Re: How long does it take for your metabolism to go back to normal after a moderate length water fast (seven to fourteen days)?
Calories are secondary in nutrition, but the mainstay of weightwatchers clubs and many nutritionists: if you gain weight you are consuming too many calories, whereas if you lose weight, you are eating too few calories. This is dependent on how many calories are needed and burnt as fuel, so we wouldn't expect a sedentary worker, who receives no exercise, to need the same number of calories needed by a farmhand. That's it.
Nutrition is about feeding the body what it actually needs at the cellular level, or eating nutrient-dense foods.
Health = Nutrients / Calories (H=N/C)
Maintaining weightloss post fast is about eating foods we are designed to eat by Nature: high water content foods that just happen to be low calorie; after all our bodys are composed of approx' 70% water anyway.
If the body is satisfied nutritionally at the cellular level, then we do not overeat and gain weight as you would on the SAD (Standard American Diet)
Much depends on what you mean by "eating normally"!!