13 y
Re: Four and a half months post
HI All,
I am also 5 months post removal (first time posting but have read many here). This may not be the correct place to post but I thought I would add my post removal experience.
I had the mirena for nearly 2 years and was fine until my cycle returned after weaning my son. Then things went completely off.....Insomnia, unbearably sore breasts (was cyclic even though I only had 2 periods after weaning), then instead of a period I had the most massive anxiety attack, crazy thoughts all over the place it is so scary. I went to the dr and he said I had been overdoing it (I was very busy with study, dad had cancer, 3 kids, etc etc etc) and sent me to a councillor. I still had a feeling it was something else....I had over done things before and not totally lost the plot. I had also become really bloated, had blood
Sugar issues and visual distortions. I never connected it to the mirena due to the amount of time that had elapsed since getting it, until one night (after a lot of praying etc) I woke up in a cold sweat knowing that I had to have it removed (this thought was completely out of the blue so in the morning I started googling and was amazed to find so may stories the same. I had it removed and have been slowly making a recovery. I am pleased to say in the last month I have felt pretty well back to normal (and believe me I never thought I would be able to say that again).
There have been some things which have helped along the way which I thought I would share. After removal I started a good multivitamin everyday, evening primrose oil, swimming, meditation, then about a month later I started a magnesium supplement, then about a month ago I started to drink turmeric tea first thing every morning (1/2-1 teasp turmeric, shake of cayenne pepper and cinnamon, dash of honey, hot water to dissolve and some milk) not the best tasting but it has really made the difference with regaining that positive happy feeling and getting rid of joint pain. I am not medical expert but I believe it had been used for years to treat inflammation, liver issues and depression.
I believe my problems which remain after the mirena are due to a hormonal imbalance (my 21DPO hormone blood tests showed estradol of 220 and progesterone of 34 which the dr said were in the normal range but I think they only just made it in). I still have long periods which last until I ovulate again and PMS for a couple of days (which I never had prior to the mirena).
Sorry this has been such a long post but I though all the facts would help people decide if my approach is relevant to their situation and hopefully give hope if you are in that dark place prior to or just after removal.