Re: O/T - Vitamin D Cancer appeasement
Ok, I can see; theoretically that the info under is right. What I dont see is why forum members report back a great benefit from vit D3 supplementation. For me this is the issue. Is it like iodine; some factors needed for convertion and utilization?
It is easy to go blind in this. Experience counts.
"“Unfortunately the exact opposite is true. The level of 25-D in the body is not causing the illness, it is a result of the disease process.” Unfortunately the exact opposite is true. The level of 25-D in the body is not causing the illness, it is a result of the disease process, and as clear an indication as any that the patient is suffering from a significant degree of L-form bacterial infection. It’s similar to the connection between folic acid and heart disease - low levels of folic acid often lead to an increase in the amino acid homocysteine – a compound that at high levels has been linked to increased incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Yet, extensive studies have revealed that giving patients with CVD folic acid supplements does not lower levels of homocysteine, and that high levels of the compound in patients with CVD is simply a result of the disease process.[36]
Key to this misunderstanding are the doctors and researchers who fail to test the level of 1,25-D in patients with chronic disease. If they did, they might pick up on the fact that 25-D is low precisely because 1,25-D is elevated.
This certainly explains why a research team at the University of Wisconsin Osteoporosis Clinic, who did not test subjects’ levels of 1,25-D, seemed puzzled by the results of a study which revealed that some participants getting abundant sun exposure still displayed low levels of 25-D.[37]"