this is worth considering
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:17 PM
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After discussion with AA and others that are still contributing in a positive way to the thread, we as a group have decided that it would be beneficial to start a thread with a GLP member, solely to control to some extent the detractors.
I'm not crazy about baby sitting some of the childish buttheads that interfere with the positive interaction but I weary of their triflings. So I'll take on that responsibility.
Too many come to argue and add no benefit to the thread.
This will stop. Abusive posts will be deleted. Abusive posters will be reported and banned from the thread.
Please do not quote abusive or inappropriate posts.
here is a link to the original thread:
The old thread started getting beat up again about page 266.
Here is how it started with the first post by AA:
Look at this photograph, it's the lasco c2 image. notice the particles:
[link to]
For the first time in 11 years, this NOAA space weather website is not responding:
[link to]
According to what we a re seeing on the lasco c2 image, this data is falsified:
[link to]
The pressure should be much higher!
Normally, the position of the sun would be apparent on this graphic , usually with a low flux reading during a quiet period:
[link to]
Again, I am absolutely positive that solar data and space weather data is being withheld and falsified, and looking at the lasso c2 image it is quite apparent there is an unusual event occurring and an intense outburst of radiation, a very severe x ray flare from a sunspot that is rotating into position to become noneffective within 5-7 days.
This turn of events does not bode well and I am absolutely certain after observing theses data spreads fro 12 years that the information is being falsified
Last Edited by HnryBwmn on 07/23/2012 10:30 PM
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:37 PM
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User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:40 PM
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Sir Henry, you are right.
I have all my files... so... onward!!!!
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:43 PM
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Very good.
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:43 PM
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AA's basics on page 15:
1) The Sun was once classified as a a yellow dwarf, mainly because of it's photosphere temperature and yellowish hue.This classification can be looked up and verified in any old encyclopedia or literature describing the Sun predating 1972. It's photosphere temperature should also be noted as you review these older publication, for future reference.
2) The Sun has been reclassified as a 'variable star', because it's photo-sphere's temperature has risen 800 to 900 degrees
Kelvin in a period of 40 years, and it's color has transformed from yellow into a silvery bright white. The change in color is a direct result of the change in temperature, and the increase of UV radiation output. UV radiation is invisible to the human eye but changes the color of light emitting objects when present.
3) The change in the photo-sphere's temperature is responsible for global warming, and this fact is known but being intentionally concertinaed to prevent panic.
4) The increase in photosphere temperature is a result of an influx of fuel in the form of a plasma field the solar system has recently entered in the last 40 years, a concentration of ionized matter that is concentrated on the milky way's galactic plane.
5) The Solar system IS NOT part of the Milky way, and is moving vertically through and into the galactic plane. As the Earth enters the galactic pane, energy from the Sun will increase, as will solar radiation storms.
6) The presence of this dense ionized matter in the galactic plane known as plasma will increase the conductivity of electromagnetic and charged particle energy from the Sun to the Earth.
7) the average Temperature of the Earth will peak as we pass through the galactic plane, for two reasons, the Sun will receive an influx of fuel in the form of hydrogen ions, and the transmission of energy from the Sun to the Earth will become more efficient in the plasma rich environment.
8) It is probable that electromagnetic and particle discharges will 'arc' directly from the Sun to the Earths ferrous core as we near the galactic plane in December. These events could cause firestorms, the loss of large amounts of our atmosphere, and total destruction of large geographic areas.
9) On December 21, 2012, the Earth will be crossing the galactic plane, will be at it's closest approach to the Sun, the solar maximum will be at or very near its peak, and the Sun, Earth and the galactic center will align perfectly, in three dimensions (an actual straight line) Jupiter will be behind the Earth as seen from the Sun. A strange coincidence is that this will also occur on the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
10) On this day, the Mayan long count calendar ends and the great cleansing will occur. it is very likely that massive solar radiation storms will cause direct arcs of energy between the Sun and Earth as described above, only in a more energetic form . It is likely the surface of the planet will be made uninhabitable by extreme heat, loss of atmosphere, energy discharges like lightening but only billions of times as powerful, and a destruction of all plant life.
11) Modern mainstream astrophysics never predicted the possibility of the transformation of a yellow dwarf star into a white dwarf star, and yet this is exactly what has happened to our Sun.
Modern mainstream
Science is now aware of what is happening and why , but has been ordered to keep quiet about it. people who have attempted to break this order have been killed. The reason for this is that revealing the truth would prevent the privileged few chosen to occupy self contained underground bunkers built at our expense from escaping the wrath of the resulting anarchy.
All of what I have written above is true and there is approximately a 99.95% chance it will be as bad or worst that what I have described. It is unlikely the underground bunkers will save their occupants due to extreme heating of the interior of the Earth and geological instability of a degree previously though to be unthinkable. Continents will sink and rise, and the crust of the Earth will move on the liquified mantle..
There are records in the Paleontological record of this happening at least once before, and probably repeatedly.
AA from his 2011 thread:
Thread: Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths
I wish to offer my friends here the following advice concerning current space weather conditions:
1) avoid travel in automobiles during the daylight hours, worst time being mid day.
2) avoid outdoor activity entirely if at all possible and use the mass between you and the Sun basic plan of protection.
3) Realize that and data or information originating from official sources may be intentionally skewed to avoid panic or defensive measures. This included weather forecasting and UV readings. Remember, the overall plan is depopulation as quickly as possible and for as many of as is possible to be too sick to resist when things get really hot.
4) DO NOT expect condition to normalize. They will not. Things will get gradually worst and the effects of relatively minor events amplified by our current location entering denser magnetically charged plasma. Large scale mass death could occur on any given day caused by what appears to be a minor solar event..
5) There is no way to tell without detection equipment to know if you are in a geographical area experiencing magnetosphere failure, but these holes in the magnetosphere have been officially confirmed after many years of my arguing with NASA officials, representatives and propagandists. These 'holes' are extremely dangerous to all live , especially during times of unusual solar activity like now.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 20258182
07/23/2012 10:43 PM
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I understand your motives Henry, uh-hum, AA?
I really appreciated all that compiling work that Parvati did, some of it allowing me to read AA's stuff for the first time, because honestly I have not read much of the earlier part of the tread itself.
Now, if by chance Parvati has been saving those posts to another medium, like a .doc file, then maybe it would not be tooo difficult to offer it all in one lump sum at the head of this thread somehow?
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:44 PM
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I like the pic at the bottom of page a bit.
Ohomo is Putins' bich, makes sense.
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:45 PM
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My gut tells me her best stuff will materialize on these first few pages........
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:45 PM
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A. Astro-physicist
User ID: 1135845
United States
06/30/2012 06:54 PM
My intention is not to frighten you but to prepare you. You're going to be a hell of a lot less likely to s__t your pants when it hits 130+ and people start dropping dead having been told it going to happen months in advance, greatly increasing your odds of survival.
The solar maximum is coming alive, the baseline x ray flux is highly elevated. I expect temps of 120 somewhere in the US where it has never occur ed before within a week or two.
In many ways we Do in fact live in an alien world, with an artificially created reality induced by 'people' with genetics alien to this planet.
Anonymous Astrophysicist
User ID: 1203458
United States
Thread: Heat wave: 1,000+ records fall in US in a week
The presence of high density of magnetically polarized plasma in the galactic plane which we are now entering is responsible. I predicted this many years ago.
They are doing everything they can to keep me from posting anywhere on the internet. I have to use a different computer in a different location with ISP with dynamic IP's just to post anywhere on the internet. When you don't hear from me any more you will know I have been locked up without a trial or murdered, which based on certain recent events isn't far off.
I appreciate that, I need all the positive energy I can get.
Make no mistake about it this is war on truth and i am labeled the enemy. This situation should be dominating all discussion forums, mass media broadcasts and scientific publications.
They are just going let us die without ever giving us amy warning.
By the way, the prediction of 90 degrees on Christmas day in the northern states was very conservative, and will most likely be worst. By that time it won't matter anyway, because there will be no way to say "I told you so", no do i revel in being able to beat my chest and take credit for predicting that probability.
It means great suffering for billions of people, suffering that is already ongoing. Like the frog in the pot of water being heated on the stove, most won't realize the implications of the changes or even really notice the changes themselves. The majority are in a trance state induced by electronic technology and drugging..
More solar energy coming from the Sun being absorbed by the atmosphere and the oceans means more evaporation and more energy in the weather systems, as well an more extreme contentions. A few places will be colder and wetter than normal, abnormal extremes being the overall pattern.
But the increased volcanic activity is not enough to mitigate the excess of solar energy, obviously. Eventually your 'theory' will prove correct and there will be a radical increase in volcanic activity as well as other geological catastrophes, but nothing can breath volcanic ash at the saturation level that would be necessary to mitigate the excess in radiation, so it's not what causes the "ice ages". We know that animals not only ice ages, survived, they thrived. It is much more likely a change in the location of the physical location of the rotation axis of the Earth that causes ice ages and single minded scientists corn fed pseudoscience by traditional academia (which is by the way an atheistic religion) at university can't think for themselves and see the obvious.
Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths
Before you ask, no, I don't have a link to a scientist or a newspaper that is reporting this, nor am I likely to ever be able to produce such a link.
I don't think we will ever be told what is happening, because to be frank, if people knew the truth a state of lawlessness would most likely be the result.
In a nutshell, what is happening is a change in polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth, brought about by crossing from one side of the galactic plane to the other. Eventually the north pole of the magnetic field will end up in Antarctica , and the south pole in the arctic regions.
The problem does not lie so much in the polarity changing, but in what happens to the magnetic field as the Earth nears and actually penetrates the galactic plane.
This is the reason for the chem trailing phenomenon, it has all but been admitted that it's purpose is Tellers plan to block solar radiation.
What we are observing in the data is a rapid weakening of the field strength and an instability never before observed. The north pole is now moving over 40 miles per year. At this rate the north pole would become the south pole in less than three centuries, but what will actually happen is it will occur much more rapidly, because the closer we get to the galactic plane the quicker the changes will occur.
This is what is going to happen in 2012. The magnetic field will be almost non existent as far as a coherent shield against solar particle radiation, and most if not all of the surface vegetation will die, as will animals unable to hide and find food in the aftermath. this includes the majority of humanity. IMHO all of the weirdness we have been exposed to in recent years is an attempt to distract us from what is happening around us, the real danger, the elephant in all of our living rooms.
This thread will attempt to provide empirical evidence that these deaths and blights are the direct result of a progressively worst failure of the Earths magnetic field.
My true goal here and has been from the beginning to warn specific people with the intelligence to perceive the truth.
I have REPEATEDLY stated that not everyone will die , it's not the end of the world, just the end of the world we now live in and know. the planet WILL recover,as will humanity, there's just going to a a lot fewer of us and a radically different power structure and shape to our social structure...This is WHY the cleansing must occur.
July 4
My last prediction right on track.
By mid july we will have weeded out the naysayers, it's getting impossible to deny without looking foolish.
Solar activity is progressing exactly as expected with nearly continuous c class x ray ratings now the norm. While ultra violet has been intense and well above anything that would be considered normal twenty years ago, it luckily isn't as high as it could be (we peeked out at 13 yesterday while it was unny and 9 today with overcast conditions). I don't know what the proton flux and energy levels are because that data is being censored but the solar wind speed is extremely high and the solar electron flux level as unstable as I have ever seen it.
AA according to NOAA forecasts it looks like they think it is gonna cool at least a bit in most of the heatwave regions by the weekend still hot but mostly 90-95 rather than 105-110. Do you think they'll have to readjust this?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18342848
With the BASELINE AVERAGE x ray flux over m class, YES
July 5
I wish to offer my friends here the following advice concerning current space weather conditions:
1) avoid travel in automobiles during the daylight hours, worst time being mid day.
2) avoid outdoor activity entirely if at all possible and use the mass between you and the Sun basic plan of protection.
3) Realize that and data or information originating from official sources may be intentionally skewed to avoid panic or defensive measures. This included weather forecasting and UV readings. Remember, the overall plan is depopulation as quickly as possible and for as many of as is possible to be too sick to resist when things get really hot.
4) DO NOT expect condition to normalize. They will not. Things will get gradually worst and the effects of relatively minor events amplified by our current location entering denser magnetically charged plasma. Large scale mass death could occur on any given day caused by what appears to be a minor solar event..
5) There is no way to tell without detection equipment to know if you are in a geographical area experiencing magnetosphere failure, but these holes in the magnetosphere have been officially confirmed after many years of my arguing with NASA officials, representatives and propagandists. These 'holes' are extremely dangerous to all live , especially during times of unusual solar activity like now.
Is the constant X-ray flares are also heating up the atmosphere ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1714253
Without a doubt. X ray energy is generally "blocked" by the atmosphere before it reaches ground level, being converted to a large degree to infra red radiation, excessive electrons flux and other particle radiation at surface levels. Remember, one form of radiation can be and is usually converted to other forms. This is a basis of my theory of electromagnetic energy, which has NOT been falsified in 7 years and is most likely correct.
This is why I have issued a personal warning to avoid travel in automobiles and outdoor activity and issued the standard warning to place as much mass between you and your family and the Sun as possible. (now amending to occupying metal structures like trailer homes)
Actually I am present here only when I am resting from my preparations, not engaged in social activities, or not working. I realize you and 74444 have no life outside of your missions but the rest of us here for the most part do. My normal methodology is not to allow any negative comment to stand without an effective retort when i see it, which has been utilized by your group I believe to your own disadvantage, You have bolstered my credibility and making yourselves look like lying fools. I have asked the moderators to ban you from this forum only because you offer absolutely no contribution of substance and nothing but a distraction. I guess as long as you pay, they're gonna let you play.
I am allowed to post because 100.s of scientists and government officials are monitoring every word I type. I figure I am more than paying for my membership here with my contribution and believe I should be given a permanent free membership so i can omit distractions like you from my posts. i will never pay to contribute as a matter of principal, something I doubt you could possible comprehend.
July 5
I alter my activity to avoid the sunlit hours during the summer and unusual solar activity. No sense cooking yourself for nothing. Fishing has been a waste of time during the day with the eater temps nearing 90F . All of the lakes around here are shallow and heat rapidly except for right above the dams, and chinning can be exceptional below the dams where cool water from the bottom is being released. As for a job, they can suck my ass, not working for the machine amy more/
M class flare accompanied by a intense disruption of the geomagnetic field, field strength plunging
Quoting: Anon Astro 1357336
You could feel it this afternoon. I felt a need to water my garden earlier than usual, it looked pretty sad. A few more plants melted today.
Quoting: HnryBwmn
What is frustrating is taking exquisite care of your plants and having them die anyway. If you put uv plastic over them the heat kills them, and no amount of watering helps.
My lawn is almost completely gone with bare hydrophobic soil ( water runs off instead of absorbing into it when you use sprinkler, digging down into the soil reveals a penetration of water to less than 1/4
inch and I have no idea what is causing this but suspect chem trailing chemicals)) , it looks like the yard on 'Malcolm in the Middle"
I have had to forbid the neighbors children from entering my property, having to resort to excuses that they are damaging propriety and tormenting my dog who is a real sweety and loves kids. Ordinarily i would have overlooked their relatively minor indiscretions in the interests of good relations with the neighbors which has been my policy since they were toddlers, , but I am afraid a large limb will fall from a tree and kill or hurt one of them. I was almost struck by a thousand pound limb from an oak while working in the yard and have had a limb penetrate the roof of my house from same tree.
When I do 'mow' the lawn, it is just to chop up the sticks and leaves falling out of the trees, which are all losing leaves and limbs every day on regular basis, and seem highly stressed. It is depressing watching a once beautiful yard turn into what looks like something you would see in desert region. It isn't just my yard, it is everyone's, and the forests are just as bad. If you walk though the forest for five minutes you ill hear huge limbs falling from the trees and it looks like fall except for the sparse green leaves which are mostly damaged that still remain on the trees. Around here they are calling it drought, which it there is, but with all of the participation during the winter months the tree roots should be well watered despite the dryness of the soil to 1 or two feet of depth.
What really baffles me is the people don't seem to be aware the region is turning into a desert and the lakes are drying up and the fish and wildlife dying off and disappearing. ( a weird thing I morticed to day is that Alvera hummingbirds were fighting over a full feeder and none of them were succeeding in getting any nectar because of tier Ariel battles)
All the locals talk about is the regular gossip about each other especially minorities and people that belong to other churches or practice other religions, , while they should be combining resources and knowledge and making plans to survive in what is inevitably coming.
All of my efforts to oraginze such a response have been met with suggestions I join local militia groups who intend in killing anyone who doesn't think exactly the same way they do and have the same color skin when the crisis comes, or threats and rejection from groups who have different religious beliefs or ethnic or racial backgrounds.
It's going to be a massive battle when the power goes out and the shelves go bare, no doubt about it. I have rigged my property with hidden infra read and normal light cameras, hardened doors , high voltage electrified windows that have the capability to completely stun anyone trying to enter, and placed laser alarms that alert me when someone enters my property around the perimeter.
I hate to think I may have to kill someone or be killed myself because basic human nature is greed /me first instead of cooperation.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:46 PM
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Anonymous Astrophysicist
User ID: 1203458
United States
01/29/2012 03:37 AM
Again, I am absolutely positive that solar data and space weather data is being withheld and falsified, and looking at the lasso c2 image it is quite apparent there is an unusual event occurring and an intense outburst of radiation, a very severe x ray flare from a sunspot that is rotating into position to become noneffective within 5-7 days.
This turn of events does not bode well and I am absolutely certain after observing theses data spreads fro 12 years that the information is being falsified.
We can no longer trust any information coming through government sources, they've decided to keep us thinking everything is ok. There is very little space weather data available that doesn't come from government sources, meaning we will have to rely on our on instrumentation and observation. Sunspots can be observed with a simple welding hood and particle events are easy to detect because no birds will be seen except in hard shadows.
I'm telling you, the data doesn't correlate.
And I see now the NOAA site is back up, with the 'X class flare" prominently displayed, yet it does not show at all on the three day data spread.
I think the meeting between the Bushes and Obama is concerning an event that is going to happen in the next week to week and half. There is a severe sunspot on the western limb of the Sun that unleashed a tremendous long duration x ray flare event that has been censored from the data, it will come into veiw in the next few days on the left hand side toward the center or a little above the equator of the Sun.... it was directed at right angles to the earths position yet still created particle interference on the image, meaning the particles were moving at very high velocities.
