Should I switch from ALA alone to DMSA&ALA?
I've been chelating for almost 8 months so far with Alpha Lipoic Acid alone. I'm at 40mg every 2.5 hours for 3 days. Progress has been slowwwww, to the point where I wonder often if I'm meeting with any, though the side effects from taking ALA indicate that something is happening. And I still can't deny the energy gain I got early on (which is why I go for frequent walks multiple times a day).
Still, I haven't lost much weight and I'm maintaining, and I just feel like more should be happening. I have yet to use DMSA, and I know ALA targets the brain and body, while DMSA is better at removing mercury and targets only the body, right?
And I have candida overgrowth. Would using DMSA help get rid of the mercury which results in candida faster, and therefore help get rid of candida faster?
Should I switch to DMSA and ALA combo? If so, what should I start with, how much does it cost, and where could I order it?