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Re: I Have Said My Peace
MH 108 Views: 1,507
Published: 19 y
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Re: I Have Said My Peace

others can make their forum personal, this one is not, no one knows anyone, not even the country that they live in. i have no use for those that want to push drugs and crazy methods, i tell them a couple of times i disagree and if they keep up pushing their desire to convince me or others, the i ask them to go to other places that want to hear such things. they can choose to or not, if they continue i ignore their postings, i have never asked that anyone be removed and never will.

your postings made little sense, but they enable a point to be made, so i will take the time to answer to a point, i still never understand why a person who disagrees so much why they would continue to make post, other than to cause trouble. i do not care how andreas or anyone else makes a post, we are not robots here and will not be politically correct now or ever.

the curezone has the right to chop the forum any moment they don't like it, they created it, i didn't! it is for intertainment purposes only! i never claimed to be a healer, so again, you have many asumptions that are not true. my 12 years of public education probably sticks out ruff to those that are well educated and sofisticated. working 29 years in the lead factory may also make me not an extremely social person. i am use to dealing with the poor slobs that cuss more than they can speak proper english. so consider this the not so polite forum.

i get ticked off when i see people killing them selves because they were drugged and poorly educated about diet and many times they need shock treatment. look at all might god of this forum, richard shulze, he will tell you off in a heart beat if you ask his advise and waste his time and noteably, shulze and clark won't lower them selves to waste 1 moment of their time on this forum that holds their names on high.

i don't pick on anyone, because i no no one, including you and all that post and all that never post. if one wakes up and learns enough to start seeking a better way, then the goal of the day was reached. people need to stop being politically correct and question those in charge of their health and not lay down like whipped dogs with their tales between their legs. i won't let some fool poison my kids again, i won't be walked upon when it comes to my life and my familys life and it is tuff if those that disagree don't like it, they have the right to do anything they please, they even have the right to be mad at this forum, we love them anyway!!! our spirits are having fun with these bodies and only the foolish take anything serious while on earth.



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