They know.
Because in my opinion, given the other problems caused by 'them' bleeding the economy dry to construct massive underground bunkers and the gross injustices going on, if people were told the truth every government official or corporate executive would become a target, the poor would go up into the rich neighborhoods and rob rape and burn them out, and total anarchy would be the result.
THATS WHY, and it it IS that bad.
The chances that there will be total failure of basic infrastructure such as electricity , running water and food deliveries in the next 11 months is nearly 100% and in between there will be many disruptions of various degrees and times, coming to a city near you SOON!
The first thing to go will be satellite transmissions such as satellite tv GPS, followed by cellular phones as such.
At one point nearly all modern electronics will fail and or become useless.
Don't procrastinate, find a place UNDER GROUND sheltered from solar radiation to bunker down and increases your chances of survival, dangerous events may be short lived ...and stock up on food and lean water in 55 gallon jugs with a small amount of chlorine added to stabilize it.
And especially dont forget ammunition and guns. When it happens Dont trust anyone, ANYONE! Not even your father in law or preacher. learn how to observe the Sun manually using welling lenses. Large black holes near the center of the Sun are dangerous times!
Also learn to recognize the activity of wildlife as it correlates to solar radiation penetrating to the earths surface. On such days they will be scarcely seen and the oneds you do see will be hiding behind large objects between them and the Sun. If they are moving from place to place as in a squirrel crossing your yard, he will run without pausing until he reaches hard shaded area.
page 2
… what is most disturbing is the particle radiation disrupting the images even though the ejections are not Earth directed. The sunspot that is on the other side of the Sun that caused this, God help us all when it rotates around within a week or so and becomes geo effective.
If this event were geo effective and occurs while the Sunspot is in the center of the Suns disk, it could be the often discussed 'kill shot'. By the way, there have already been solar radiation storms that have killed thousands of people, during the last solar max, once in Europe while the Sun was more or less directly over head and another time in India. Tens of thousands of people in metal roofed buildings presided from secondary radiation i will get into the details if anyone is interested.
The 'crash' is the result of bleeding off trillions of uncounted for dollars from the economy, which in the case of a fiat currency drives the value of the currency and it buying power down, turning the middle class into the one paycheck form the streets class. The 401 K's and corporate investments by employees were already stolen, the realty business did the same thing, bleeding people of large amounts of 'down payment' capital on loans they knew the borrowers would not be able to pay off on and they would foreclose on, and guess what, the bank keeps the house, the down payment and any payments made when they's criminal.
down. The corporations are in 'hold' mode, not hiring or expanding but raking in whatever capital they can as quickly as possible like a vacuum cleaner by selling assets, downsizing staff to maximum efficiency levels, and exporting jobs to third world nations.
I',m telling you it as if they know there is no future and only a matter of time before anarchy reins, and they want to be prepared. they will turn the military including nuclear and biological warfare on us if necessary.
I won't say I blame you, but let me remind you of Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. In this case it will be the intelligent and mentally strong, the best of the genetic pool that survive. I also believe there will be an intervention of the intelligent universe to save the best of humanity, and destroy the ones who caused our current problems..
page 4
The only thing these people have been working hard at lately is producing falsified data that attempts to look like truth related by intelligent scholars.
I predicted the solar minimum would be protracted 7 years ago based on the failure of the last solar maximum to abate during the normal time frame and The 11 year solar sunspot cycle has been delayed, it is that simple. I also predicted that when this solar maximum did peak, it would make the last look mild in compassion, and because the Earths magnetic field and atmosphere were already severely damaged by the last solar maximum and the Earth and solar system is entering a cloud of dense plasma, we could expect unusually.energetic emissions from the Sun. This is not speculation or guessing, it WILL happen.
I am not the media, I am not known for lying or fabricating information or 'end of the world' doom posting, in fact i have said repeatedly that it is not the end of the world, just the world order we live in.
In fact there is not a person alive that can prove single lie I have uttered, and my predictions are based on solid science, even though it contradicts lamestream academia.
There is a very simple formula with ionizing radiation and living things. The more ionizing radiation they are exposed to, the Quebecker they die. Though there are periods of apparent recovery between periods of exposure, the damage is permanent and cumulative. You claim diversity is the result of radiation causing genetic mutations, which is simply untrue. To my knowledge all genetic mutations are detrimental and cause the victim to be less bale to cope with the environment it lives in. The process of evolution is not fully understood but it is unlikely ionizing radiation damaging dna sequences is responsible for positive adaptation.
Nearly everyone involved in NASA public relations knows who I am and a large number of government contractor PR men. Ask Phil Plait ,Jay Wesley or NASA's present public relations director if they've heard of me ( I am not sure of his identity , the last one quit after making a statement that space travel beyond the magnetosphere of the Earth by manned space missions wouldn't be possible for at least another 20 years in the future) NASA's (and academia's) leading astrophysics and astronomy scientists read every word I publish, and have many times directly plagiarized my work and claimed it as their own.
page 5
The point is that not all x and gamma rays or cosmic rays for that matter are absorbed by the atmosphere and recent changes in the atmosphere have reduced this attenuation.ALL wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation from the Sun penetrate to the surface , and during severe x ray events the flux can be dangerously high. In some cases it can cause mass death scenarios in geographic location while the sun is directly overhead and penetrating less of the atmosphere, two of which I have logged correlating with two specific events. I also have and extensive archive of reports of radiation induced sicknesses occurring during sever x ray and particle storms.
page 6
Yes, it is true, is simply the fact that the flux levels of viable light are usually much higher because the photosphere is the surface of the Sun and it produces more "photons' of viable light that x rays. If you doubt infrared makes it to the surface of the Earth at high values, explain why the radiant heat of the Sun heats things up. I am arguing with an idiot. Take a look at the UV radiation levels where the Sun is nearly overhead. The same effect occurs with x radiation! And it's infrared , nor infrared.
Aircraft flying at 30,000 feet frequently are exposed to high flux levels of x radiation when in the higher latitudes and at times at low latitudes. X radiation makes it to the surface during a geo effective solar x ray flare when the Sun is close to being directly overhead, I have measured it with my own instruments,
x-ray, UV, and infrared are heavily attenuated.
UV and Infrared are NOT heavily attenuated. AT one time UV was, when there was an ozone layer, but now the ozone layer is so depleted UV radiation is dangerous. There are warnings about this all the time, even in mass media! Infrared is barely attenuated at all by the atmosphere when the Sun is nearly overhead.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:49 PM
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"Hence a Co-ordinated [sic] Research Project on In
vitro[sic] Techniques for Selection of Radiation Induced Mutations Adapted to Adverse
Environmental Conditions was initiated and focused primarily on the improvement of
vegetatively[sic propagated plants.
i already know about this Monsanto is funding much of the research and development and many of the genetically mutated vegetables are already in the market, but what you should be asking yourself is why are they trying to produce plants that are adapted to adverse environmental conditions using radiation? Could it be the problem is radiation?
Basically the biological aspect of it is downhill on a bobsled.
Things are being done to make it appear as if everything is normal, but most of us over 35 0r 40 know things have radically changed and it is getting rapidly worst.
My prediction on another post was for massive failure of infrastructure our civilization depends on by years end, including electricity and anything that uses integrated circuit technology that is not specifically hardened to resist radiation damage. Massive crop failure this summer are a forgone conclusion.
While it is true that the government is not the only ones studying the Sun (me for instance), we all rely on the government for the data to analytically determine what is happening in the space weather environment. I can measure certain things , and all of the indications that i can measure indicate that the data is being understated , intentionally falsely explained and falsified.
. I can't afford to launch a solar observation satellite, but I can see frogs mating in January that normally mate in March, and trees that don't know it's winter, and I can see people being sunburned on overcast days, I can see stories of Ananias with legions on tier skin where it is horrifically exposed to Sunlight and I can actually look at the Sun and see it isn't the same as it was when i was ten. I can see endless s reports of radical environment changes, and many more indicators that do not co relate with the data being presented.
I showed him why there are data transmission errors and why sometimes there is no data from an aging satellite, which remains working most of the time despite being way past it's expected and predicted lifetime which is a miracle in itself.
Quoting: Plasmare
. You made plausible excuses, admitting data is being withheld for whatever reason.
I showed him plenty of other sources of solar data which he conveniently ignored and never addressed.
Quoting: Plasmare
ALL sources of space weather data available on the internet are filtered through government efficiencies or government funded academic endeavors.
I showed him how real time data is highly prone to transmission errors and errors from solar particles from solar storms, he ignored this in order to perpetuate his insane belief that there is a
Conspiracy going on to censor solar data. He doesn't understand that the NICT magnetosphere SIMULATOR is just that, a simulation on a super computer based on some data.
Quoting: Plasmare
I never mentioned the NICT simulator or ACE data.
Quite the assumption on your part, I'm wondering where you came up with it from what i wrote. Oh, that's right, you pulled it out of your ass.
It simulates using MODELS, it doesn't actually accurately reflect what is really going on, it even says that in their disclaimer on their website.
Quoting: Plasmare
And how does that relate with anything I have posted?
I understand you're a very disturbed individual and you're trying to role play an astrophysicist but I have to say, you're failing badly.
Quoting: Plasmare
ad homineim criticism without any actual basis.
You're not astrophysicist, you don't have the knowledge or intelligence to be anything like one.
Quoting: Plasmare
Yu mean I don't have the intelligence of Phil plait, who cannot explain hydrogen fusion.
It would greatly help your role play if you actually knew and understood the things you try to discuss instead of rebleating the same shit over and over with no real evidence or data to back anything up. It's clear to someone who actually knows and understands what you're posting about, that you know nothing about which you post.
Quoting: Plasmare
because I have a totally different understanding od physics ans
Science in general than you do, and a radically different perspective than you do does not mean i am wrong and you are right, From my perspective it is easy to perceive you are my intellectual inferior by a very wide margin.
You can't even think for yourself much less begin to comprehend what you're on about.
Quoting: Plasmare
You're just repeating the same old sensationalist articles based upon a hypothetical scenario. The sun is plasma, coronal mass ejections are plasma and therefore as long as we have our magnetic field and magnetosphere, the plasma will never be able to reach ground level. And there is only ONE known way for a magnetic reversal to occur that can allow an ejection of hot plasma into our atmosphere and ground level.
Quoting: Plasmare
That is one of the least intelligent summations on solar physics and space weather I have ever seen, and I have seen some real idiots working from Alice springs.
page 7
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. There are numerous sources of ionizing radiation even if we leave out the Sun. There are radioactive elements in the Earths crust, there is radon, there are CONTINUOUS leakages of particle radiation from the Sun reaching the earths surface. (Take a ginger counter and point the f***ing probe slots towards the Sun and see what you get!
Those particles are called cosmic rays dumbass. LOL. I'll give you that radon and other radioactive elements do produce ionizing radiation but they only affect a small portion of any animal population and therefore aren't as big of a factor as cosmic rays which shower constantly on us and have a wide ranging flux depending on conditions in space. I'm referring to the past conditions not currently. Since the animals of the world didn't mine any radioactive materials the only way for them to be affected was if the elements ended up near the surface. There's cosmic rays from interstellar space and from the sun.
There's too many sources of radiation these days to know the real doses we get compared to the past.
There are NO comic rays from the Sun. By definition , cosmic rays originate outside the solar system. Naturally concurring radioactive elements for many years accounted for the vast majority of radiation exposure in living things. Cosmic ray flux is VERY VERY low, although it has an extremely high energy level.
There are NO comic rays from the Sun. By definition , cosmic rays originate outside the solar system. Naturally concurring radioactive elements for many years accounted for the vast majority of radiation exposure in living things. Cosmic ray flux is VERY VERY low, although it has an extremely high energy level.
Nothing to do with ego, this guy is flat our lying and creating an atmosphere of distrust and misinformation.
Nothing I have stated here in this thread is untrue. Every single word is accurate and conscientious.
He can be detained and locked up for breaking certain laws. He's clearly advocating that you don't trust anyone within your government or their influence, such as scientists and educational facilities.
Quoting: Plasmare
Yes, that is exactly what I am saying, and the vast majority of the people in this country are waking up to the truth that the government not only lies to the people, but considers them the enemy. This is obvious when you look at some of the legislation passed since 911, and the way government officials interact with the public. As far as being locked up and detained, according to the laws I've seen that applies to anyone who dares to tell the truth.
What set you off is when identified you as NSA working out of Alice springs. People are not generally threatened with being locked up for making up BS on the internet, in fact there is a huge amount of just that on this website. The false stories are never given this sort of attention, threatening the poster.
Evidence that i am right about last night is the failure of the cellular phone network and the re routing of aircraft during the inconsistencies and blackouts of data. You are threatening me because I am alerting the people that the data and information they are revenging from the media, the government and government funded academia originating from nay government source is false and misleading. Everything is not alright, and it is obvious at this point
You want to believe astroBSter, go ahead, that is your choice, but at least you're now aware that he's been wrong about almost everything he's stated.
Quoting: Plasmare
You haven't proved me wrong about anything, all you've really done is expose your agenda clearly. If you were just a normal person who didn't believe me, you'd move on to another thread. It's obvious what and who you are and what your purpose is
And you eat it up believing every word. You want to believe lies, go ahead, at least you know he's lying. I never stated that something isn't happening with the sun, only that he's been lying to you all about virtually everything. Why is he trying to hard to make you believe lies?
Quoting: Plasmare
I may have been technically incorrect about a minor detail (some sources claim cosmic rays are produced by the Sun while others don't) , but I am not lying to anyone about anything.
The magnetosphere is unstable and weakening and has been discovered to have numerous voids in it, the magnetic poles is shifting radically and at tines there are multiple magnetic poles .
Living things are being effected all over the world with symptoms that indicate solar radiation exposure including people, and entire biospheres are being effected and in some cases completely transformed.
There has been no winter and last summer was the hottest on record,the polar ice caps are melting , geological activity is the highest ever in recorded history, and methane gas is literally spewing from the ocean over large geographic areas.
Every planet in the solar system is getting hotter and brighter, the Sun is unbearable to even look in it's direction, and all of the native peoples are noting and publishing the changes in their tribal journals.
In order to go outside during a sunlit day, one needs to use increasingly protective sunscreens and warnings about this are being published even in mass Media outlets... To get on here and claim I am an alarmist and threaten me with incarceration betrays your real purpose. You can jail me, you can even kill me, but it will do you no good, it will only release my spirit and make me 1000 times the adversary to you that I am now.
If i were claiming the changes were related to human activity, I'd be left alone, but I'm not, I'm claiming the solar system is entering a dense cloud of plasma that is concentrated in the galactic plane and the solar maximum will peak while the Earth is closets to the Sun and crossing the galactic plane, while at the same time the Earth, the galactic center and the sun will all line up perfectly in three dimensions on a very specific time frame, giving the exact date that a catastrophic event will happen with a confidence of 100% .
The person threatening and heckling me knows the same thing I do, his job is to try to stifle any warnings to make sure order is maintained long enough for preparations to be completed. He has the idea he and his family have a position in the bunkers, but if he did he wouldn't be exposed on the internet at all.
More than likely they will just get rid of him. no one including God can stand a lying traitor
A. Astro-physicist
User ID: 1135845
United States
06/30/2012 06:54 PM
My intention is not to frighten you but to prepare you. You're going to eb a hell of alot less likely to shit your pants when it hits 130+ and people start dropping dead having been told it going to happen months in advance, greatly increasing your odds of survival.
The solar maximum is coming alive, the baseline x ray flux is highly elevated. I expect temps of 120 somewhere in the US where it has never occur ed before within a week or two.
In many ways we Do in fact live in an alien world, with an artificially created reality induced by 'people' with genetics alien to this planet.
Anonymous Astrophysicist
User ID: 1203458
United States
01/29/2012 03:37 AM
Anonymous Astrophysicisit
User ID: 1204596
United States
06/28/2012 01:48 AM
06/30/2012 02:24 AM
Thread: Heat wave: 1,000+ records fall in US in a week
The presence of high density of magnetically polarized plasma in the galactic plane which we are now entering is responsible. I predicted this many years ago.
They are doing everything they can to keep me from posting anywhere on the internet. I have to use a different computer in a different location with ISP with dynamic IP's just to post anywhere on the internet. When you don't hear from me any more you will know I have been locked up without a trial or murdered, which based on certain recent events isn't far off.
I appreciate that, I need all the positive energy I can get.
Make no mistake about it this is war on truth and i am labeled the enemy. This situation should be dominating all discussion forums, mass media broadcasts and scientific publications.
They are just going let us die without ever giving us amy warning.
By the way, the prediction of 90 degrees on Christmas day in the northern states was very conservative, and will most likely be worst. By that time it won't matter anyway, because there will be no way to say "I told you so", no do i revel in being able to beat my chest and take credit for predicting that probability.
It means great suffering for billions of people, suffering that is already ongoing. Like the frog in the pot of water being heated on the stove, most won't realize the implications of the changes or even really notice the changes themselves. The majority are in a trance state induced by electronic technology and drugging..
More solar energy coming from the Sun being absorbed by the atmosphere and the oceans means more evaporation and more energy in the weather systems, as well an more extreme contentions. A few places will be colder and wetter than normal, abnormal extremes being the overall pattern.
But the increased volcanic activity is not enough to mitigate the excess of solar energy, obviously. Eventually your 'theory' will prove correct and there will be a radical increase in volcanic activity as well as other geological catastrophes, but nothing can breath volcanic ash at the saturation level that would be necessary to mitigate the excess in radiation, so it's not what causes the "ice ages". We know that animals not only ice ages, survived, they thrived. It is much more likely a change in the location of the physical location of the rotation axis of the Earth that causes ice ages and single minded scientists corn fed pseudoscience by traditional academia (which is by the way an atheistic religion) at university can't think for themselves and see the obvious.
page 1
Anonymous Astrophysicist
User ID: 1234484
United States
01/19/2011 09:39 AM
Thread: Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths
Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths
Before you ask, no, I don't have a link to a scientist or a newspaper that is reporting this, nor am I likely to ever be able to produce such a link.
I don't think we will ever be told what is happening, because to be frank, if people knew the truth a state of lawlessness would most likely be the result.
