Re: Garlic and Glucose (Also BP and Cholesterol)
Schulze recommended at least 6 cloves pr day for diabetes
Also the usual tincture dose for someone 150
pounds is 60 droppers (2 dropperfuls) 3 to 5 times a day
here is his manual writings on diabetes where he discusses garlic
A woman with diabetes was saved from amputation by the methods you are about to read.
SCHULZE: I had a lady named Helen come to see me. Her family actually brought her in. She was a hairdresser. She had diabetes, she was using insulin intravenously for years and the only reason they came to see me was because the doctors were going to amputate her legs. The circulation in her legs had degenerated to a point where she already had gangrene in one of her legs, and the doctors just wanted to cut her legs off. Which is something that happens in advanced stages of diabetes. I have had lots of people come to me but she was about as far gone as they get. In fact, they said she might not even survive the surgery because her blood
Sugar was so out of control. We've talked about things that we can do for blood
Sugar and one of the major things is stop eating sugar. A lot of people don't get that, and they don't think of all the things that they're eating that have refined sugars or sweeteners in them. Garlic has been proven in university studies to not only reduce your blood sugar, but it also increases your own insulin production.
SCHULZE: It's a great healing herb for people who have diabetes. It's an herb that a lot of people overlook. This woman took loads of fresh garlic, because the incurables program contains at least three cloves of fresh garlic every day. She used a lot more than that. We also treated her legs with hot and cold therapy; body work and fomentations of cayenne and ginger tea to increase the circulation and get the blood flowing again in those legs, especially some of the areas that were turning dark purple to black — because they were just dead. The blood flow had stopped. For the tea used in this treatment, use two
quarts water and one- half cup cayenne (again, the hottest you can find — not the 40,000 H.U. stuff) and one-half cup fresh, chopped ginger.
INTERVIEWER: You mean her leg was going to gangrene?
SCHULZE: Oh absolutely. The doctors had actually used the term gangrene. It had started in her right leg, lower calf and her ankle, and they suggested that it wouldn't get any better and her diabetes was so out of control that they wanted to save her by just cutting her legs off. And, at that point, she woke up. It's amazing. Some people have to go a ways down the road before they wake and go "Wait a minute, I don't think I'm going to do that." And so she decided that she would do anything before she had the doctors take a saw to her legs. And she did the incurables treatment. She mainly did it just to heal her legs. This is another example where people don't think they can fix the real problem, the diabetes. I said, "No, you have to monitor your blood
Sugar every day, and you're going to be taking less and less insulin." Sure enough, even during the first 30 days, I think she reduced her insulin intake by one third, at least.
INTERVIEWER: : What did she want to do?
SCHULZE: All she wanted to do was mainly just increase the circulation in her legs, because the doctors were threatening her with amputation of her legs. One of them was going to gangrene and the circulation was bad, so the family just brought her to me to increase the circulation in her legs so they wouldn't be cut off. They never thought that she could get over her diabetes. We got the circulation in the legs increased and that purplish- black area of gangrene went back to nice pink tissue. We got the blood to flow, of course, with cayenne and ginger internally.
INTERVIEWER: How much cayenne and ginger with her?
SCHULZE: Oh gosh, we dumped a lot into her. I would say she was consuming a quarter cup of cayenne every day, which is a pretty good amount, but she really liked it and we also had her on a good dose of ginger, a good circulation stimulant. We also put her leg in a cayenne bath of very hot water with a lot of cayenne and ginger, handfuls of it, and she would put it in that and soak it for a few minutes and then take it out and plunge it into a tub of water filled with ice. And we went back and forth on that. And I'll tell you, it was only days. Of course, that burns a lot, and she did some screaming and yelling because that cayenne gets very hot. But along with a little bit of body work, some skin-brushing and doing that hot and cold bath three times a day, that skin, the tissue was back in about 3 or 4 days.
It was quite amazing. You know, gangrene, come on, no gangrene in the world is going to hang in when you're doing hot cayenne baths with ice plunges afterwards. I mean, it just isn't going to happen. You're going to stimulate that circulation. You'll watch that area come back to life. I'm going to say that in 2-3-4 days, that area will come back to life. This does not take a long time. So she was thrilled, but I told her to hang in there and keep with it and she stayed on the incurables program. The first 30 days, I think she knocked her insulin needs down by a third and she was off it in 3-4 months. This was someone who had been a diabetic for 15 years on intravenous insulin and was going downhill. Garlic is powerful for anyone with diabetes, but you have to use enough.
INTERVIEWER: Is garlic that powerfulfor diabetes?
SCHULZE: Absolutely. But you have to use enough. The incurables program calls for 3 large raw cloves minimum a day, and we could double that for someone with diabetes.
INTERVIEWER: Does garlic actually lower sugar substantially?
SCHULZE: Absolutely. It works two ways. It directly lowers your blood sugar without doing anything. It lowers the amount of sugar in your blood, but then it also stimulates the pancreas to produce more insulin, and of course, that's why you're shooting insulin because the pancreas isn't doing its job, so it's a good pancreatic stimulant, it also reduces your blood sugar level and it's a good one, obviously, for pancreatic cancer. Garlic is a brilliant herb.
