Click on the image above to see the incredible before and after
photos for the new oleander-based skin cream breakthrough.
Yep, this is an advertisement. But ask yourself this - how many times have you seen us advertise any products here in this forum? I am advertising this one because we tried it ourselves and it IS that good!
BTW, if any of you do-it-yourself types would like to play around a bit with making your own version, you can start off with the instructions found in these two articles:
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 1
The Recipe for Oleander Soup Part 2 - Tips and Advice
And stay tuned for some more exciting news about oleander skin products: the maker of the Sutherlandia OPC oleander-based line of supplements have a new intensive oleander skin cream product that is due to come available any day now for use against serious skin problems such as skin cancer, pre-cancerious lesions, warts, moles and more.
Actually, it is for real. In a month's time, or a little bit over a month, we have had amazing results. For example, I avoid department store mirrors. The lighting is horrible and it shows every flaw. Occasionally, by accident I happen on one of them, and there is my reflection..... My reaction is........ oh ugh. But......... About week ago I ran into one of those dreaded mirrors and my gosh........... I did not say oh ugh. The bags and lines underneath my eyes were............ GONE. So instead, I just looked at myself a while and examined my face. I thought, wow. Thought it would just get worse from here, but I look so much better.
So............ I am no longer afraid of those dreaded mirrors.