In a nutshell, what is happening is a change in polarity of the magnetic field of the Earth, brought about by crossing from one side of the galactic plane to the other. Eventually the north pole of the magnetic field will end up in Antarctica , and the south pole in the arctic regions.
The problem does not lie so much in the polarity changing, but in what happens to the magnetic field as the Earth nears and actually penetrates the galactic plane.
This is the reason for the chem trailing phenomenon, it has all but been admitted that it's purpose is Tellers plan to block solar radiation.
What we are observing in the data is a rapid weakening of the field strength and an instability never before observed. The north pole is now moving over 40 miles per year. At this rate the north pole would become the south pole in less than three centuries, but what will actually happen is it will occur much more rapidly, because the closer we get to the galactic plane the quicker the changes will occur.
This is what is going to happen in 2012. The magnetic field will be almost non existent as far as a coherent shield against solar particle radiation, and most if not all of the surface vegetation will die, as will animals unable to hide and find food in the aftermath. this includes the majority of humanity. IMHO all of the weirdness we have been exposed to in recent years is an attempt to distract us from what is happening around us, the real danger, the elephant in all of our living rooms.
This thread will attempt to provide empirical evidence that these deaths and blights are the direct result of a progressively worst failure of the Earths magnetic field.
My true goal here and has been from the beginning to warn specific people with the intelligence to perceive the truth.
I have REPEATEDLY stated that not everyone will die , it's not the end of the world, just the end of the world we now live in and know. the planet WILL recover,as will humanity, there's just going to a a lot fewer of us and a radically different power structure and shape to our social structure...This is WHY the cleansing must occur.
Incidentally, the baseline average x ray flux level exceeds the c class flare level and is rapidly approaching a continuous m class condition.
This does not bode well and we can expect even more radical weather extremes than I originally predicted if this condition continues.
X rays are highly energetic and produce heat energy as they enter the atmosphere and strike atoms.
The ionosphere consists of charged particles captured by the Earths magnetic field.
It is simply the lower part of the magnetosphere .
Interactions between x rays and sparse atmosphere at that altitude do indeed produce electrons as result, but x rays cannot be measured as electrons in the EMR state.
You have two things going for you, low sun angle and high percentage of overcast days. As I have heatedly pointed out to you you cannot go by a few local conditions , you have to go by global trends.
BTW, our trees are dropping their leaves to such a degree right now that it resembles fall and almost daily raking to keep the areas near the doors is necessary. leaves are more than half gone on many species, oaks are worst. We do not mow the law with the lawn tractor, we chop the leaves. I have had to weed eat only twice this year and then it was only a few hardy weeds. There are also a large amount of dead branches falling from trees, which look threadbare.
Russia and Asia are experiencing heat waves as is most of India. South America is above average by 20 degrees. We have one fellow who lives in the mountains of Mexico insisting conditions are normal where he is, it's the same deal as you. Almost all inland areas are well above normal, whether it is winter or summer in the location.
I WILL NOT be wrong in any of my prediction made on this thread, unless it is by underestimation, which could be considerable. I am trying to be a conservative as possible in my predictions, because if I am off by one degree I will touted as wrong by a bevy of detractors..
You don't have to worry about that, the electrical grid and most probably the internet will be down by then.
You have made your position clear and believe it or not I understand and empathize with you. I wish I had something positive I could tell you other than this physical life is only a small fraction of what represents your total reality and the end of it is the beginning of something else much better for a person like you who seems to be a good soul.
The conditions in Ireland and England were a predicted result of overall global warming of the planet. You are actually at a very high latitude that without the gulf stream would be much like southern Greenland. Ireland is normally warmed by the flow of the Gulf stream. which is being pushed south by freshwater melt from the arctic region and glacial runoff. This is no surprise and a result of a weather extreme caused by , ironically , the increase in energy reaching Earth melting freshwater which has been frozen for thousands of years.
Quoting: Anon Astro 1147880
What about the odd speed/action of the GS over the past months as a result of the BP NIGHTMARE in the gulf?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 18435996
I know this is going to create a barrage of insults and attacks, but I'm going to say it anyway. Although the BP accident didn't do the gulf or the ocean in general any good, it has resolutely nothing to do with the changes in the Gulf stream.
As I have repeatedly stated on this subject, more oil leaks into the gulf every hour by natural process that was released by the entire BP incident. Anyone in the oil business or who lives on the gulf coast and fishes or is involved in the industries involved will tell you the effect was almost a non issue.
The worst damage was done by the use of corexit to try to mask the oil release , which was a political and economic move done by the corporations involved and certainly not done to protect or help the environment. AND BY IGNORANT PEOPLE WHO DESTROYED THE GULF TOURISM INDUSTRY WITH FALSE INFORMATION .
BTW, The Gulf would have been much better off to allow the oil to float to the top and decompose by natural process than to be dispersed by detergent agents.
Summer just began on the 22nd of June(10 day ago) . I don't know a lot about the weather patterns in India but I do know that.
I COULD BE WRONG BUT THERE IS SUPPOSEDLY ONE VOLCANO IN THE CANARY AREA THAT could result in a 500 ft tidal wave and it is primed to split apart. Imagine the destruction.
July 3, 2012
I am wondering why I am banned sometime when I try to open godlike and not other times.
I know the deal, you know that, I am trying to reach a few people in the hopes they might see the logic in my reasoning that the most intelligent and compassionate should be preserved.
Imagine a outre with nothing but a bunch of vicious, heartless and consciousness 'people' who have nothing left to exploit but themselves and some automaton humans they created? Is that the future you want? Join with me, sometimes in the past history former enemies have banded together against an even worst common enemy. I know you well and know you are intelligent enough to understand what I am saying.
We are in fact going to see a radical natural upheaval and ELE in the next 6 months, I am absolutely certain.
AA July 3
Man use your head, they are doing it for one thing and one thing only QUICK PROFIT.
Fracking is one of the most destructive and irresponsible techniques ever devised, it contaminates aquifers.
it's as if they knwo there is no reason not to produce as much wealth as quickly as possible because they are using this wealth to build their own tombs.
Funny you should mention Boone Pickens (may the feces of thousand mexicans be upon him), the guy who is trying to corner the potable water market. By fracking out and destroying aquifers, this could be a possible angle.
I have repeatedly said, I am here trying to reach a very limited audience, people who have power , intelligence and some control over our future, and my goal is that they recognize the quality genetics that would make our human destiny a desirable situation are not contained in the dna of people like you. The admins allow me to post here because deep down inside they respect my courage and my honesty, though they may not like me personally.
I should clarify my statement, that I realized their existence in 2003. Ironically, I got the data (detection) from .gov sources to make the determination that they existed. At the time I was openly ridiculed by NASA propagandists, who stay away from my threads now for the most part because they get their asses handed to them every time as new discoveries are gradually made and turn out to be sn ides I theorized many years before it became mainstream knowledge.. They listen, ask the admins who are reading and not commenting on this thread.
There is nothing wrong with having a swaggering ego as long as you have goods (and the balls) to go with it, and to put your reputation on the line with radical new ideas, any one of which could be used to completely destroy any credibility you might have spent years gaining if it turns out to be wrong..
LOL, I know where you can get all the solar panels you need, but I'll let you use your own imagination to figure it out. Let's put it this way, we paid for them and they are so plentiful that one night with and electric wrench could yield several dozen kilowatts.. I am not commending anyone do anything illegal, but if 90 percent of the people are rotting and the government has collapsed, it might as well be you that gets them before someone else does.
Thread: Brutal heat wave: 2,000 temperature records have been matched or broken in the past week
My last prediction right on track.
By mid july we will have weeded out the naysayers, it's getting impossible to deny without looking foolish.
Solar activty is progressing exactly as expected with nearly continuous c class x ray ratings now the norm. While ultra violet has been intense and well above anything that would be considered normal twenty years ago, it luckily isn't as high as it could be (we peeked out at 13 yesterday while it was unny and 9 today with overcast conditions).
I don't know what the proton flux and energy levels are because that data is being censored but the solar wind speed is extremely high and the solar electron flux level as unstable as I have ever seen it.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:51 PM
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Anonymous astropysicist
User ID: 1375857
United States
02/01/2012 17:37
page 11
Ultra violet radiation is called ultra violet because it is right above visible violet in the visible light spectrum. The radical increase in ultra violet radiation on this planet IS NOT the singular result of a loss of ozone, the output of UV radiation from the Sun has increased radically, as has the photosphere temperature. The combination of the increase in temperature of the photosphere and the increase in ultra violet output is what is responsible for the change in the appearance of the Sun. Many of us over 35 or so remember the Sun as a warm yellow , and it felt like a comfortable warmth on our skin. I don't think anyone would character it this way now.
Many thousands of people have posted their observation of a brighter Sun on the internet on forums varying from gardening to astrophysics, what was once a yellowish white is now a silvery white that one cannot bear to look at for even an instant. All of this is personally observable evidence of the change, we wouldn't need government satellites at all to notice and observe the changes , and yet they are being denied. What really pisses me off is how they tried to get us to pay for their bunkers with a carbon tax by blaming global warming on human activity. Global warming is caused by a combined increase in radiation of a variety of wavelengths and forms reaching the planets surface. Most of us who are 50 an older remember playing in the sun all summer long , all day long, with the only consequence a healthy looking tan.
If a child were try to play in the Texas sun all day long now, he would die, in fact many athletes in training for football have been dropping dead in Texas because the older coaches refuse to recognize the changes and later their programs.
I have told people who have called BS on me to take their shirt off and go stand in the sun in shorts at noon on a mild day in June or July and then come back and report with me, if they still can.
It's weird how none of them take the challenge, they just call me a nut, and everyone is avoiding the Sun , but they are all in denial about it. It is a combination of cognitive dissonance and an inability to absorb and except the catastrophic consequences that are inevitable.
With nature The creator devised a system of natural selection of the fittest for the environment, where the strongest and most well adapted as well as intelligent would be the most likely to reproduce. All through the animal world we see examples of battling for the right to mate, with the strongest having exclusive rights. But this was meant for the animal kingdom....To produce creatures that could survive in the environment available to them. Humans have the ability to adapt to tier environment through technology, making them much different, with difference priorities on who should lead.
There is a big difference in what the creator intended for homo sapiens than the grey wolf.
But you make a good point and what you have described is what has happened because of the intervention of outside forces that altered the genetics of the peaceful neanderthal to produce the violent homo sapiens for selfish reasons, and the world is a horrible unbearable place controlled by the worst of men because of it.
This is why the cleansing is necessary, and why in the next reality the best of men will rule with a conscious instead of a rifle
[Here's why I like AA!]
Peace to you as well. may the creator recognize the purity of your heart and the truth in your spirit
As for pine gap, let us say no more. I was called to Uluru last year and flew over Pine Gap. An energetic blight embedded close to a planetary chakra, like a poisonous tick. Who can say why the people there go in the first place? I suspect once they do go, there is no turning back and what an awful realisation that would be.
They go there primarily because their illegal activities are pretty much immune to the American justice system, especially civil litigation and criminal acts. Australia WILL NOT extradite them no matter what they do.
OP, questions for you if you don't mind.
I believe you said in a previous thread that you have only been studying astrophysics for 12 years.
What i actually said is that i have been studying astrophysics intensively for 12 years, since I obtained internet capabilities. i have studied astrophysics since i was 8 years old.
What was your field of expertise prior to the past 12 years? Related field? Similar line of work/research?
I was /am and engineer specializing in leading edge welding processes. As for the second question,
None really, unless you consider a
Science major a step in the right direction. I revived a NYS regents scholarship and was accepted at many well known highly accredited universities, including MIT, Texas A&M and Harvard. My IQ results are @160 and I am in the 99th percentile of human intelligence. I also placed in the top tenth of the 99th percentile on two separate SAT examinations and scored a perfect score on the armed services vocational aptitude battery test, and was offered officers candidate school. I turned down an officers career in the Navy and they were unable to honor my contract due to their unwillingness to allow me to serve my three year stint as per my contract as a fire control technician due to a previously undetected hearing deficiency in the human vocal range. i received an honorable discharge as a result. HONORABLE, period. I attended three years of formal University education at SUNY on a full scholarship and quit in my third year, disillusioned by the fact that I was being taught conflicting information in different courses and our right nonsense in others.
As for astrophysics, I became interested in the subject as a hobby at a very young age essentially, I could explain nuclear fusion and the principal of operation of the atomic bomb at age ten, and I learned it through interpolation of sketchy information..
I was interested in astrophysics essentially because i was constantly wondering about the nature of the universe and my own existence and how it interrelated with it. When I started to notice dramatic changes in the environment and in the Sun, my study became intensive and I consumed far more time in study that the average post grad with a PhD.
Let me remind you that an informal education can in many cases be far superior to a standard academic education and most of the men in this world who have become science legends (or who have made any kind or radical advancement at all in any field) were self educated. Odd that, right.
I am uninterested in traditional academic research, which is known for limiting new ideas due to special interests funding their research, you say things are the way we want them to be, or the buck stops here so to speak. Take global warming for instance, as a specific example. We all know the truth is they fabricated data and deny the true cause.
Additionally, you said that other figures in the field take notice of your work. How do you get your work out to the field for others to see? In my head, I would just picture some of the more notable or esteemed individuals in the field, balking at somebody's work who's only been invested or active in the field, for a period of 12 years. That's not to attack the validity of your information, but from a sociological standpoint, I could see individuals balking at your work, based on your history (or lack thereof) in the field.
They DO pretend to balk, and then I see an article with someone else s name on it saying exactly the same thing I did a few months earlier. I am not so interested in getting the credit (it will make little difference anyway, and I am not materialistic) as I am in us all learning to see things the way they really are. Sometimes the easiest way to do that is to post your information to a science forum and let some name steal it.
I am certainly not questioning your character or trying to expose you (because I honestly have no idea who you are), but it's challenging for some of us observers of your posts to judge the perceived credibility & validity of your research, without having at least some familiarity with the credibility of your character. I have only been viewing this site for less than a year, so I would not have been exposed to previous threads or predictions. On the surface level, it certainly appears you have exposed yourself to a wide range of different subject matters as it pertains to the discussion at hand. What you are suggesting certainly sounds plausible/possible in my mind, I just cannot gauge the accuracy/validity.
I understand that, and that is why it is important for you to use your own powers of perception, intuition, and research to find out.
We are headed for a radical multifaceted natural catastrophe followed by a return to iron age technology for quite a period of time after the event, if there are survivors at all. I think people are tougher than roaches, and roaches are hard to kill, so I suspect many of us will survive. just not hue numbers in the billions, maybe the 100's of millions at most, and those will be left without any of the modern conveniences they've become accustomed to. I don't ask you to take my word for anything, do the research yourself, make the observations. it isn't hard to see something is happening and it is getting worst rapidly.
Show your sources. I will lay 1000 to one odds they originate with a government source or special interest funded study.
Go stand out in the Sun. read the UVa and UVb data and the X radiation/election/proton flux data/ All of that is solar energy, and it isn't remaining steady or decreasing, and only an idiot would believe that. Look at it. How old are you? When i was a child it was a yellow at sunrise and yellowish white at midday, and you could glance at it for a few seconds at midday. It didn't feel like it was cooking you alive either.
Now it is a silvery white ,with a verifiable photosphere temperature increase of around 1000k in the past 40 years, it is no longer a yellow dwarf star for Christ's sake.
Anonymous astrophysicist- What is your opinion on the IBEX conference by NASA? Is it true we are going to cross the local cloud? Any time estimates? the timing of the announcement ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10015654
page 12
The timing of the crossing of this so called cloud coincides precisely the the crossing of Galactic plane by the solar system , this because like the mass of the solar system is concentrated on the ecliptic plane, the mass (and energetic plasma) of the galaxy is concentrated on the galactic plane.
We have already entered the cloud of plasma many years ago, but as we near the exact galactic plane we will reach the densest area. We will reach the densest most energetic region on precisely December 12, 2012, just as the Sun reaches the peak of it's 11 year solar cycle and the galactic center, Earth and Sun all line up in three dimensions for the first time in our recorded history on the winter solstice.
This 'coincidence' is evidence of an intelligent design that modern science will continue to deny, because the truth about modern academic science is that it is meant to be an atheistic religion that seeks to explain the Universe in the absence of a creator or designer, which is a falsehood.
This information is being withed for several reason, the major reason is that there are men on this planet that seek to be and believe they are the only God, and the other reason is because if they told the truth about what is happening , total anarchy would result and spoil their preparations, resulting in an unleashing of vengeful actions against the oppression over classes.
I wouldn't never put faith in the accuracy of information originating from NASA and published openly on the internet, NEVER.
AA: It is too much for many to handle, but almost all realize something is happening. It's also cognitive dissonance a certain degree, people don't like to believe they have been so badly fooled and the one thing that almost everyone covertly and sometimes overtly resents unfortunately is anyone who is much more intelligent than they are.
I recommend making a few preparations and trusting in the creator to preserve the just, because this is the purpose of the cleansing.
If you had seen what the creator has gotten me through you would be amazed, truly. O was preserved to deliver this message of [HOPE.
Having rifles and weapons for defense, a secluded place in the mountains where very hard shade can be found, and a store of food would not be a bad idea. Also, prepare your family by informing them. It is better to scare them now than have them be totally unprepared and shocked into not knowing whether crap or go blind when all of a suddenly the stores are empty, the
Cell Phone s , tv , cars and public services all of sudden go offline. If you have ever been n a severe storm you know how easy it is for nature to completely override all of mans powers.
page 13
AA: As I have stated before, because of observation of empirical data and the world and universe around me (and not religious faith) I believe in the intelligent design of the universe. I also believe the universe is held together by electromagnetic forces and to a lesser degree gravity and that all of the processes of the universe involving charged particles and magnetic fields are electrical principals (it's a foregone conclusion). Gravity, known as the weak force, is a specific type of electromagnetic interaction between differently charged particles in different Masses, explaining it's extreme weakness when compare to the other forces.
