A simply amazing skin cream product for wrinkles and uneven skin
Folks, I have to tell you about a simply amazing skin cream product called Nerium AD. It produces wonderful results on wrinkles and uneven skin - by far the best I have ever seen. Luella and I have been using it and I even did a comparison with Strivectin SD. Strivectin worked well, but Nerium AD worked noticeably better and the product has safer ingredients - as vouched for by a couple of naturopathic folks on our Yahoo oleandersoup forum.
Click on the image above to see the incredible before and after
photos for the new oleander-based skin cream breakthrough.
Normally, I would not touch a product which has any kind of MLM type marketing - and I have had lots of offers to market/join MLM products and programs, but in this one case I have made an exception. You see, I know from my personal research how effective oleander extract (the key ingredient in Nerium AD) can be for skin problems and I also know the company which designed it (Nerium Biotech - a spinoff of Phoenix Biotech, who made the patented oleander medicine Anvirzel prior to the spinoff).
They have the studies to back them up, and more importantly they have the results. As amazing as those before and after photos may seem, both Luella and I can tell you that they are the real deal and not touched up or photo shopped.
Yep, this is an advertisement. But ask yourself this - how many times have you seen us advertise any products here in this forum? I am advertising this one because we tried it ourselves and it IS that good!
BTW, if any of you do-it-yourself types would like to play around a bit with making your own version, you can start off with the instructions found in these two articles:
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
And stay tuned for some more exciting news about oleander skin products: the maker of the Sutherlandia OPC oleander-based line of supplements have a new intensive oleander skin cream product that is due to come available any day now for use against serious skin problems such as skin cancer, pre-cancerious lesions, warts, moles and more.