Herbs are food
Hi MH,
I decided to start an orange juice fast today and also decided to drink the orange juice only when hungry. After working all morning, I had 1 TBSP each of Adult Dewormer, All-N-One part B, and Plant Fats, along with 2 LBB and 8 oz of orange juice.
What I can't get over is that I went from feeling hungry and tired to feeling satisfied. Then I did more housework and now it's hours later and I'm still not hungry.
My conclusion? I eat out of habit, always trying to get something out of food that will give me energy and make me feel good. The problem is ... "food" makes me feel worse, makes me tired, givies me stomach aches, and uses up my time preparing it.
So my testimony for you MH, is that your herbs are food. It seems to me that your herbs improve my circulation, which takes away hunger and energizes me, especially during a fast.
I am forever grateful for finding this forum.
My best to you and family,