As for your specific question:
I therefore believe the purpose of what is happening is to cleanse the planet of these bloodsucking ticks you described as draining the economy to save themselves and that they will all perish a lingering death, the hell describer in the bible where men will wish for death but it will flee from them, and this lingering death will be because of the preparations they have made will be specifically targeted by destructive geological or perhaps concentrated forces electromagnetic discharges.
re you of the opinion that these ones have technologies/understandings vastly greater than anything we see out in public. Like you said all the understandings giving to the public and our scientists are purposely made to be confusing and one falsehood built upon another. But do those "in charge" on earth; the ones really at the top of the pyramid, do they not have extremely advanced technology we do not know about that will allow them to survive and rebuild their empire, so to speak? What is your opinion on this. Thanks.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 659699
YES TO ALL< they know every word I have spoken here is true and they have intentionally corrupted academia into useless waste of time scientifically. but they cannot outsmart the creator no matter what technology they possess and they cannot leave this planet with any of this technology they have and even if they could ,they couldn't get anywhere fast enough i large numbers to save themselves from the extreme space weather, This is why they make their preparations here, in the ground and under the sea. Their tombs.
AA: Seems all of my critics have static ip's. odd that. I've had people question me , but all of the hecklers have static IP's, and this is because this is how their supervisors keep track of their work. I must be an unwelcome assignment, considering I always defeat you and make you look stupid. i happen to know I have driven several ops to insanity engaged in your line of work, to the point where they were openly threatening to kill me and my family.
One even threatened to poison me with radioactive material, a fellow calling himself 'Nomuse', I had several fly overs from the NRC ( am assuming they were attempting to detect radioactive elements) and he was questioned and detained according to the agent I spoke to. he claimed it was a joke. I am not laughing..
AA: I am reminded of the 'famous' quantum physics BS 'double slit experiment' ,where when a wave is 'observed' it behaves like a particle but when it's not observed it behaves like a wave.
If you just sat there and looked at the apparatus without the detector present the results would be identical in both experiments, in other words it is not the act of a human observing the experiment that changes the result , but the detector absorbing the waveform energy in the act of detecting it.
True genius does not follow the path of others, or believe or interpret what it is told, true genius defines reality with common sense.
page 14
OP, do you have any speculation of who TPTB are? Are they just regular old human's like us or something else?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 659699
That's a good question. On the surface there's a lot of 'noses', if you catch my drift but yeah, they're definitely different with odd genetic profiles with diseases specific to their kind from inbreeding.
There is a very high percentage of insanity among their kind, 10-20 times higher than the average.
Their intelligence levels are surprisingly low in most cases considering their social positions, but @20 points above average.
It has always been a quandary to me trying to explain why men of high intelligence do not outsmart these people and take them out of power, but having experienced their methods of suppression and oppression of intelligent gentiles first hand, it does not surprise me. They are persistent and ruthless. People like me take a job in a lab as a supervisor and that's as high as we can go.
A nose runs the show and takes all the credit.
The upper crust of this bunch live 20-30 years longer on average, they stay out of the Sun and the time they do spend in it is carefully metered and limited.
There are rumors they drink human blood.
They do not eat the same foods we do (they have strict rules concerning what can and cannot be consumed) and they stay away from anyone but their own kind, living lives according to their ancient traditions of always them first. They also have a tendency to do everything they can to weaken the social structure of the gentiles, from the family level up. This is done through what I term moral rot.
They see the remainder of humanity as a herd of animals to be managed as such. Some call them jewish people by I try to refrain from that terminology, since there is really no such definable thing as a jewish and that word is completely made up. These Ashkenazim are not Hebrew but feign being Gods chosen people because it makes them the master of the majority of people on Earth (in their own minds) by implementation religious dogma..
As for genetic differences, as I mentioned before there definitely are, but they are constantly seeking to infuse normal human genetics into their own through marriage of female of their kind with a male of the proper genetic makeup, usually a successful intelligent individual of healthy genetic stock.
The protocols of the elders of Zion are said to be a forgery, but let me remind you that a forgery is a faked copy of real document. There is a tremendous amount of evidence that the protocols have been implemented, forgery or not. If the structure of our society was not ruled at the top be these individuals but by intelligent compassionate people, the cleansing not be necessary, but in his infinite wisdom the architect of the universe foresaw this day.
AA: I think we all have extra terrestrial genetics, that an attempt was made to mate neanderthal to an alien species, which created homo sapiens, or the current human being. TPTB do not differ physically enough to be another species, foe instance you couldn't tell Rockefeller's skull from another white man of the same age and sex unless you had specific information to identify the skull. There is a certain genetic diversity in species known in science as sub species, which is what the races are. The explanation for this is evolving in a different environment..
It is a scientific fact that every single human has large percentage of dna identical to reptiles, but this does not mean they are reptiles, it simply means that during the process of evolution many of the genes were preserved because they still functioned in the necessary capacity..
I DO HOWEVER BELIEVE THAT DUE TO NATURAL GENETIC DIVERSITY A CERTAIN PERCENTAGE OF HUMANS HAVE AN OVERT MANIFESTATION OF REPTILIAN CHARACTERISTICS, I.E. LACK OF MORALITY, KILL WITHOUT CONSCIOUS, BLOODTHIRSTY AGGRESSION I believe that most serial killers have a strong reptilian genetic dominance and their killing is a result of an instinct to kill that they cannot resist,
whereas a human mammalian dominated genetics will kill only when necessary, to obtain food or in self defense, and they tend to have conscious that makes them feel bad when they have done something that hurt someone else without just cause.
. I have kept reptiles as pets and they will kill for what seems to be the shear instinct of it when they are already full to bursting (fish are the same, and certain mammals like cats).
AA: In all of the videos a compass with a ferrous metal pointer is used to 'detect' a magnetic field in a wire with current flowing through it in various configuration. When the ferrous compass needle is in close proximity to the flow of elections, a magnetic field is induced in the pointer itself. The pointer is indicating the presence of the magnetic field it itself is creating.
What you don't seem to understand is there is a ferrous metal present in the compass pointer itself and the current is inducing a magnetic field in the pointer. And it's genius to you darlin'.
Sunspots are regions where the magnetic pressure allows cooling of the gas inside the magnetic flux tube. The magnetic field of the Sun is created by an alpha-omega dynamo.
Quoting: F=ma
Sunspots are created by interactions of charged plasma and the Suns Iron core. There is no such thing as 'magnetic pressure', magnetism is a force. As for the alpha omega dynamo crap, it sounds cool and simple, but it's a phil plait type understanding of solar dynamics.
Sunspots are typically 1500C cooler than the surrounding photosphere.
Quoting: F=ma
And why shouldn't they be? the magenta field is displacing the plasma.
Sunspots prove that the "underneath" is not solid and changes drastically. Those changes are known as convection cells. The solar photosphere boils like a pot of water.
Quoting: F=ma
Actually the re-occurrence of sunspots in exactly the same location and the tendency of these sunspots appearing in the exact same place on the Suns surface to be of similar characteristics indicate that there is something solid and unchanging underneath them that is causing them. I have been logging the location , duration, magnetic field characteristics and size of sunspots as well as the the strength of flares and CME's emanating from them for over ten years darlin', and the data doesn't lie
[skipping rants]
page 15
discussion of magnetic fields
Anonymous astrophysicst
User ID: 1172878
United States
02/05/2012 15:29
here are the FACTS about December2012 and our star.
1)The Sun was once classified as a a yellow dwarf, mainly because of it's photosphere temperature and yellowish hue.This classification can be looked up and verified in any old encyclopedia or literature describing the Sun predating 1972. It's photosphere temperature should also be noted as you review these older publication, for future reference.
2)The Sun has been reclassified as a 'variable star', because it's photo-sphere's temperature has risen 800 to 900 degrees
Kelvin in a period of 40 years, and it's color has transformed from yellow into a silvery bright white. The change in color is a direct result of the change in temperature, and the increase of UV radiation output. UV radiation is invisible to the human eye but changes the color of light emitting objects when present.
3) The change in the photo-sphere's temperature is responsible for global warming, and this fact is known but being intentionally concertinaed to prevent panic.
4) The increase in photosphere temperature is a result of an influx of fuel in the form of a plasma field the solar system has recently entered in the last 40 years, a concentration of ionized matter that is concentrated on the milky way's galactic plane.
5) The Solar system IS NOT part of the Milky way, and is moving vertically through and into the galactic plane. As the Earth enters the galactic pane, energy from the Sun will increase, as will solar radiation storms.
6) The presence of this dense ionized matter in the galactic plane known as plasma will increase the conductivity of electromagnetic and charged particle energy from the Sun to the Earth.
7) the average Temperature of the Earth will peak as we pass through the galactic plane, for two reasons, the Sun will receive an influx of fuel in the form of hydrogen ions, and the transmission of energy from the Sun to the Earth will become more efficient in the plasma rich environment.
8) It is probable that electromagnetic and particle discharges will 'arc' directly from the Sun to the Earths ferrous core as we near the galactic plane in December. These events could cause firestorms, the loss of large amounts of our atmosphere, and total destruction of large geographic areas.
9) On December 21, 2012, the Earth will be crossing the galactic plane, will be at it's closest approach to the Sun, the solar maximum will be at or very near its peak, and the Sun, Earth and the galactic center will align perfectly, in three dimensions (an actual straight line)
Jupiter will be behind the Earth as seen from the Sun. A strange coincidence is that this will also occur on the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere.
10)On this day, the Mayan long count calendar ends and the great cleansing will occur. it is very likely that massive solar radiation storms will cause direct arcs of energy between the Sun and Earth as described above, only in a more energetic form . It is likely the surface of the planet will be made uninhabitable by extreme heat, loss of atmosphere, energy discharges like lightening but only billions of times as powerful, and a destruction of all plant life.
11) Modern mainstream astrophysics never predicted the possibility of the transformation of a yellow dwarf star into a white dwarf star, and yet this is exactly what has happened to our Sun.
Modern mainstream science is now aware of what is happening and why , but has been ordered to keep quiet about it. people who have attempted to break this order have been killed. The reason for this is that revealing the truth would prevent the privileged few chosen to occupy self contained underground bunkers built at our expense from escaping the wrath of the resulting anarchy.
All of what I have written above is true and there is approximately a 99.95% chance it will be as bad or worst that what I have described. It is unlikely the underground bunkers will save their occupants due to extreme heating of the interior of the Earth and geological instability of a degree previously though to be unthinkable. Continents will sink and rise, and the crust of the Earth will move on the liquified mantle..
There are records in the Paleontological record of this happening at least once before, and probably repeatedly.
questions answered
Anonymous astrophysicist- I do see titbits of what you mentioned in the MSM like the plasma. It was recently announced that they have discovered plasma etc. So they are giving the info in bits and pieces but not the complete info.
Two Questions I have for you-
1) In some of the videos I have seen it clearly mentions that we cross the galactic plain every year on Dec 21st. If it is true then what is special of this crossing?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10191878
It is NOT true that we cross the galactic plane every December 21st. What does happen is the shortest day of the year called the winter solstice, and the two dimensional (as seen from above the solar system) alignment of the Sun, the Earth , and the Galactic center. This will be the first time in human history the solar system has crossed the galactic plane and the Sun Earth and galactic center aligned in three dimensions( a true exact straight line between the three).
2)Have we entered the milky way galaxy few years ago or we part of the milky way galaxy. Or is it that our solar system enters the milkyway galaxy once in roughly 26000years?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10191878
Al though mainstream science has not yet embraced the idea in full, the solar system in part of smaller galaxy called the Sagittarius galaxy. The evidence that the solar system is not part of the milky way is evidence in the fact that it is moving towards the galactic plane of the milky way (suggesting a collision between the two), and the fact that the solar system does not keep pace with spinning motion of the milky way. Technically, we entered the milky way millions of years ago and became a part of it.
I think the Mayans predicted the end of calendar after calculating based on the transition of our solar system into the milky way galaxy.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10191878
The Mayan calendar ends on the exact date the Solar system crosses the galactic plane in the winter solstice of 2012. There are many 'mainstream' scientists who know about this and what the result is going to be, and what the result will be if they publish a paper on it.(an untimely death) That is why while searching (solar system not a part of milky way, solar system crossing galactic plane ,or Sagittarius galaxy , you will come across many publications that have been removed, including some from mainstream sources such as ABC news..
Once again thanks for clearing my doubts.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10191878
You are quite welcome, thanks for the interest.
[very polite here]
AA: Most mainstream scientists like the ones you officially support with our taxpayers dollars insist the solar system is part of the Milky way, yet you just admitted it is moving vertically in relation to it (though you got the pertinent fact wrong purposely or ignorantly). What evidence that you have that the crossing of the galactic plane will occur in 'millions of years', and are you claiming the Mayan calendar is wrong.? If the Mayan calendar end of the long count is not marking the crossing of the galactic plane, what is special about it and why does their calendar thousands of years long end then?
page 16
AA: They have threatened to kill me, tried to frame me (amateur job BTW), and stalked me relentlessly.
AA: BTW, for those of you interested and wondering about the changes in the temperature of the photosphere, here are a few scientific facts. The photosphere is part of the Sun we can see. As objects or gasses get hotter, they change colors.
Here is a website showing the temperature versus color scale:
[link to]
As you can see, the color white ranges from 5000 to near 5500 degrees kelvin, and the color yellow or yellowish white is a lower temperature than brilliant white.
As many thousands of older people will attest, the Sun was once a warm yellow color.
Look at it now. You don't need me or some paid debunker to tell you it is brilliant white.
The fact is our Sun was for many years not recognized or classified as a variable star, but as a yellow dwarf, this new classification was given it when the increase in the photosphere temperature was noted. It has in reality increased from around 4500 degrees as listed in the older literature to around 5000- 5500 degrees K. This is the one and only cause of global warming.
AA: Today meteorologists make no mention of the variability of the Suns output or sunspots as a cause of weather changes,and since quantum physics has dominated the field of scientific research, many well know and well established ideas have been discarded or ignored because they conflict with or tend to disprove it. Farmers have known for years that the Sun effects the weather why don't people who go to university for 6 years studying meteorology know it? BECAUSE SCIENCE IS INTENTIONALLY COMPARTMENTALIZED so that no one knows the whole story and how everything is interrelated! And because traditionally academic educated people are not neccessarilly knowledgeable or intelligent.
Telling people the truth and giving them a fighting chance to survive is not terrorism, unless of course you think endangering the elites escape into their underground bunkers is terrorism. I don't. I think we should preserve the best of humanity, not the worst. This just might , just maybe, enable that good intention.
Is the discovery channel a terrorist organization for broadcasting my theory? They did you know. Of course they gave a nose the credit for the theory.
It will begin with an obvious failure of the main infrastructures such as electrical grids, crops, satellite communications and cellular phones by mid summer. By early fall it will be hotter than any normal summer. This summer will be extremely hot in both hemispheres, relatively speaking. By late fall solar radiation storms will be depleting the atmosphere and making many animals and people sick. Most trees will die in the mid summer, as their leaves yellow and fall off. By the middle of winter it will be hotter than any normal summer in most locations and we will experience solar radiation events previously unseen in human history, along with a total extinction of most species and a loss of the atmosphere to the extent that it makes surface living impossible.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:52 PM
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AA page 17
[passing over F=ma attacking AA]
AA on 02/07/2012:
My last two posts were hacked.
Electrostatics and magnetic fields have similar properties in that opposites attract and the reverse is true for similar polarities. The confusion about electrostatic forces in mainstream science is created by the fact that it takes a ferrous material to detect a magnetic field so the , and when you get a ferrous metal near a flow of current a magnetic field is produced,this is basic physics and not in dispute.
So when attempting to detect a magnetic field created by a flow of electrons, it is necessary utilize a detection device that sets up the magnetic field itself which in turn creates the false assumption that the magnetic field is created by the flow of electrons alone. It is not. The "confusion" arises out of ignorance mainly, scholars learn and absorb what they are taught, and the fact is that if I am right, quantum physics is bunk.
I am probably the actual leading authority in the world at the present time on the subject of electromagnetic energy , electrostatics and the actual principal by which the Sun creates energy, whether I receive that recognition publicly or not. There is billions in research dollars being wasted because greedy people wish to conceal and confuse the truth about electromagnetic energy, simply because the fact is free energy is a reality.
I am recognized by many who will not show their respect and acknowledge this, but I cannot count how many times my theories, my ideas and my work have been published under another persons name after my material was removed from the internet. I have thousands of dated screen shots to prove it. It has become obvious to me that you are devoting your time here not to heckle me, but to pump me for information.
Actually no insulator is necessary. In fact if you have the ability to construct a simple but precise device, I can prove it to you. You will need two amplifiers connected to a common source of sound media, aluminum foil, and the ability to construct a means of holding the two sheets of aluminum foil (copper sheeting works better) within a millimeter (1/2 millimeter requires less power but makes much less sound before it distorts badly) of each other while they are under some degree of tension.
Connect the electron output from the final transistor of one amplifier to the first sheet and it's positive terminal to the opposite end of the sheet through an 8 or four ohm resistor (you will fry your amps if you skip this stage).
Then connect the other amplifiers electron output terminal to the other sheet of aluminum foil , connect the positive terminal of the second amplifier to the other end of the second sheet of aluminum foil similarly through an 8 or 4 ohm resistor and set the amps 180 degrees out of phase. Sound will be produced with less than 1 watt of total power. (in other words since power comes out of an amplifier in alternating current form you have set up a device that creates a negation charge in one sheet at the same time it creates a positive charge in the other and vice versa). This is an electrostatic speaker that I have made myself and works , but not very well. If you put more than about 5 watts to it, the sheets touch so extreme distortion is produced, and if you set them much further apart it takes a hell of a lot of power to create a reasonable sound level. They could be made much more efficient by using a suspension, in other words by flexible mountings around their perimeter like ordinary speakers, but the sheets are quickly stretched since they must be so thin to overcome inertia and the system is very inefficient . In the few electrostatic speakers that were mass produced the thins sheets of metal were re enforced by layering them with lightweight polymers . Electrostatic speakers are only about 1/10th as efficient as regular electromagnetic designs and require specialized circuitry to attach to a single amplifier, and This is why electrostatic speakers were never popular.
Moving charges do not create magnetic fields. This is a misinterpretation based on ignorance. When you can measure a magnetic field without a ferrous material used in the device you are measuring the so called magnetic field with, then and only then can you prove it. Good luck to you.
I am not going to provide you with information at my expense of time and effort to see someone else publish it as their own. Statements like plasma is more concentrated the closer you get to the galactic plane is just common sense and quickly becoming common knowledge.
As for proving theories, you give me a check for every theory I have that is adequate to do the research to prove it and I will.
As things have been, other people have been getting the money and the accolades while I get the shaft.
