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Re: daniel miller
jsl123 Views: 3,656
Published: 13 y
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Re: daniel miller

daniel thanks for the pics just checked them out then! man your top lip is truely starting to clear up. i am sooooooooooooooooooooooo excited! and also its not just improving on parts its actually completely clearing up! this is massiveeeeeeee! a blind man can see your lips at the top are starting to have massive improvenments. its scary it took just under 6 months to start seeing improvenment though! but better later then never! so i guess over the next few months we can start to hope for a gradual improvenment! what i dont understand is you have quite alot of movenment in your lips compared to me and most people. has it always been like this? for example my top lip is like one whole scab so for me to move my lips at all even just open my mouth the skin sort of hurts due to the tightness.

also your top lip the ec part is starting to become seperated. like your top lip goes ec then good skin then ec then good skin kind of like its clearing but your bottom lip isn't.

also how are you sleeping these days still with your mouth open. do you sometimes if you close your mouth while your alsleep does your lips kind go all soft and white and stick together and that gross stuff?

anyways man im that excited about your progress! keep up the good work man! im hoping you put ec to rest once and for all!


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