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Re: I'm going bald please help me
fsnaturelady Views: 3,724
Published: 19 y
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Re: I'm going bald please help me

I had some accupuncture treatment about four years ago and I noticed that my hair thickened right up -- actually, where I was saying that my hair was thinning, the doc was saying that I was going bald -- I have a couple of thin patches at the back and still need to improve my right side of my front -- not really noticeable to anyone but myself, but you know how that is. So, energy blockages had something to do with it.

Also, I am reminding myself that without a gall bladder, I need to take digestive enzymes because I am not getting the nutrition out of my foods; my minerals were quite low a couple of years ago; I think that they are better now -- Azurite's suggestions are great to increase them -- so without getting the nutrients from my foods, the body borrows them from various glands, including the thyroid. Since getting the metal out of my mouth, my thyroid has improved.

If you FEAR losing your hair, that will probably happen to you since we need to meet our fears. You are not your hair, so try to relax while you track down solutions. It is all about regaining your body's balance and getting down to basics.



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