Just as the majority of the mass of the solar system is in the ecliptic plane, the majority of plasma in the galaxy is in the galactic plane. PERIOD.
While it does not mention immediate effects and just averaged trends during the solar maximum, it stands to reasons (to the reasonable) during a extreme CME the atmosphere is heated fast enough to create an immediate change, over a period of hours. My data is not free, but anyone who wants to do a little research can prove the correlation and show a pattern between an increase in global temperatures and severe CME events.
Yes, it is a very specific timeline based on the electric theory of the universe, my understanding of electromagnetic energy and the observation of specific data and trends. I must admit is is also based on the prophetic predictions and scientific achievements of what is considered by the white race to be an inferior people. The truth is these people were the greatest astrophysicists and astronomers in history and created a calendar so accurate that it to this day can predict solar and lunar ellipses within windows of minutes after hundreds of years since its development, and this calendar predicts we will cross the energetic vortex and concentrated plasma of the galactic plane on the precise date December 21, 2012 , the exact timing of the crossing at @ 11;11 am eastern standard time to within a few minutes variation.
At the very same time, the solar maximum will reach its almost precise peak, the Galactic center , the Earth and the Sun will line up 3 dimensionally in a perfect straight line for the first time in recorded history (remember, the Earth will be crossing the galactic plane at that time), and the Sun will be at it's closest approach to the Earth in the Earths orbit(contrary to common belief, the Sun is closest to the Earth in the winter in the northern hemisphere). It has been said by may that the Sun Earth and galactic center line up every winter solstice, which is true to some degree, but only in two dimensions as seen from above the solar system and galaxy and not three dimensionally, and not while the solar system is crossing the galactic plane. This is what makes the alignment three dimensional.
page 18
Actually 'chemtrails' are an implementation of plan made by Ed Teller, the inventor of the Thermonuclear (hydrogen) bomb . The plan was patented and originally called 'operation cloverleaf'. The plan was to introduce reflective materials high in the atmosphere to forestall global warming caused by an increase in radiation from the Sun reaching the Earths surface and the decline of the planets ecosystems by reducing solar radiation reaching the Earths surface.
It was implemented covertly by reformulating jet fuel and redesigning 'jet' engines to tolerate the new fuel. This is the primary reason why today's commercial aircraft are substantially slower than the 707 of early 60's vintage.
It is also why hundreds of thousands of people have noticed that unlike in the past, aircraft now produce lingering contrails that spread and develop into cirrus like clouds, eventually causing an overcast like sky. If this plan had not been implemented on a world wide scale by now the planet would be at least 10 degrees hotter. One of the side effect however is that these 'chemtrails' tend to hold in heat at night, which has greatly reduced the average difference between low and high temperatures when the material is being allied in particular location.
Another unfortunate side effect is a dramatic increase in certain diseases, lower pulmonary diseases, asthma, COPD, nose and throat irritations, shortness of breath, emphysema and immune system disorders are epidemic, and the average age of death in the world is decreasing.
Statistics are being covered up systematically by the WHO, the center for disease control and the infamous EPA and FDA as well as and the The Department of Health and Human Services.
This is why people complaining of respiratory irritation with what resembles flu are never examined by doctors, just sent home. The doctors already know the cause well and that there is no cure or treatment. the particles are microscopic and enter the bloodstream through the lungs, and are major cause of the increase in Alzheimer's disease when metals accumulate in the brain..
As unreasonably as it sounds, I have found the best way to learn is to observe , absorb, and correlate information, and not to absorb the ideas of others that might confuse my own thought processes. For instance I knew radio waves were electrons at age 8 by simply examining the design of a radio. If I had read and accepted mainstream explaiantions, i would think radio waves (and all EMR) were made of 'photons', which are actually mythological, unproved, undefined and unisolated, and defy the basic laws of physcics by the claim that the possess Kenetic energy and momentum without mass.
One of the basic premises of physcis is the definition of kenetic energy by the formula KE-1/2 mass X velocity squared.
Another is the conservation of matter and energy, a concept Einstein and quantum proponements ignore but which is a LAW of science.\I will prvide a link to my theory explaining the duality principal of light and how energy leves are quantified acccording to frequency that is concise, falsifiable and meets the measure of Occams warzor when compared to less esquisitely simple and logical explainations. Tesla knew this and that is whye he was suppressed, free energy is something certain people did not want to ever become available.
Here is my theory of electromagnetic radiation along with some interesting interactions and dialogue between myself and the other users there, most of whom are traditionally educated.
[link to]
[Here is where MzTreeChick shows up and gives AA some applause!]
[nerdrage88sasr commends AA for the link!]
page 19
[AA says something cute in response to MzTreeChick's Sig]
AA: Two hot for me I'm afraid I'd burn up upon re entry into that atmosphere.
Thanks for the compliments.
The 'bad guys' already know who I am, it doesn't really matter if I posit my name. There is a file with every word I have ever typed on the internet in Dallas according to my cousin, who is a retired FBI agent with a lot of old connections.
… I said the genius is easy to perceive. The real definition of genius is being able to explain complex subjects in simple terms, not the other way around.
Have a nice day now, and don't let it become personal, it only stimulates my intellect when you get offensive, as I have learned through 12 years in the trenches battling people like you how to channel and control my anger. The angrier and more offensive you become, the easier it is to see your inferior intellect is the cause of it.
In my case I have never known a real enemy. None of my enemies know me, ironically. Their perception of me as an enemy is based on their own shortcomings and on the old Clint Eastwood quote from "high plains drifter'. It's what people know about themselves inside that makes the afraid".It is hard to imagine how you choose to become my enemy not having just sat and talked with them about everyday things or went fishing with me.
Cosmic rays are generally of an extremely high energy level that can penetrate deep into the ground. They do not originate from inside thesis solar system[/d] and have never been explained by science adequately .
Cosmic rays coming from the direction of the Sun might have been misinterpreted as coming from it. There are many idiots involved in scientific research, because these people are intentionally promoted so TPTB can promulgate whatever nonsense they wish.
For example:
Albert Einstein was a literal idiot savant. If you don't believe me I suggest looking on the internet for examples of him speaking. There should be hundreds. There is one. The reason for this is that allowing people to actually hear him speak would reveal the truth about his supposed high intellectual capacity. And he sounds like a third grader with speech impediment. It is alleged his IQ was too high to measure, yet his teachers in primary school labeled him backward and unintelligent. His IQ was undoubtedly measured and at least estimated, funny it was never published. I can estimate it at around seventy, which is ordinary for an idiot savant.
… the fact is genetic mutations from ionizing radiation tend to be destructive and negative to the genetics. Natural variation and selection are more likely the real mechanism behind evolution and genetic diversity.
Glad I found this thread as what is being said makes a lot of sense to me. In 2007 just by accident I was watching the Mayan 2012 video. When they showed the alignment of the "CROSSING"(as in cross, crucifixion)I had the strangest feeling come over me. It did not come from my own brain it came from someplace else. I realized then OMG this is true.
I can only tell you this is the absolute truth. My life has not been the same since. Oh the changes that have happened to me have been very difficult but worth it and necessary. I only wish that others too would get it. I just don't understand why people can't see what is going on and are in total denial. I really feel so alone as there is no one I know who gets it. I can't even broach the subject at all. OH well. It is not too far to go now.
I have noticed that my dog is even acting weird. I think he is an enlightened soul, also.
Quoting: grefey
You are NOT alone, and your feelings reflect a spiritual awareness that bides well for your future. Do not be frightened, embrace the changes with faith in the intelligent design and the great architect.
page 20
[more arguments with F=ma]
Furthermore, the black budget realm of the major Superpowers is directly tied to Illuminati control (they run the intelligence agencies world-wide).
And to think that data from the scientific arena isn't just as controlled would be a grave mistake.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 1362274
Precisely, and anyone who is a well known scientist and accredited expert who threatens to out the truth is 'dealt with'.
Anyone who is alive and has five (or even three) functioning senses knows something is very wrong and I almost likely correct about the upcoming events, and many people are saying the same thing I am without knowing the details because they feel it spiritually.
[To F=ma]: Your spirit is dead.
Go out on clear summer day at 11:00am in shorts with no tee shirt on and stand for several hours without seeking shade and get back with me.
I'll bet not only will you not do so because you already know the truth, but that if you did you would be intellectually impaired to the point where you could no longer function in your current capacity.
Many of the emissions coming from the Sun and reaching the planets surface now are detrimental to living things. Our plants are confused and in serious decline. Animals are absent for days as a time, hiding in hard shade or underground, many mass animal deaths are occurring.
This is all because of solar particle radiation penetrating a weakened magnetosphere with numerous voids in it, an almost completely depleted ozone layer, and an increase in certain electromagnetic emissions from the Sun that can penetrate the atmosphere. All of the data is available on the internet but difficult for the layman to understand, and archives are being manipulated, with held and altered.
[F=ma to AA]: Your spirit is dead. There is no love in you. You are a product of the devil.
[So this is ugly stuff… AA thinks F=AA is a female.]
page 21
Modern science has became a religion with a following of ignorant sheep following blind faith and intentionally being misled. This one however, knows the truth and is simply lying because it is her job to do so. I know this for a certainty because of certain tactics she has used that are standardized among NSA and CIA disinformation specialists.
I have over the years learned their own psychological 'warfare' tactics and how to ignore them and in turn use them against them. It would be comical if it weren't so sad.
AN AC says:
To recap: (1)AA thinks F=ma should pull his/her head out of his ass and open his eyes.
(2)F=ma responds with liar!, idiot!, stupid!, terrorist!, homosexual!, you threatened me!!, and finally devil worshipper!.
F=ma has created a textbook thread that will probably be required reading for future shill trainee's to study and learn how NOT to handle situations like this from now on.
I respect the way AA handled it and find a lot of what he's saying very interesting. Thanks OP.
To me these shills are just entertainment, and an easy target for exposure. They always break down when you reflect their tactics back onto them , because they have weak spirits with evil intent.
… If you have been told you have been given a position in the underground bunkers by your employers, it cannot be because they intend to preserve your life because you have no exceptional genetic traits or abilities, so more than likely they are probably going to eat you when food runs out. (it's a joke …)
page 22
I'm not a religious person but jesus once said that it is as hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of needle, and that with faith we could do everything he did and more.
… must be a damned big needle is all i have to say!
AA on 02/08/2012: They could easily kill me but then there is the bloodline thing, they dare not with the ally I have and they know it..
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:53 PM
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AA page 23
Warning and advice to to readers:
The government plans to shut down the internet at all costs even though it will mean immediate failure of the economy because the internet is being used as a conduit of information to unite and inform the world against the Jewish
Conspiracy to preserve themselves in massive underground bunkers built with money that stolen from the worlds peoples that was used to build these bunkers.
They will hide themselves away protected in self sufficient bunkers deep in the ground while the rest of us die a horrible death in the surface due to massive radiation storms and a loss of atmosphere.
This eventuality is becoming more and more well known every day, and reaching a point they feel they are rapidly losing control of the information.
The internet failure will be blamed on solar radiation storms or cyber
Terrorism but this will be an excuse, since most of the internet functions on underground fiber optics , is very hardy, with multiple centralized hubs and will be one of the last technologies to actually fail.
First, long before the technical apparatus of the internet is disabled, there will be failure of satellites and radio communications as well as integrated power grids.
I recommend building a room underground into a Faraday's cage complete with independent power rechargeable by solar panels that can be retracted in times of high radiation flux and a way to generate oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the air by chemical means. Radiation sensors must be installed.
Plants would be a nice touch. The dimensions of this room must be at least 1000 square feet and have provisions for disposal of waste.
Brief exits to the outside above ground environment will be possible with air tanks like firemen use. A low capacity high quality compressor is a necessity.
I also recommend concealing this room from EVERYONE until the time comes to save those you wish, and stockpiling at least a thousand gallons of lightly chlorinated water and a years supply of food. if these instructions are followed to the letter you have a good chance of survival.
The way to build this room without detection is to build an ordinary home one top of it in a secluded area . You will need to do all of the construction yourself, which for a house this size is not beyond the ability of the average man. The underground part should be at least three feet under ground and constructed of solid cinder blocks with steel re enforced concrete roof.
The heating of the Earth's interior is unlikeable to be measurably confirm able at this this time, but an increase in temperatures is being notes in deep mines. Particle radiation in the form of protons is entering at the poles along magnetic field lines and is effecting the ferrous core and therefor the geomagnetic field and magnetosphere. There is no doubt geological instability will result and further loss of the magnetic shielding will occur as a result of the influx of protons.
Read my advice above about the underground dwelling. it will not be necessary to be deep in the ground to protect yourself from the radiation forms that will be produced, but you must be in a sealed environment because of the likelihood of at at least temporary loss of atmospheric pressure and quantity as well as a change in composition. it is not necessary to pressurize you environment to 14 psi to survive, 5 psi will suffice and this is easily obtainable with ordinary cinder block and concrete construction as well as a way to produce or store sufficient oxygen gas. CO2 can be converted to pure oxygen and carbon by certain carbon absorbing chemicals.
Nearly all of my material was systematically removed from the internet. Eventually this will be, using some excuse like antisemitism or threats.
For instance on the phsy -org forum I proved conclusively the 911 collapse of the word trade center was caused by a carefully planned and executed controlled implosion demolition, and published high res photos from FEMA that proved it, along with a tremendous amount of technical information. This information was removed, i was attacked in the forum by a co ordinated group of government operatives, my house was broken into , my equipment destroyed, and my data stolen. They did not however get the backup material.
Every forum on the internet has eventually removed all of my posts systematically by government order.
Including this forum.
There are many here still around who remember my publications here on this forum and how I gained notoriety under another screen identity which is known to many of the readers here and mentioned on this thread, the solar flare predictions and their accuracy during the last solar max. all of that information was simply deleted.WHY? 97% accuracy rating within a 3 hour window and 5% intensity rating...all gone..And then NOAA adopted my method and their accuracy ratting went from dismal and useless , to equal to my own.
I also produced the first accurate explanation of the entrails phenomenon and found the government websites monitoring it's implementation under the code name operation cloverleaf.
I published a 'chem trail forecast' using the position of the jet stream to predict where the chemicals would be applied, all of this material was deleted because it revealed the truth with it's extreme accuracy. I also published information proving chem trails were responsible for decline in the health of the worlds population, going into great detail of the mechanize by which the harm was done and how the materials were absorbed, and even explained why doctors turn away people with the symptoms of chem trail poisoning without even examining them. ALL GONE>.
I do however have dated records of screenshots showing many of the posts I have ever made to the internet in the past 9 years, and can publish both the applicable screenshot and the later publication of the information under someone else's name.
Among these stolen works, the entering of the Earth into the plasma cloud near the galactic plane, the increase in uv radiation from the Sun, holes and depletion in the magnetosphere, the total loss of ozone over the southern latitudes, the building of underground bunkers for the purpose of escaping the coming catastrophe, the preservation of heirloom seeds and dna for future replenishing of the Earths species, global warming being the direct result of an increase in solar radiation...the list goes on an on.
The nature of debate is usually that both parties are neither totally wrong or right, However, in this case that is not an accurate description of the facts, since one of us is intentionally covering up the truth and the other is not. It us up to you to decide who to believe, but after 'debating' with these individuals for 12 years I have lost all sympathy and respect for them because it is their job to lull you into a false sense of 'everything going to be alright', while they know for a fact tptb are preparing fro what I am warning you about at this moment, their job to keep you from knowing that and spoiling the selfish plans of an unworthy few to save themselves while we suffer a lingering death in the surface, and they will be treated as they are deserved to be treated, and as they treat others.
AND I HAVEN'T CHANGED MY OPINION ONE BIT. Jesus said we should love our enemies, but the beliefs of my people are not so lenient. It is illogical and dangerous to love one's enemy and will produce noting but sorrow and misfortune, but wise to know him.(or her) You have horrible intentions and I know it. If your reason for lying was simply to prevent unnecessary worry because there is nothing that can be done to be saved, that would be different, but your job is to keep things under control until it is too late so a select few of the worst of men and women can save themselves from being stung up by the lampposts and save themselves while the rest of us die, and that is just plane evil.
[the sun will go bonkers] VERY SHORTLY. And when it does this thread will disappear and i will be banned from posting here. The only reason they are allowing me to post is to try to glean information from me. By mid to late Summer you will be living in a different world, without any of the normal comforts you are accustomed to.
page 24
[strange sohodata] That is nothing, i have seem spring shaped coronal mass ejections, a direct arc of energy from the Sun to both mercury and venus , and what appears to be borg cubes moving around the Sun, not to mention hundreds of other very starring shots, before the data was being actively censored beck in 2005 mainly. All of this current data is being actively censored. The c2 and c3 does not match up with either the mag shots or the x ray flux.
It is already happening and will continue to get worst. You might have heard the Russian Antarctica team was dead and other rumors but the truth is in both the extreme northern and southern latitudes radio attenuation from solar activity and the changes in the magnetosphere are making failure of radio communications routine as well as the re routing of commercial aircraft flights to avoid high radiation flux areas..
By mid summer it will be simply undeniable. Trees will be dying, grass will die despite watering, temperatures will be extreme and people will be acting basically nuts from the charged particles affecting their neurons.
If you watch satellite tv, you might have noticed frequent " pixelation' or loss of signal from time to time, and this will continue to worsen, as will an eventual total failure of the GPS system, which is at this time highly unreliable.
By mid summer many satellites will either fail, fall from orbit or lose partial functionality. Many satellites already have in the past months, some of the examples were big enough to be considered a threat to populated areas were publicist.
Over 100 persons in Harris county on supervised bail release were rounded up recently because their gps trackers failed for over two days.
as is the re routing of commercial aircraft flights.
By mid summer it will be simply undeniable. The clues will be events in the news, behavior of animals, and unexplained failure of technology which the real reason will not be given for, This is why they are setting up the 'cyber terrorism; angle.
Intelligence and a strong instinct of self preservation that motivates one to do many unique and extremely difficult tasks in the face of adversity to try to survive are part of what makes you one of the fittest.
It was necessary for me to design ,build and find an appropriate location for the entire structure single handed, without allowing anyone to know where the work was being done or discover the location, and it was not easy, it took me three years and many nights of transporting materials and rented equipment in the middle of the night when no one was awake. Not even my boys and family know of the location but they do know I have expended thousands of dollars on something and have told me they know what it is.
