Re: How long does it take for your metabolism to go back to normal after a moderate length water fast (seven to fourteen days)?
Can you afford not to spend money on fruits and vegetables?
After all, your health is your most precious asset and the consequences of losing it can be dire.
Eating until your full or the resumption of a normal eating pattern depends on the length of the fast, so any refeeding days should equate with an equal number of fasting days.
Only four days to resume normal eating patterns after a fast, can have dire consequences, depending on its length.
Apart from eating a high-water-content-diet, probably the best way to maintain weightloss is via "food combining" which prevents the fermentation and putrefaction of foods within the digestive tract, and one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight.
Read lessons 22 and 23...................
This is also known as "The Hay Diet" where you can virtually eat with impunity and achieve an ideal weight for your height/bone-structure, and whether this means losing or gaining weight for your body.