13 y
Re: Should I Flush?
Thanks for your response, Somer! I'm jealous! Well, I don't think I can do the
Master-Cleanse right now - I'm too active and my life right now is hectic. I do juice throughout the day, but I get pretty hungry...
Anyway, I don't know where to start. That link from the other poster was a little overwhelming. I've always done Hulda's flush, but I do remember getting super nauseous once and dry-heaving, and I just don't know if I feel like doing that to myself.
My daughter is going to be away two nights and that's super rare, so I'm in need of rest and wondering if I should just rest and do
coffee enemas and eat clean for a couple days rather than flush. I mean, on my only break who wants to be up half the night with nausea and then "going" all day?
BTW, if I did one on her regular overnight with her dad (meaning, she'd be back in the morning) maybe I could still get away with it? Or not - how do you guys feel the day after? Better to rest and be near the toilet or is it over by morning and you can move on - I forget...
I don't love using Epsom - but I don't know any other way? I know Hulda's flush and Dr. Julia Chang (I'm pretty sure she uses Epsom?)
Is there another way? Coffee enemas? Another way to get out stones?