If you don't suspect we are about to experience a catastrophe you have probably failed Darwin's test .As for interlopers who would steal my supplies or kill me to take what I have worked hard to prepare, I hope they realize I am prepared to kill without reluctance and have set up a pretty good defensive perimeter. The single best 'feature' is the location, which is remote and on a road difficult to travel and posted as private property in a sate where the castle doctrine is the law if the land.
All of this might sound like insanity, but I will tell you this, if you intend to survive by seeking the help of authorities , they will be nowhere to be found, and if you intend to seek the presence of groups of other survivors including friends and acquaintances for help, you will probably end up on the menu, literally because food will run out quickly and any surviving wildlife will be quickly depleted by survivalists. Most plant life will be either severely damaged or dead.
The Earths core is more or less an electromagnet powered by electron emission from the Sun entering the poles. When there is a an over abundance of protons, the field is breached and weakened , sometime in localized areas....
Yes, our trees lost most of their their leaves in jun and early July, where as November is the normal time for this to occur. Many trees over 500 years old died, the oaks were especially hard hit because of their shallow root structure and the continuous drought that lasted all summer. My neighbor lost three oaks that were at least 400 yeas old.
page 25
Dear forum administrator,
I am requesting the administrator pin what I believe beyond a shadow if a doubt is the most important thread on the forum at this time. It would be helpful for it to get more attention so more observational reports can be logged.
The planet is in the process of dying, essentially, I don't see how there could a more important issue, and I know that the majority of the pinned threads are certainly not logging nearly as many views.
It is obvious many hundreds if not thousands of people are viewing but not responding. I wonder who they could be, if they are just curious, and if perhaps the administrators could reveal any government activity or interest.
-Anonymous Astrophysicist
I have presented evidence here that the government is providing false data and we have no idea what is really happening with space weather at the moment.I am going out in brief time to look at the Sun directly with what limited equipment I have for observation. Surface Proton flux is varying between ten to 100 times normal according to my detector.
[Interesting comment from NaN]: Perhaps the thread has so many views and has been archived by many people that if it was suddenly deleted now, it might go viral. Just a thought.
The solar corona is greatly enlarged due to what appears to be some really intense backside action and a huge CME emerging from the eastern limb whicg has grown to immense proportions as it fades in intensity., there is one small sunspot visible.
The proton counter I have is homemade and uses a rather crude method of detecting charged particles, but I calibrated it with official sources of data in 2005, so it is fairly accurate in detecting particle radiation. It uses a simple radio circuit a signal strength meter, and can give relative flux density readings of both electrons and protons, but not quantitatively accurate unfortunately since the station I calibrated it to is at the university of Texas which is quite a distance from my location.
At the present time the proton flux at the surface is varying widely between @ 50 times normal and 10 times normal as the Sun sets, the electron flux is unusually low relatively speaking, , about half the usual. DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU THAT THE MAGNETOSPHERE BLOCKS ALL CHARGED PARTICLES FrOM THE SUN, IT IS DIRECT LIE. This has NEVER been true and it has gotten exponentially worst since 1999
AA links to another GLP thread
Thread: THE SUN HAS NEVER BEEN THIS LUMINOUS - "Sun Glare Warning" NJ Traffic Report
WARNING Proton flux densities on the surface of the Earth in East Texas are now extremely elevated, even though it is early evening, off my scale, only the third time I've seen it this high. Electron flux density is gone, close to zero. I am receiving many odd signals on the am radio tonight, these contain a sensitive RF circuit and tend to pick up many frequencies off band simply because of their sensitivity and the nature of AM radio and signal frequency nodes..
The following is not a joke an is intended to gain a consensus among readers, an experiment you can ALL try.
If you doubt my warning you can confirm with an ordinary am radio.
Take an am radio and tune it to @ 88 101.5 or 93 khz to 'hear' the Sun literally scream. Particles of particular energy level are dominating 98.5 khz range when the radio is placed in a certain position, east and and west orientation of internal carbon rod, copper wire warped antenna. The signal is almost continuously at the same level of intensity.
Holding the radio in your hands increases sensitivity. There is also very disturbing signal at 87.5khz that I swear sounds like .hyptnotoad' on" Futurama".
Try it yourselves and report what you hear. The loud occasional pops are cosmic rays and high energy protons/. Just try it, you will be amazed at the variety of odd sounds at various frequencies, never heard anything like it. In the word of the immortal "Scotty' on the old star trek series, 'she's sounds like she's about to blow, captain.
An increase in proton flux could be caused by both more proton emissions from the Sun and the fact that we are entering a plasma cloud or field of gradually increasing density. An increase in proton flux will continue to weaken the geomagnetic field, which is powered by electrons. The two more or less cancel each other out, making the energy supply to the magnetosphere less with increased proton flux densities. Protons are also ionizing radiation and dangerous to life.
… this data is just being pulmugated without any basic in reality.
page 26
There has always been a misconception that Russia would provide real information if our government was censoring it, I believe they'd do the same thing for the same reasons. I could tell you something that would totally blow your mind, but you'd never believe me. Ok, well here goes anyway. The cold war war fake, it was a cooperative effort by both nations to divide the white race into two equal opposing camps each camp with a fearsome enemy. in this way the government of both nations were able to institute much tighter controls over the people of both nations. Does it not make you wonder that our government is now as oppressive as we once heard Russia's was, if not more so?
Sunspots are normally the source of such solar radiation storms and can be observed on the visible disk of the Sun with a welders hood or goggles with a number 11 lens without injury to your eyes. The closer they are to the center and the larger they are, the greater the danger.
Particle radiation can be detected with an ordinary AM radio. Take the back off of it and turn the ceramic screws on the little metal box shaped pots with an appropriately sized screwdriver until you get the highest level of static to make it as sensitive as possible. Be very careful to remove any wax that may have been placed in the pot to prevent adjustment, and don't force it as this will break the ceramic screw. DO NOT turn the screws on the transparent plastic box, as this will make the radio useless for receiving normal broadcast signals from possible emergency ham operators still broadcasting... The more frequent the pops the more flux density there is, and the louder the pops are, the higher the energy level of the charged particle. For detecting X rays, a ginger counter with a selectable range and a directional probe is necessary. The one I have costs around 600 dollars and can be ordered through the internet.
As for an AM radio, This is the poor mans charged particle detector.
On days of high surface radiation, animals will be nowhere to be seen, dogs will get under cars or other large metal objects and birds will not fly and will hide in the shade of large objects or tree trunks.
When solar flares of an extreme nature occur, flashes of brightness can be observed coming from the Sun. On the day of the infamous 'Bastille day event", i was out fishing at a dam where many other people were fishing and saw these flashes. I thought nothing of it at the time, thinking they were reflections off of something. Many people became ill and appeared drunk, including myself.
In addition to the radiation from the Sun, there are several other factors that have to be considered when calculating or estimating the odds of contracting cancer, and we should go though these first.
Our chances of contracting cancer have increased radically since the 1940's for several reasons. The production of carcinogenic artificial compounds and their release into the enviroment is one huge factor.
Another of the major factors of course what the tremendous amount of plutonium and uranium pulverized into a fine powered and aerosolized high in the atmosphere by all of the above ground nuclear testing of the cold war era.
In fact I believe this is what caused the dramatic peak in lung cancer among smokers ,and it is a strong piece of evidence supporting my theory that cancer was rare among smokers before the 50's. Because the US testing sites were located west of the tobacco growing regions of the east coast , and the fallout was undoubtably carried along the prevailing westerlies and the jet stream, and deposited on the crops, smokers were burning and inhaling fallout.
Another cause or source of radioisotopes in the environment is the multiple accidents at nuclear reactors that have released perhaps hundreds of tons of 'hot' particles into the atmosphere, and the inhalation of only one particle is necessary to cause morphogenesis of dna in a group of cells, which replicate and and therefor cause cancer.
So as you can see , the risk of cancer has been artificially increased by human activity. Now comes the natural sources, such as radioactive elements like radon radium and uranium ,which occur naturally in the environment.
The point of all of the above it to point out that the gradual failure of the magnetosphere is only one of many factors now increasing our odds of getting cancer, which at one time was unknown as undefinable medical condition.
Now on to your specific question. On days I know the solar radiation levels are high ( I have geiger counters and particle radiation counters), I DO SHELTER. My shelter is an underground tornado shelter on my property covered with three feet of Earth and made of reinforced concrete. While this is not my 'doomsday shelter (which i will not go into any detail here on this website), it does provide temporary shelter from solar events, which are usually short lived and last no more than 5 hours at the most. I have a wireless computer connection and Satellite TV to keep me entertained and in contact with the outside world during an event.
I have already given you several ways to detect the presence of dangerous sunspots if official sources of information are unreliable or go down, and how to detect the presence of excessive solar radiation as well ,and they are very accurate and reliable.
Now I will give you advice on how to shelter while these events are ongoing. if you are a city dweller, the shadow of a large metal and concrete building will do finely. An area opposite the Suns location on the lower levels of one of these buildings would be adequately protected as well. If you live in the country, the shade of a mountain or large hill will block nearly all solar radiation, as the particle radiation tends to travel in an almost linear direction from the Sun and electromagnetic radiation travels in a precisely linear fashion. If you don't have access to a tornado shelter, bomb shelter or any of the baove mentioned areas (mountains and hills are unreliable since you don't know what time of day the event may occur and may not be able to find shade from one of these if it is towards the middle of the day, which is the most dangerous time! Remember the mental experiment of the two circles one larger than the other drawn around the same center. Let the smaller circle represent the Earth and the larger the atmosphere. and then draw lines of various angles of incidence to the inner circle. It will become obvious to you why when the Sun is closest to directly overhead, solar radiation attenuation is the least because it has to travel through less of the atmosphere before it reaches the surface.
I highly recommend building a shelter or finding one you can occupy during these short lived events and learning how to detect when they are ongoing, it will increase your lifespan dramatically.
AA includes a video
[link to]
It might help if you make it full screen and stop the video and examine the diagram closely at various times. Th difference between this solstice and every other winter solstice is that the alignment of the Sun, Earth and galactic center will be in a perfect straight line along all three axises and the solar systems ecliptic plane will be precisely on the galactic plane, whereas on the ordinary solstice the alignment is on two axises only.
Notice that the Earth will be between the galactic center and the Sun, meaning the electromagnetic pull of the galactic center will tend to direct energy and matter directly from the Sun towards the Earth. Also note that this occurs at the peak of the 11 year solar sunspot activity cycle and that the Earth is at it's closest approach to the Sun on this date.
Do you have any specific timeline by when we can start seeing significant changes in our surroundings.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10684697
I can't believe you haven't already. World wide Geological instability, weather changes, and a brighter , whiter Sun are several observations you should already have made.
As we near the solstice the changes and events will be undeniable and impossible not to notice. It will gradually worsen as we enter the more dense plasma regions of the galactic plane and the electromagnetic forces of the galactic center pull energetic particles from the Sun towards the Earth and cause an increase in solar flare activity. On the date I have given you it is likely the worst of these occurrence will transpire, probably in the form of a direct arc of charged particles directly from the Sun to the Earth at @ 11:11 AM Eastern standard time on December 21, 2012.
Is it one single date where this entire event will happen or is it a window period ?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10684697
it will gradually worsen climaxing in a singular event on the data and time I have given to you as we approach the winter solstice.On this date all modern equipment will totally fai, there will be no electrical grid , no functioning government, no supplys being delivered and a general breakdown in civilization. There will be no sophisticated electronics still functioning. Civilization will suddenly be plunged into the iron age, assuming some of us survive (which i strongly believe we will!)
Have we entered the dense area ? or when is this as per your views.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10684697
We have already entered an area of gradually increasing density of plasma. As we near the Galactic plane, the plasma density will increase, resulting in a more energetic Sun. Think of it as throwing gasoline in a fire.
page 27
… during radiation storms the atmosphere swells to higher altitudes and rarefied gasses reach unexpectedly into the altitudes where these satellites are orbiting, and the aerodynamic drag slows them down. Since their stable orbits are determined by velocity and their distance form the Earths center of mass, slowing down means falling our of orbit. Many if not most satellites have provisions for increasing their orbital velocity if this occurs but fuel is limited.
The answer to question three is that the corona of the Sun has grown, making it appear larger
The answer to question two is that it is possible drag from plasma has slowed the rotation of the planet, or that an impact from a large celestial object at an angle to the surface of the planet that was in opposition to the planets rotational direction slowed it down, but this would take a large object such as the 'comet' NEAT.
There was during the last solar cycle a direct arc or spark of electrical energy directly from the Sun to Venus caught on Lasco C3 images, I believe this particular image might have been purged from the official archives, but I have it on my own database, which is never connected to the internet and carefully isolated from intrusion. I will try to provide you with this intriguing image.
The answer to question three is that the Suns corona and photosphere has grown larger, making it impossible for the moon to obscure as much of the Suns visible disk as before. The answer to the second part of your question is hypothetical, and that is I believe the strong electromagnetic forces present in the galactic plane have pulled the mostly metallic and low density moon slightly 'south' of the ecliptic plane, making the waxing new moon appear as a 'smilie face' instead of a crescent as before.
Is there any way this arc of particles could hit the moon?
YES! The moon is highly metallic on the surface and depending on the differences in polarity of charges it is definitely a possibility. Mercury, which is mostly metallic, was struck several times by arcs of clerical energy from the Sun during the last solar maximum. As the plasma cloud increases in density, the electrical conductivity of 'open space' will increase, proportionally increasing the distance such an arc can travel. As i pointed out in my previous post, one such arc has already struck Venus, caught on Lasco c3 and c2, meaning it is definitely possible the Earth or moon could be also struck. Think of it as a gigantic lightning bolt of billions of volts of electrical potential.
I had a very vivid dream of this happening as the sky slowly turned redder and redder. I hope it only was a dream.
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10702383
I had the red sky dream as well as a child, and many children have reported similar dreams. The red in the night sky would most likely be the glow of plasma.
I do not recommend looking at the Sun at all if it can be avoided unless through a welders lens that is designed to block a wide spectrum of particle and electromagnetic radiation due to the nature of the emissions that come from the welding process being very similar to that emitted by the Sun. A number 9 lens is alright for sunrise observation, and between 10 am and 5pm use a number 11. You can use torch cutting goggles because they accept the same size lens as the smaller welding lenses are, just make sure you use at least a number ten in the middle of the day or your vision will be damaged permanently. Goggles are more comfortable than a full welding hood. I have used torch cutting goggles when driving into the sunset many times when the intensity was bad. You can see your surroundings perfectly.
The last solar max was late to end and this one is late to begin. I am not sure why but I would imagine it's just an anomaly caused by nearing the galactic plane and entering the plasma cloud. I certainty wouldn't be a smart ass if I were you at this point, this is going to happen this coming fall and early winter and if you live your life will be radically different until it ends..
Despite the fact that the larger sunspot 1416 has rotated into a less geo effective position and the two new sunspots I predicted would appear (1419 and 1420) seen to have faded radically since they were on the far side of the Sun, the magnetic field of the Earth is radically unstable [link to]
as is the electron flux that determines its strength [link to]
What this translates into is any CME occurring at this time will result in particle radiation penetrating to the surface of the Earth, especially in areas where the sun is near to directly overhead. The strength of the magnetic field has been as low as 30 nanotesla in the past two days, which is 1/3 it's normal strength, and it is now hovering around 50 nanotesla (@ half of thw normal strength as when the measure of a nanotesla was originally devised, 100 was nominal for the Earths magnetic field. It now averages 70 nanotesla and frequently drops to zero or reverses polarity completely. (This IS NOT NORMAL and is the cause of the danger fron solar particle radiation storms). For instance, if the reading on this chart [link to]
is near 0 nanotesa while the Sun is near to directly overhead while a CME reaches the Earth from the Sun, a dangerously high particle flux at the surface of the planet is the result that can and does result in biological damage, disrupted brain activity, and electrical charging of large metal objects such as power lines.
Anyone is free to quote or reproduce anything I say here or elsewhere on the internet, and link to the source article.
To supplement vitamin deficiencies cause by lack of sunlight, I take two multivitamins a day and try to eat a balanced diet. With all of the radio isotopes in the environment now, most food and especially food like milk and cheese as well as crops grown in the open as most commercial crops are contaminated with radioactive fallout from the various nuclear accidents, especially Fukushima and Chernobyl. The half life of some of these materials is in the thousands of years.
I have new news to report that could be significant. The geomagnetic field strength has dropped to ten nanotesla briefly and is now hovering around 25 nanotesla :
[link to]
Notice the correlation of the drop in electron flux with the loss of magnetic field strength:
[link to]
The strength of the geomagnetic field fell to less than 1/10 it's normal strength briefly and is now at approximately 25% of it's average strength. the door is left mostly open for any influx of cosmic rays or solar particles radiation.
If any type of moderate CME or x ray flare were to occur at this time, satellites night be fried ,persons on high flying aircraft and everyone on the sunlit side of the Earth would be exposed to elevated flux densities or proton radiation from the Sun, which IS ionizing and very dangerous radiation, way out of the ordinary range. If you are inside a metal structure such as an aircraft or car, cosmic and proton radiation will be converted to high energy shortwave length electromagnetic radiation, some of it in the gamma range, which is deadly at low flux levels/ If it towards the middle of the day where you are now take shelter by placing as much mass between you and the Sun as is possible as described earlier in this thread!.
I saw a thread earlier about Ed Dames and his CIA remote viewing project.
I have always thought he was a fraud [me too!] and still do, since he seems to get all of his predictions of solar activity and even the wording such as 'a shot across the bow' in describing the off the scale solar x ray flare of 2003 directly from my posts on the internet.
But what intrigued me is that these 'remote viewers' also predicted the earthquake off of Japans coast and the damage to a nuclear reactor. It seems to me there may be something to this remote viewing but it is more often wrong than right, making it rather useless.
I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT TO THE READERS THAT what I am doing is applying my KNOWLEDGE of the ELECTRIC universe which happens to conflict with mainstream sciences views to make my predictions.
The flare Dames called the shot across the bow I predicted on GLP 9 years ago, I even called it that, and I warned it would be off the scale, but also comforted the readers in the fact that it would be 90 degrees from being Earth directed. Had this flare occurred in another 7 days we would not be speaking through the internet, or have electricity or any modern amenity, and all of the radiation readings would have been much higher. It would have burned/pushed away a large area of the atmosphere with hot and energetic proton plasma and destroyed crops and most of the electronic devices and infrastructure on the Earth. The flare was directed TOWARDS THE GALACTIC CENTER.
