for around 10 years repressed her emotions whilst being depressed on and off. Something within me was keeping me from taking prescription drugs, though, luckily. I started my healing part around 2 years ago with becoming more active and eating superfoods and raw foods, even though still very depressed I felt glimpses of hope that werent there before...also my body seemed to transform for the better (skin, cellulite, etc.). With reading spiritual books and Yoga, breathwork,listening to hundreds of podcasts on relationships etc. , connecting to people, i was able to realize the sick hostile world my ego had created for me. Maybe it was also just my time to break free, who knows. Now, I would call myself
Depression free since 3 months or so...I just FEEL generally positive, compassionate and life feels as if it just unfolds for me for the first time. However, I feel that my emotional energy levels are way lower than for other people my age. I feel completely drained after conversing with people for much, that i sometimes feel as if i am out of my body, just completely foggy in my brain with headaches...and a choked throat in the morning...but i live on a campus, so its not avoidable. I feel very strongly, that i cannot listen to unconcious, ego talk anymore but if there is gossiping for instance, i dont always manage to make that clear. It is a constant fight to stay concsious and trusting to my path and it can happen that at some days i feel like i wanna give up because its too exausting. Its not a depression, though, but my heart then aches for contact with really loving, conscious people but I also know that that is an outside factor. I know that theoretically I should manage to stay so centered, that I can have happyness without a hippie clan in an unrealistic holiday setting. Thus, I try to exercise Yoga as much as I can, I eat healthy and mostly raw .My memory however is completely f***ed...I realize also, that I am -in case I couldnt center myself due to stress the day before or something like that- not able to draw conclusions in class as fast as the others. I feel strongly how I influence my own performance in such situations: if there is anxiety, my mind and body refuses to work, i am checking the classroom for possible dangers in keeping wandering eye contact with the people e.g. (while i am doing this, i am totally aware of the fact why i do this). Its stressful and i am aware that others do not go through this to that extent, but i know that patience is needed of course as i am basically just building up a "healthy" life. My life right now feels extremely exhausting and I NEED to prevent any unnecessary stress so I would be more than grateful if anyone here could give me hints on what to work on. I have no interest right now in conventional psychologists, because I feel, that I am just wasting my time there...I am rather drawn to active things like encounter meditation to break free from old patterns, chakra healing etc., as I feel very in tune with these energies right now. However, workshops are too expensive right now so I am looking for things to do besides paying for them (but please also mention treatments like kinesiology etc. ...i will have to find a job anyway and at some point i will be able to afford them again like at Christmas etc..Its always good to know what might work!)
1. How do i continue clear old trauma from my body? I feel this is really important and that there are many blockages. Especially in my right hip bursa which hurts during stress periods, in my throat and in my forehead.
2. How to strenghten the brain function, nerves and memory?
3. Any supplements you could think of that are beneficial for that?
4. How do i let others see my progression and tranformation without having to talktalktalktalk? problem here is, that i have a history of people 'manipulating' me, thus it is hard to express myself proudly as the new me. Also many friends are very sceptical towards "new age stuff" and trust prescription drugs and normal therapy sessions more (even though the latter didnt help me at all...). What i wanna say is that they are young and see things mainly from their ego perspective unfortunately. I am tired of explaining what i feel is right for me.
5. How to remind oneself to not crush down when not feeling love and conciousness in the everyday life?
6. How to stay tuned with the inner voice in stressful situations?
There are many more questions, but thats it for now. Hope somebody has an idea for me that would be highly appreciated ! Oh, healing, please ;)