Re: Juice feasting Guru's, are now meat eaters!
VERY good question, Mira, and when given long enough to think about most things, I DO have an opinion!
FACT: vitamin D is KNOWN to be made by friendly bacteria on our skin when activated by the sun.
soooooo.... does our friendly bacteria make our vitamins when activated by certain phytochemicals, maybe, in our gut? It makes sense to me that the answer is yes.
Did you learn in science in school that vitamins begin dying 7 mins after being seperated from the mother plant?? That would make plant vitamins very sensative lil molecules. What happens to them in the digestive process? How much is in our organic produce after it's shipped all over the dang world?? Makes sense to me that we're missing something here, wouldn't you say?
SCIENCE doesn't have the grasp on this that they think they do, me thinks ;-)
Tell me what YOU think!