INTERVIEWER: But nobody talks about it, Richard.
SCHULZE: Oh, I know. And I've seen numerous medical reports for garlic, for diabetes. I would say I've seen 50-60 reports out of medical schools from universities where they've used garlic on diabetic patients. But then again, you're never going to see that anywhere because there's no money in selling garlic.
INTERVIEWER: Now, Richard, does garlic have a mild blood sugar-lowering action, or a strong one?
SCHULZE: I think it's incredibly strong. Of course, when you're testing for your blood sugar, you can test every day, and I've seen people reduce their insulin by half in a week. Really went at it with the juices and the garlic. Oh, it's very strong.
INTERVIEWER: Richard, if it's in the medical literature, why wouldn't they use it? I know it's a dumb question.
SCHULZE: I know! I would say about a tenth of the research has been with diabetes. It's a very effective treatment for diabetics. But you know what it is too? It's too easy. Getting well with natural methods is simple. That would be the best way to describe it.
INTERVIEWER: Richard, I have a friend who's got diabetes, but he says he gets diarrhea every time he eats garlic.
SCHULZE: Well, you know he may have a compound problem. He might have colitis or inflammation of the bowel, so a little bit of garlic goes a long way with him. You know, the best thing to do with him would be to find out what's going on with his bowel. jp^ Maybe get his bowel soothed and detoxified with intestinal formula number two (given in the colon chapter) and then go in there with the garlic treatment, because it works very well for diabetes. He might have an irritated or spastic colon or digestion, and so he needs to start out with a little bit of garlic. Just a little bit, until he can tolerate that, then increase his dosage slowly. Cayenne and blood sugar.
INTERVIEWER: Does cayenne have any effect on sugar?
SCHULZE: Yes, just by stimulating the circulation, making your blood flow better. One of the things that happens with diabetics is that the circulation of their blood gets horrible. Sometimes, they even have their extremities amputated in serious cases. So, sure, cayenne's a brilliant herb, and it is part of the program. Whether or not it absolutely lowers blood sugar, I don't know, but when your blood is circulating more efficiently, you don't need as much of the chemicals that your body produces in your blood. A little goes a long way.
That's definitely to be part of the program. But garlic specifically, yes. When you have better circulation, you have better hormonal communication between your endocrine organs, such as the pancreas. If your blood is thick, it takes longer for your organs to get the chemical feedback messages they depend on. One of the greatest herbs in the world for female hormonal balancing, Dong Quai, just happens to increase circulation. It is no accident why it works. Cedar berries and blood sugar.
INTERVIEWER: Dr. Christopher always mentioned that cedar berry would help the pancreas, but is that true, or only for a few people
SCHULZE: It's a Dr. Christopher original only. I have talked with people world-wide and nobody else does that. Now Dr. Christopher swore by it. I won't argue against his case histories. My own feeling is that the pancreas is an endocrine organ like the liver, and any organ can wear out. Usually, when the endocrine organs aren't working well, it's a sign of whole endocrine system dysfunction. To simplify this a little bit, I've never seen anyone with diabetes who wasn't living a horrifying life-style eating program. I don't meet people with diabetes who are vegetarian that don't drink Coca-Cola. I was in a video store last night and I had my son Arthur in my hands and there was a lady with a 2-year-old kid, and she was pouring Pepsi into his bottle.
INTERVIEWER: A 2-year-old kid with Pepsi!
SCHULZE: Yea, you know what I'm saying? You can't live like this, and then go looking for an herb to control diabetes. When it comes to children, or adults too, if they are going to consume fruit juice, they dilute it. Easy on the fruit juices. I always find that diabetics who come to me they are sugar addicts, they are eating sweets, they are drinking a little Coca-cola, and so on. I've never had a diabetic come to me on insulin that was living a healthy life, ever. There are pancreatic types, people predisposed for that pancreas to self-destruct. You have an unhealthy diet, and it self-destructs. Then you get termed a diabetic. And what it is, is that's just your weak organ.
INTERVIEWER: They don't need to do anything for that organ, do they?
SCHULZE: I've never had to do anything special. I've played with a lot of diabetic or blood-sugar herbs. But my feeling is that the whole program did more than the herbs. You know, Dr. Christopher used the cedar berries, but that was his icing on the cake of the program.
INTERVIEWER: I'm sure the way they promote it now is, "Forget the program, take the cedar berries."
SCHULZE: Absolutely. I use a few different herbs here that I played with, but to be quite honest, my feeling is that everybody likes to talk about an herb that is good for regulating blood-sugar. My feeling is the best thing to regulate blood-sugar is don't drink Coca-Cola. There's too much sugar in all that stuff, and it runs down the pancreas. Most of these people who come to me...well, everybody wants to skip the work. But I've seen many people turn themselves around with diabetes. Again, the real key is to stop eating sugar, because your pancreas is getting worn out. Get into more raw food. Your pancreas has to make a lot of enzymes when you eat cooked food. Anybody who's diabetic really needs to move onto raw foods and get away from cooked foods. And, of course, that's the incurables program.