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No idea what to do anymore.
tay19 Views: 2,132
Published: 13 y

No idea what to do anymore.

My skin is terrible , I'm underweight , I'm lacking multiple vitamins, I'm suffering from severe malabsorption , I have terrible gastritis and acid reflux, I'm constantly really tired , my muscles are always aching. I've tried probiotics , I have a completely Sugar free diet , I've been low carb but feel much better with carbs in my diet, I've cut out all dairy and gluten over the last year and I only drink water.

One minute I'm reading candida can't be killed and it's part of your body and next minute I'm reading that you need to kill it all with anti fungals.
As well as my diet I'm taking is a vitamin D supplement everyday ( since I'm vitamin D , B12 and B9 deficient and my liver enzymes are elevated ).

All of this started after Antibiotics somehow did something to me that seems irreversible. I'm waiting on my doctors to do something but I don't have much faith anymore.

Are we all destined to be like this forever ?.

What a horrible way to live this is.


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