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Re: Earthing and meditation have helped.
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Re: Earthing and meditation have helped.

Great that the B12 helped. I also got help from B12 shots. It turns out I was not assimilating it with the pills, but when I did the shots for about $20 from a Naturopathic doctor I got an immediate boost, but not sure if helped me sleep.

Regarding the Earthing bands, I just looked and it that appears to be the cheapest thing you can buy, a set of 2 costs $34.95.

I had a high school friend who has the bi-polar condition and I told her about earthing and she got a wrist band and sleeps wearing it.

She told me for the first time in years she wakes up with her mind being quiet and not racing like before. I thought that was fairly remarkable from just wearing a little band connected to the earth or ground outlet next to the bed.


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