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Re: Someone asked for an update - ER visits - Tough time.
nyckid10 Views: 3,554
Published: 13 y
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Re: Someone asked for an update - ER visits - Tough time.

Hey man. I have been in Lily's position last year. I have since consumed up to 6 tablespoons of coconut oil a day for atleast 6 months, and am candida free as a result. There was an avid poster on this forum named helmax who actually advised me to do this. He cured his candida by doing the same thing...he doesn't post any longer...b/c he is most likely cured and living his life. And why are you still posting? If you have found the ANSWER? You are still struggling aren't you? Or do you just want to spread the miracle word? So how would you explain my candida cure? And his? Are we just major exceptions? Are we delusional?

This is not the fatty liver forum. This is the Candida Forum . People whose intestines are filled with candida colonies...taking over their biochemistry...filling them with toxins and screwing up their whole body...yes including the liver. This is a problem that has stemmed from years and years of hidden abuse to the body...and not just some fatty liver. If you think someone can become fully infested by something like this just due to a fatty liver, you are clearly mistaken. Lily is clearly suffering greatly, so stop contributing. The last thing she needs right now is negativity and doubt.


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