healing my lips are red like a tomatoe and stinging like shitttttt!!!!!!!!!!!
i would reccomend everybody to wait to see if results come good for both me and lilo. as i do think this treatment is abit risky.
but heck anything to get rid of ec. the doc i saw suggested burning/freezing it off like how you do with the warts on your fingers. but i pussyed out and said lets just wait and see if this works first lol.
yeah i agree hopefully this is a good sign although i am getting alot of white gunk on the inside of my bottom lip like i mean alot.
crusts are starting to fall off and its stinging like a bitch!!!!!!!!!
lilooooooooooo give us an update on how your going and also i was wondering i might apply alittle bit of vaseline during the day! for some relief