day 2 of attacking a virus!!!!
lips are pussing out that whitish/yellowish gunk crapppp. i woke up this morning and the inner part of the lip on the bottom lip were the white peeling skin comes and goes and does all weird stuff has turned into full white sticky gunkk. almost like it has come out of the skin and reveiled its self. for me this is huge becasue this part would never actually turn into hard skin it would just appear like a whitish coolour but then a few hours later it would turn back to normal colour very bizzare behavious but netherless it now just white sticky gunk sticking on there i dont want to pull it off rather it just fall off or come off in the shower.
parts of the lips are very raw and red. my lips turned from a pinkish colour to a drak red colour almost in about half an hour of applying the cream. i have white/yellow sticky puss things coming out on some parts of the lips. the crust are begining to come very loose and will probably fall off tomorow.(its morning here)
i hope me taking this oral tablets doesnt make me putting the cream on less active or something like that to my immune system.
lilo in regards to the cream is it a white colour and then sort of goes clear and shinny once applied the the lips???
anyways in regards to some of you smart asss's out there that have been on the foroum for years playing pathetic games with several accounts get a f***cininginginggg life! yesss im a mothhhaaa f***kkining crazy person and yes i will do anythingggg to f***ininningggg beat this lips crap thing so i can get on with my life and never return to this goddddd forsakennn forum although there are some wonderful and amazing people on this forum. i hate it how you guys are attacking liloo and making false claimsss that me and her are the same person for those that know the truth me and her are definately not the sameeeee!!!!! as far as crazy goes - my life is on the line and i have no choise but to find the cure for this crappp so im willing to try anything and everythign and yess if somebody comes on heere like lilo and makes a cure claim that makes sense yes i will try it no matter what.
anyways its so frustrating were all here to try find a cure to this bizzzare condition i woulld think that you guys would be more polite to people especially people like lilo that are trying to help us she could just not bother.
anyways its a new plan of attack its new im excited and im also very aware more then you think that it might not work.
anyways if ya got questions shhhoooooooooooooooooot!