Again I ask the administrator of this website to forgive any past conflicts we might have had and pin this thread, as things are going to begin to develop rapidly in the coming months, and this would end up being the most viewed thread on the site if pinned and not continually buried by nonsense posts.
The viewer count on the website will go up accordingly as I am well known to many of the most famous astronomers and astrophysicists in the world, as well as government data miners who may openly disagree with me but secretly they want to know what I am saying because they know I am right.
All you need to do is take a look at who is monitoring this thread to realize that. I understand the purpose of this website and am not totally in disagreement with it's mission.
But this is the biggest thing ever to happen in human history, and it needs to get out.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:54 PM
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page 28
page 27
quoting Manuel from Argentina:
Undoubtedly the greatest fear is the uncontrolled social. I think no one would be safe, even those with shelter, because if the event leaves the world without power for many months, taking into account the current social tension, hordes of looters would they please, no one could stop them, no police, no army, not just because of lack of fuel in our societies leaves everything paralyzed, and also, the security forces are trying to save their own families.
It is the worst movie I've ever seen, in that aspect I do not even think as many think, about arming to defend themselves, I will not talk about these things, everyone will do what it deems necessary, I personally, I felt overwhelmed the very thought of such a scenario, and when the head can not keep ... I think of the Creator in his protective hand ... or supreme wisdom. I will take precautions, but I will not transform into a murderer to defend myself ... I will never take a life .. maybe that's also one of the extreme tests that not everyone can pass.
The situation is extremely serious if you really suffer from extreme solar radiation, not the strongest earthquake, nor the most powerful tsunami would be able to submit to all of an almost apocalyptic. So monitoring the behavior of the Sun, though many are bored, I am all you need to stay alert.
Congratulations to all who contribute their knowledge nonprofit.
page 28
I've had more than my share of radiation exposure in my job and the during the last solar max, my health is fading, I can't take any more radiation exposure. I reacted '(briefly) to a highly elevated flux of high energy protons at my location here on the surface. It might have been localized, it was short lived.
I 'm not sure exactly what happened but I suspect the magnetic field lines came in contact with the Earth surface, but I could feel it and that's when you know it's time to take shelter.
Proton flux is abnormally high considering the lack of solar wind, the lower proton belt of the Van Allen belt must be or is touching the surface.
Quoting: Anonymous Astophysicist 1384758
Well, you need to a)read the thread title. And b)understand that these events can be very local if they involve the lower proton belt if the Van Allen radiation belts coming in contact with the Earths surface.
No one even knows what caused this, I'm not sure myself. There was a dramatic drop in electron flux followed by an almost complete failure of the geomagnetic field last night though. Remember, electrons in the solar wind are what powers the earth protective shield. The solar wind almost completely subsided.
At a high enough flux density and energy as is in the lower proton belt of the Van Allen radiation belts, protons can cause death within hours of the exposure.
As for the color of the Sun at sunrise, that is combination of two factors, a loss of a significant part of the outer atmosphere (Ozone in particular) and an actual change in the Suns photosphere's temperature. White is hotter than yellow, as previously explained.
What I can tell you thus far is that for a short while here in East Texas, high energy protons saturated my measuring equipment and 'pegged the needle' so to speak, and the most likely cause was the magnetic field lines of the Earths lower high energy proton rich layer of the van Allen radiation belt coming in contact with the Earths surface. It lasted for over an hour and presently there is very little proton flux. This was a very serious event and it impacted every living thing in this area. I feel very drained even though i took shelter and only came out briefly to observe any unusual activity in both people and animals, and to get my dog out of her pen.
The solar system is nearing the galactic plane, where predictable but previously unseen electromagnetic forces and a gradually increasing plasma density are acting upon the solar system as a whole, changing the heliosphere, interfering with the Suns magnetic field, the Earths magnetic field, and fueling the Sun with plasma which is pulled into the Suns gravitational field.
[AA asks … again…]
Pin this thread!
There are dozens of threads on this subject being pinned authored by know nothings. I am probably one of only a very few people in the world who has any idea what is happening and why and is willing it publicize it, and what is going to happen and when.
While this might sound egotistical, based on what I've seen and the fact that not a single traditionally educated astrophysicist has any idea what is happening, I believe this thread should be pinned so it will be seen by more people than it is.
The traditionally educated astrophysicist cannot possibly understand what is happening because he can't possibly understand it within his scope of understanding based on what he was taught, because quantum physics is a fraud and false theory.
I will go over this once more. On December 21, 2012 at 11:11 EST the Earth and the ecliptic plane of the solar system will cross the galactic plane of the Milky way galaxy.
At this exact time, the Sun, the Earth and the galactic plane will align precisely for the fort time in human history, not in two dimensions as they do every year on the winter solstice (which in of itself is quite the coincidence), but in three dimensions since the ecliptic and galactic planes will be in the same plane at the same time.
At this time the Sun's 11 year cycle of solar flare activity will peak, just as the Earth reaches it's closest approach to the Sun itself.
The Galactic center will be opposite the Sun with the Earth in the middle of the alinement, and the electromagnetic forces of the galactic center pulling on the Sun and the radical increase in plasma density in the galactic plane will make the transmission of electromagnetic and particle radiation from the Sun far more pronounced and efficient.
This plasma will also fuel the Sun making it more active than a normal 11 year solar sunspot peak, and will increase the conductivity of interplanetary space between the Earth and the Sun by a large factor, in effect lowering the resistance of electromagnetic and electrically charged particles to pass across distance.
This is something no modern astrophysicist trained in traditional academia will realize or confirm, because he was not taught the electrical nature of the Universe, but instead a fairy tale.
But any ham operator or person who has used a CB radio to talk "Skip" understands what I just said, when the ionosphere is charged with a high density of charged particles, the transmission of radio signals is greatly enhanced.
The presence of a high density if charged plasma in interplanetary space with have the exact same effect on electromagnetic radiation coming from the Sun (radio waves ARE electromagnetic radiation) as the presence of charged particles in the ionosphere have on radio transmissions. This is not a theory, this is a fact, backed up by empirical evidence, whether modern astrophysics recognizes it or not.
feb 16. 2012
Quantum physics has one experiment that is used ad nausea to back it up, and the observations are totally misinterpreted and can be explained by common sense instead of voodoo science.
This experiment is called the double slit experiment, and it;s pretense is that when a wave in the form of electromagnetic energy (Passively vibrating electrons essentially caught in a magnetic oscillation of rapidly changing polarity) is shot through the double slit apparatus without any detection device present that can sense it's presence, it behaves as a wave and leaves a wave interference pattern that can be observed as such. BUT,when the electromagnetic energy is 'detected' (they call it observed) by an electronic detection device, it behaves as a particle.
The ONLY reason it behaves as a particle is because the act of detecting the waveform absorbs it's vibrational energy in the process of detecting it,(some energy must be expended in the detection process or how else would it work?) therefor eliminating it.
Whether or not a person watches or not the experiments results turn out the same, it is a fraud and stupid misinterpretation, only believed by those who are conditioned to accept what they are told, usually those of unremarkable intelligence and devoid of independent thought. Why do you think they buried Tesla's work and promoted the idiot savant Einstein as God of science?
It is a fact the no two people in the world 'understand' quantum theory to the extent they can reach a consensus, which invalidates it. Your insistence that I do not understand it is pointless, NO ONE DOES.
The fact the the double slit experiment predates quantum theory does not in any way indicate or prove that it is not the primary experiment used repeatedly to back the theory of quantum mechanics and electromagnetic energy. This theory is clearly artificially complex and nonsense.
I am fairly certain there are are number of astrophysicists that know exactly what I do, but because of career considerations and fear of 'accident', prosecution or maybe an unexpected heart attack, they are keeping their mouths shut. if the people knew the truth they would rise up in anarchy and depose the ruling elite, right now.
Yes, the connection between operation cloverleaf and solar radiation is well established as well.
Around 1999-2000, commercial jet fuel was reformulated and the dinginess redesigned to digest the metal particles without damage, decreasing the average velocity of commercial airliners by about 100 knots and automatically applying the chemicals just by running the engines. That's why the pilots in general have no idea what is going on. The military also actually sprays these materials into the atmosphere using tankers and cargo planes.
Read about Ed tellers patent for reducing solar radiation reaching the Earths surface, it was semi secretly implemented back in 1999.
No red giant, the sun has become a white dwarf while it was in the recent past a yellow dwarf. It is in fact a variable star and the red giant theory is speculation based on nonsense. Not going to happen.
page 29
feb 17,2012
… true that identical DNA in widely separated geographic areas reacts to stimulus to the one of the DNA samples in both geographical areas.
This is related to the simple fact that all living things are connected intrinsically by a life force that is not fully explained or understood as of yet, a singular energy field of sorts, but has been proved to exist.
This is why one identical twin can sense injury or stress in the other though they are in different location's and people report feelings of dread or danger when mass deaths that they have not heard about occur. This occur ed on 911 on a mass scale, people who were in isolated areas and did not hear of the incident reported feeling a sense of doom or great loss of life, or that something had happened in general.
As for the quantum experiment you describe, I can only suggest that as usual data is either being fabricated (which is very common and difficult to prove unless the experiment is independently recreated), because large amounts of grant money are involved, or the observations misinterpreted. The latter is very common in science of all disciplines.
emerald eye quotes online article:
"The reason for the outburst is still not completely clear. It got started on Feb. 14th when a magnetic disturbance rippled around the Arctic Circle. No CME was obvious in local solar wind data at the time; the disturbance just ... happened. Once begun, the disturbance was amplified by the actions of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) near Earth. The IMF tipped south, opening a crack in our planet's magnetic defenses. Solar wind poured in and fueled the auroras."
The book of Revelation was added by King James I believe and is not an original part of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I believe it is a blueprint or a loosely coded warning to those with a certain level of understanding, a scriipt if you will of things to come. Anyway, I have always been intrigued by Ezekiel, Isaiah and Revelation.
[Vesper33 pinned the thread!]
The effects will be global in scope with average atmospheric temperatures increasing radically, a significant lowering of atmospheric pressure worldwide with a change in the overall composition of the atmosphere ,with localized areas of total annihilation, firestorms and a temporary near total losses of atmospheric pressure if I understand the dynamics of an electromagnetic arc and the effects of extreme solar wind without a magnetosphere in good 'operating condition in the atmosphere, it will literally blow away some of the atmosphere.
AA points to his other thread:
Thread: Solar Radiation Leaking through a Failing Magnetosphere Likely Cause of Plant Blights and Animal Mass Deaths
page 30
Way I think of it is its like a massive game of chess, they have been setting up the moves and soon it will be time to strike. Im betting a Nuke will be used PRIMARILY for this purpose.
They will try to coordinate their killing using several methods simultaneously, by releasing genetically altered diseases in population centers, famine, warfare and a breakdown in in basic infrastructures with the natural event to reduce the number of survivors on the surface as much as possible who might give them trouble in their underground lairs. Nothing is impenetrable, so they will try to eliminate as many as possible. I am as good as dead already because of what I know. it is only a matter of time. Already they are on me 24/7's watching my every move..
All of that new age crap is a load.
If you want to survive you had better prepare for what is coming, because radiation and lack of oxygen kill animals.
I personally think the majority of survivors will be in submarines designed specifically for this event, or perhaps as in the movie, 2012, some sort of self contained ark with shielding. Geological instability will be worldwide and on an unimaginable scale..
[The elite] It's not so much smart as it is ruthless and without conscious. The proof of this is that the vast majority of people of exceptional intelligence live in middle class socioeconomic status, some live on the streets. It not so much about how smart they are, but a fundamentally different way of thinking, more or less like a reptile.
[people talking about the sky turning red again… dreams …]
AA: This has actually ready happened. During the last solar max we had a red glow to the sky here in Texas on several occasions, not the ordinary aurora borealis but just a reddish hue or glow in the night sky.
Not to get off topic but i have always believed that these reason these 'elite' interbreed is to keep their gene pool integrated, carefully inserting ordinary genes occasionally to prevent genetic degradation, and that they somehow programed a conscious or a feeling of having done wrong when harming someone else into the majority of us so that we would be easier to control an unequal to them in a 'dog eat dog' world.
Sometimes a dream is just a dream but the mention a a static plasma discharge is very interesting to me since I know they exist, and gives credence to the possibility your dream is what we Indians call a vision.
Sometimes visions are induced by consuming certain compounds and other times by fasting. Sometimes they occur for no particular reason at all.
The only way you'll know if it was a vision and not just a dream is if it actually happens.
Not trying to be a smart ass, just giving you the facts.
As for the glowing red sky dream, I had it at age 5 and have had it ever since of and on. I was shocked when it came true in the middle part of the last decade.
A c child I constancy worried about the Sun, and wondered if it would always remain the same. I had the feeling all my life it would change and kill most life on earth. This was a persistent vision most e likely , since part of it already came true..
I also had another dream where my vision went to all red, that is I could see nothing else but a blood red color, and I felt a pressure and loss consciousness. Scary ass dream.
… the [solar] data is unreliable for two main reasons, the satellites instruments are damaged and the data that is getting through is being censored. I believe they have lost many of the satellites outside the magnetosphere and are simply promulgating data from them.
page 30
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:56 PM
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page 31
How could any survivors expect to ever feed themselves in the barren wastelands that are likely to remain after this event? Won't the atmospheric/soil/sunlight outputs have changed so much that the planet may just not be conducive to life again for many many many years? Thanks.
Quoting: 25153
Food can be grown underground in controlled environments, oxygen produced by chemical reactions, for instance iron oxide (rust) and certain acids produce pure oxygen.
Light can be produced artificially using solar panels. You just have the have a way to retract them during particle radiation bombardment and excessive electromagnetic radiation bursts. You could also devise a method to power lights by generators if you had a natural fuel supply like we do here that is abundant, There are places here where natural gas seeps out of the gourd, tapping an existing well is a possibility.
[on the shill] He is posting from the NSA outpost near Alice springs at Pine gap. If you have Google earth, enter 'pine gap facility, Australia ' into the search field and look around a bit, and you'll see exactly where this a**ho** is posting from.
Almost all of the so called 'debunkers' in Australia post from there and the quality of their personnel has declined in recent years , making me think there is either a funding problem or quite the interpersonal conflicts going on there distracting them AT any rate their work has degraded to the point that it is defeating it's purpose.
page 32
Again, after 12 years of research I have came to the conclusion that we must not allow the worst of humanity, those with reptilian characteristics, to be the only ones to survive along with a few selected slave class 'worker bees' with the right genetics' That IS their intention. That is why I am trying to prepare people. I will later post a detailed thread (God be willing) on how to construct your own survival bunker and how you CAN survive what is coming. It is my opinion it has happened before and the Earth recovered.
Yes, there will be a period of criticality, but then most likely conditions will begin to gradually improve. The worst case scenario is we lose the atmosphere completely and end up like Mars, with a dead magnetosphere. In that case it would be a total ELE on a full scale. I do not believe this is the case. I believe there is a purpose for this, it is a cleansing. In fact all of my people believe this is coming and this is the resin.
The great Indian philosopher, prophet and leader Tecumseh once said 'we saw you before you came, and we saw your demise as well, and it will be your own actions that cause it"
question: Also what is the likely cause of the failure of the earth's magnetosphere last couple of days though we didnt have any noteworthy CME's/solarflares
Have we started encountering the dense area of the G-Cloud?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 10938368
I believe the mag field effects are caused by the interaction of our Sun and the Earths magnetic field with a much stronger magnetic field centralized at the galactic center and concentrated on the galactic plane. And for entering the denser areas of the plasma field, that's a definite affirmative.
I have came to the conclusion that it is the effects of the galactic centers own electromagnetic field effecting our own. Two magnetic fields can either re enforce or cancel each other.
As I said before, since there was no other apparent cause, it came from outside the solar system. It also effected the heliosphere in a similar way. It is the galactic centers magnetic field. Many of you who have followed my threads know I predicted this long ago that the geomagnetic field would weaken , we would have multiple 'poles', and then the polarity would reverse after we cross the galactic plane.
Like I have said many times, our people [the American Indian] believe it is a 'tilling of the garden', to rid it of the weeds. The 'weeds' know about it and are preparing in advance to defend themselves, but the blades of the tiller reach deep into the ground.
page 33
You are quite correct. As pointed out before, most people sense what is coming instinctively but react negatively bringing it up consciously. I have actually gotten into physical altercations with people angered by what I was saying.
The Earth will NOT stop rotating. It might slow or accelerate, but it will not stop. As for dreams, our people believe they are a step into another dimension, just as real as this one. Some portend the future, and they are visions.
There are many ancient legends of peoples who rode it out in caves, eating animals they either took with them or that entered the caves attempting to escape the event. There are caves filled with animal and human bones all over the world. AN ELE could last for as short of a period as a couple of months up to ten or more years.
11:11am, The eastern time zone. And the reason I can be so sure is because they also predicted every solar and lunar eclipse that are concurring in these times to a window of accuracy of minutes hundreds of years ago, there is no reason to doubt they could not predict the crossing of the galactic plane with equal accuracy.
A solar flare caused the death of over ten(or was it 20 thousand?) people in Europe during the last solar max. The deaths were attributed to a heat wave, of temperatures that were high but not unprecedented caused by the flares. It just it happened the X class flare's resultant severe full halo CME arrived while the Sun almost was directly overhead in Europe and had they only had the thickness of the atmosphere for the particles to perpetrate, as the magnetic field was near zero nanotesla (and yes, I do have the archive of the correlating data to back it up).
It is the had the tendency of the French to use copper and metal roofing that caused the most deaths, mostly on the upper floors. The older weaker people just could take the secondary electromagnetic radiation caused by the CME's highly Energetic particle radiation. They were cooked from the inside out. A similar event occurred in India but was not as well publicized, and the data correlates on that mass death as well. Elephants kept in metal condiments died in that event, so it was quite intense. Against, there were high temperatures but nothing unprecedented that had caused mass death before.
If they told the world the truth the people would seek revenge against the elite classes and any form of authority and anarchy would result, ruining the plans of the elite. The only ting that keeps people under control is fear of criminal prosecution. Once there is a bigger fear introduced, that method of control loses it's effectiveness completely.
It was either written by someone from the future, in the future, or who was provided with information about the future because man cannot scriipt or cause solar activity and the Sun's present activity is mentioned in both Isaiah and Revelation. BTW, I have always thought 'extra terrestrials' were beings that have evolved from us in the future and have mastered time travel. The reason i believe this is that the likelihood outside intelligent life would locate this planet out of billions is remote, and even if they did locate it, why bother For amusement? Was their star dying? Lots of possibilities. One of the most intriguing things I have studied is the moon , which appears to be artificial.
Yeah, it's really about timing and during the last solar max we dodged the bullet several times. If you look back on this thread you will see a listing of several flares the went off the scale (in excess of X-10 is off the scale), and they had to add a new classification and level on the scale called the "y class'. These flares could not be measured accurately and the numbers are estimates, because they exceeded the instruments ability to measure them and overloaded their sensors.
There were several events that if they were geo effective and the Sunspots that produced them near the center of the Suns disk at the same time the geomagnetic field was down (as it was many times), we would be living in a different world. And this is not speculation, it is a scientific fact.
page 34
Iodine prevents radioactive
Iodine from accumulating in the thyroid, if I understand my physiology correctly. Eating an excess of
Iodine enriched salt would dilute the uptake of radioactive iodine. I think when you crave something you should eat it, because your body's instincts are kicking in and you need whatever that item is.
[chemtrails] The operation goes on day and night when geomagnetic disturbances or high UV levels are expected. The material is microscopic dust, less than ten microns, and stays up for a long time. They also tend to apply it near where the jet stream is to make the dispersion more efficient. if you will take the time to do so, you will see the 'chem-trail' will gradually spread out into a cirrus like cloud, and when there are a lot of them being 'laid' a sunny day soon turns into an overcast one. You may also notice that on days when heavy 'chem trailing" activity has occurred, the temperatures do not drop as rapidly at night. It is also noteworthy that these reflective particles can be condensation nuclei and for real clouds over a period of time.
I have always found this subject at the forefront of my interest because it effects us all and is probably the single most important event any of us will ever experience.
The last solar maximum was late to end, it stands to reason they have become less predictable and that this one will probably be late to get kicked off. We've already had a few x class flares, some spectacular CME's and many strong m class flares so don't get discouraged. It isn't supposed to peak until later this year and early next year.
The Mayans claim the solar system 'bobs' up and down through the galactic plane, this is what their long count calendar is based on. All native tribes believe the cleansing is coming.
No one claims it's the end of the Earth and life on it as far as I know, it is the end of this present reality.... This is the end of time, and he beginning of time, it is where the symbol of the snake eating it's tail originates, it is where the idea of the great circle of time among my people originates.
In contrast, academically educated physicists and scientists think time moves in a linear fashion, never repeating or coming back to the same point in time, which is falsehood. There are great advancements possible if the truth is known, researched and accepted in the mainstream. I am afraid that's not going to happen. The dark rift is the galactic plane, where dense plasma blocks out light from the stars.
I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure pluto is solid as are some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn. It might be these gas giants are just plasma brought together in the same way a start forms. Many have theorized that if we were to look at Jupiter from another solar system we would call it a brown dwarf star
A red glow is caused by ionization of the atmosphere, if it were a city the light would be white. This red glow is being reported from all over the world, many reports on this thread alone. I believe it is caused protons of the lower van allen belt entering the atmosphere.
page 35
… the sunspots on the backside all calmed down, and the solar wind nearly stopped. That is what caused the magnetosphere to collapse on the 14th. I am just is in wonder about it as you are, but the Sunspots were most active while they were on the other side of the Sun.
Any idea what caused the geomagnetic storm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11014433
The failure of the solar wind. This very rare and were it to be persistent for any time wold be fatal to most life on Earth. Earth would become like mars.
I can almost assure you with absolute certainty that next year at this time you WILL NOT be using the internet. You most likely will be struggling to survive, if you're still alive. I'm not trying to scare you, and I admit I am baffled by recent developments, but I did predict the failure of the magnetosphere as we near the galactic plane and it is happening.
page 36
What the hell is causing that pressure?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11025385
I am working on solving that question, at the moment I am not sure. The official sources aren't showing any elevation of proton flux that could explain it, but we did experience an almost cessation of the solar wind and a radical drop in electron flux which correlated with a failure of the magnetosphere, which simply does not correlate with the data you posted. This is evidence data is being fabricated, the question is, which? The pressure could be caused by an influx of particles coming from the direction of the sun other than protons or electrons, like perhaps ions of hydrogen or helium or even heavier elements. I am at the moment at a loss to explain that high of a magneto pause pressure given the data.
I am almost certain the failure of the magnetosphere is caused by the absorption of electrons by the gradually increasing density of the plasma cloud the solar system has entered, and I predicted this 8 years ago. The real "scary' part of it is that this plasma cloud increases the electrical conductivity of interplanetary space between the Earth and the Sun, meaning if there were to be a huge CME during an event like what we just saw, the results would be undeniable as there would be mass deaths of many species all over the Sunlit side of the Earth and failure of all types of electronic based equipment.
I have made a conclusion, though i will not finalize it as of yet.
Our solar system is traveling through space towards the galactic plane, encountering a gradually but not consistently increasing density of plasma.
We just passed through a dense area of plasma , a bubble if you will, which increased the conductivity of interplanetary space enough to cause normal proton flux from the Sun cause unusual pressure readings in the magneto pause.. As you can see the pressure is now decreasing, and the data all coincided simultaneously, the drop in electron flux (caused by absorption of electrons from the Sun by the more dense plasma bubble we entered), the increase in magneto pause pressure (caused by the increase in conductivity of interplanetary space ,which in turn caused normal proton flux to cause abnormal magneto pause pressures.
I am almost certain this is the right explanation but I have more data to analyze. We are entering uncharted territory for lack of a better description, and new ways of predicting outcomes will need to be developed as we go. I would suspect any sudden drop in electron flux will be the result of entering another plasma bubble, let's just all pray there isn't a big active sunspot that belches out a huge CME at the wrong time.
I am afraid that is beyond our ability unless we could somehow alter the entire human collective conscious and make a new reality. There is little we can do, but your fear of the moon being struck by a static discharge is not unfounded, since the moons surface is known to be highly metallic, with aluminum, titanium and other conductive metals just under the surface. In fact many people believe the moon is artificial and hollow.
page 37
I can't be sure of all of the data , the only thing I can accurately measure myself is the presence , size and complexity of sunspots on the visible disk of the Sun during the daylight hours while the Sun is not obscured by clouds, the proton flux level and energy range at the surface at my location, the UVa and UVb radiation flux density, and the electron flux density and energy range at the surface at my location. I can also measure x and gamma radiation flux and energy levels. That is the extent of my own person instrumentation and observational abilities without the sat data.
I'm not sure about your meaning , but we do NOT pass through the galactic plane every year if that's what you meant and I am assuming it is by your follow up statement.
We have been approaching it and will cross it for the first time in human history on 12/21/12@ 11:11 U.S Eastern standard time.
The reason I can be so sure and so precise is because I am using a calendar as a reference that has repeatedly and consistently predicted thousands of solar and lunar eclipses and other celestial events to within minutes of accuracy, and this calendar says that's when we will cross the galactic plane.
The so called G-cloud/dense plasma/ ribbon IS the plasma concentrated on the galactic plane.
Remember, I predicted this 8 years ago. NASA is useless. I have offered my services for a reasonable salary but they know I will post my information for free, and that's why there are so many views as compared to reply's on my threads. The only job i was ever offered by the government was to decimate disinformation and i refused.
If they did know anything they would
Sugar coat it or obscure the truth, and I don't think they know what's going on.
Modern Astronomers can't say how far we are from the galactic plane, they claim they don't even know if we are north or south of it, but claim at the same time we are not going to cross it for at least another 20 thousand years or something.
In other words, they don't know at all. But the Mayans did. They knew we were north of it and precisely when we would cross it. What you've got now is a bunch of egg headed traditionally educated scientists that don't want to admit that these "inferior savages" were far more advanced than they are now over 500 years ago. Each day that goes by it will become more and more evident they were right, and in the date I gave you it will be undeniable.
Hiding the truth won't make it go away. The truth is like a spark in drought.
… There are several reasons for this actually, but the main reason is they are just not willing to admit they have no idea what is happening and why while at the same time admitting an advanced culture that far exceeded their present knowledge and was annihilated by Christian invaders predicted it and knew hundreds of years in advance. They are never going to admit the truth, that they know very little about the universe or even the world we live on..
I have dealt with these people face to face, and they don't care about the truth as much as they do not being proved wrong. They hold to fanciful fantasies as fact and that is the main thing that confuses them to the point where it is impossible to understand the relative simplicity of the electric universe.
I believe this is caused by high energy protons from the lower Van Allen radiation belt (google) causing the atmosphere to glow through ionization when the magnetic field weakens and the protons enter the atmosphere.. It is not unlike a florescent light. I am wondering it it was on the 14th that you saw this, i know you say about a week ago, but try to be more precise, if possible. There was an event on that day that could easily explain it.
I have not given any though to what would happen were the moon struck by a powerful discharge from the Sun, my main concern is with the Earth. But as I have said repeatedly, the moons metallic surface does make that a distinct possibility. If you are suggesting an interaction between this discharge and the H3 present on the moon could cause a thermonuclear;ear explosion, I personally doubt it. But then that is not my area of expertise. I personally think the moon would act a giant capacitor, holding the charge locally. which brings up the possibility of a moon to Earth discharge of electrical energy.
No , the moon cannot become a star. What were were referring to is it is basically composed of metal on the surface and could store a significant charge acting as a capacitor to cause an electrical discharge to the Earth. The presence of high density plasma in the form of charged particles could not only charge the moon like a capacitor (google "capacitor"), but it also increases the electrical connectivity between the moon and earth, so this this is not an unreasonable possibility.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
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07/23/2012 10:57 PM
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page 38
Wallace Thornhill he wrote the book the "Electric Universe". I believe he is an astrophysicist from Australia.
Quoting: grefey
I suppose I should have known that , but the fact is I stay away from reading the ideas of others and incorporating them into my own theories. It was Henry Ford who said "the more your read, the less you know", and I believe him , considering my personal experience. I will however research this individual and his theory, since it appears to at least some degree match my own ideas. I got most of my inspiration from Tesla, who was an experimenter and an observer and not a theoretical physicists, who I believe are worth about a penny a pound.
[Again on Wallace Thornhill] I didn't watch the video but I have started reading some of his publications. He has some very similar ideas to my own. I think if you looked at the universe logically and discarded quantum theory, almost all theoretic physicists would come to similar conclusions.
One of the things that intrigued me is how he came to the exact same conclusion as I did about gravity, that it was a weak form of electromagnetism..
That is why it is important to me at least not to read the ideas of others so much. If many people come to exactly the same conclusions independently, it gives credence to the theory .
No one understands quantum theory, there is absolutely no consensus whatsoever, no two men in the world describe it the same way, and very few will attempt to that claim they do understand it, which is odd in of itself. Einstein and all his crap needs to recognized for what it is, convoluted self contradictory nonsense, a complex fiction.
[oddly I was banned from my own thread, i can imagine why, think it might have something to do with my comments about NASA. Some of NASA's proponents and employees are just plain nuts]
MzTreeChick: Do you know, or have an idea of what the actually physical effects this is having on the human body?
I have the rash on my arms and chronic fatigue myself, I have chronic pain but don't know if it fibromyalgia , I just take tramodol for it and it works. i feel like I am aging very quickly. When i get out in the Sun the exposed skin itches very badly and I scratch it without knowing while sleeping and actually bleed all over the place.
Thread: Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome- MAKING US SICK **MUST READ***
Yes, I read that thread, remember, we are dealing with several different kinds of radiation that have widely varying affects:
UVa and UVb--skin deep, not penetrating but can cause sever skin damage, melonoma and skin cancer
Proton radiation- Depending on the energy level can penetrate through the body. It is ionizing radiation and it does DNA damage to cells. It is also a bit like being shot to pieces with billions of tiny projectiles when the flux level is high. Very dangerous form of radiation. When it impacts metal objects like cars, it is converted to x and depending upon the energy level, gamma radiation, flooding the interior with high flux levels of high energy emr.
Cosmic radiation: Extremely high energy particle radiation capable of penetrating deep into the ground. It is generally composed of protons and sometime Neutrons. Flux densities are usually low. Let's pray they stay that way.
Gamma radiation- Short wavelength Electromagnetic radiation sometimes emitted by the Sun or by the impact of high energy particle radiation on metal objects. Highly ionizing and very deadly at moderate flux levels.
X radiation. Longer wavelength than Gamma, less damaging but still potentially deadly, also produced by impact of particle radiation on metal objects. X ray flares are very common and when the Sun is directly overhead are very dangerous and can cause radiation sickness and even death.
All ionizing radiation causes damage at the cellular level, and to dna. This means that not only can it kill cells, it can cause damage to dna without killing the cell, and if that cell replicates you have cancer. The damage caused by ionizing radiation is dependent on two factors , flux density (amount) and energy level (the shorter the wavelength of electromagnetism radiation, the more energetic it is, and the higher the velocity times the mass of particle radiation, the higher the energy level. The formula for the Kinetic energy of particle radiation is 1/2 mass times velocity squared. (1/2 m X v2) Therefore a proton and a neutron moving at the same velocity have the same energy level because they have the same mass, but an electron moving at the same energy level has much less energy than either a proton or neutron because the mass is much less.
The best policy with radiation is to understand the effects are cumulative, and although some recovery dies occur between exposures, the 'healing' is never complete. The more and the higher energy level radiation you are exposed to, the quicker you will die. it is a very simple formula.
[On the Sun] The forecast is as I said before and have been saying all along for it to get gradually worst as we near the 'dark riff' of the galactic plane, which is a cloud of concentrated plasma that is dense enough to block starlight.
It will get gradually worst. Springtime will be when you really start to realize we are in trouble, by the middle of the summer it's going to be extremely hot with intense weather systems and areas of extreme drought that ordinarily experience heavy rainfall in the summer. There will be a gradual decline in all plant life exposed to direct sunlight. loss of leaves, slow to no growth , with the death of many centurion trees.
The pronounced fatigue is a symptom many are experiencing, including myself. Some days I can hardly get out of bed, I just want to go back to sleep. I drink two pots of coffee a day fighting the exhaustion.
page 39
The skies DO look radically different, the people who don't notice are two young to remember or not very observant, or in a state of denial. The latter is very very common, and this particular category will get angry and agitated if you mention it. There are actually several reasons for this, one is the lack of ozone and a change in the upper atmosphere in general, and the other is operation cloverleaf. A man named Patrick Minis was at one time in charge of the operation, and the data was accessible on the internet if you knew the addresses.
Jet fuel was reformulated around 1999 when the plan was implemented and the engines underwent a basic redesign so they could digest the polymer coated metals in the fuel, which include highly reflective aluminum oxide alloys and barium.
The fuel was designated JP-8. There are also military tankers called 'mega sprayers' designed to operate at high altitude and velocity. They are grey in color and difficult to actually see, it looks as it the trails are coming from a point in the sky causing many rumors of UFo's being responsible. The grey 'orbs' are used to track wind directing and speed and have transponders on them. i have personally found and recovered crashed 'orbs' that something collided with in caddo lake in two separate occasions, (they are simply spherical plastic baloons) once while looking for remains of the crashed space shuttle that went down here. The 'x's' commonly seen are used to track the direction and movement by satellite..
Barium absorbs radiation while aluminum reflects the moderate to long wavelengths. One of the best ways to prove the difference in to days skies and those of yesteryear's is to look at old pictures of mountains off in the distance and compare them to modern equivalents. There is always a bluish grey haze present now when looking through miles of distance no matter the weather..
The best way to prove the presence of these materials is simply to collect rainwater and evaporate about five gallons and see what you're left with, which is a grayish sludge of Aluminum oxide and baruim.
This experiment has been done over and over and even on the local news here in East Texas. If you have any doubts about the reality of this operation, do this experiment yourself.
I personally have not seen a true bluebird sunny day in over 12 years, and as a fisherman you notice this, because such days are no goes for fishing.
What we are seeing is a normal to moderately elevated electron flux and a weak magnetosphere, which goes completely against the norm and is very unusual.
The same people have he same reaction when you bring up 911 looking like an inside job or the president being a puppet.
There things that are always denied together by the same people : 1) 911 was an inside job, 2) the moon landings were faked, 3) there is a world wide
Conspiracy controlling world events headed by international banking cabal. The brainwashed can be identified by a common belief that all of these facts mentioned above are wide eyed conspiracy theories and if pressed they become angry.
The correlation between chem trails and solar activity as well as the weakening of the magnetosphere is well established.
When huge Sunspots appeared during the last solar max, the chem trailing was so intense that it was cloudy over nearly all land masses in the northern hemisphere.
page 40
[On Feb.22, 2012 an AC in the UK makes this observation]:
Over 40,000 views and only 40 pages. Seems somebody's interested in this.
When a large sunspot appears chemtrailing activity always increases. Their activities are reactive to predicted space weather events. The application of reflective and radiation absorbing materials is now continuous ongoing operation and every commercial flight is a chemtrailing operation, but when specific events are likely or predicted, supplemental military activity increases radially to the point where the entire continent is under cloud cover.
.A "stratwarm alert" means they are expecting penetration of the magnetosphere by significant proton flux or x ray flux to penetrate unusually far into the atmosphere, enough to heat the stratospheric and effect the operation of aircraft an cause the re routing of flights to avoid dangerous areas.
I was very ill in March of last year and didn't go outside much if at all, and I was not monitoring solar activity at the time, I was more or less too sick to care. What little I do recall is it seemed to be a very quiet period solar weather wise.
I have recovered significantly to the point where I have most of my strength back but I am still deteriorating in general health.
The only distinct pattern I seemed to find in the archives of NOAA's data for the period in question was an almost total cessation of the solar wind in March of last year, and an overall weakening of the geomagnetic field.
It tends to fluctuate in a more or less sine wave pattern which as long as I have been able to observe the satellite data has been the norm, but the difference was that the the peaks of strength measured in nanotesla were at a much lower level than average, around 60-65nanotesla, whereas a bit under 100 nanotesla is the norm. In fact when the 'nanotesla' was invented as a measure of magnetic strength, the Earth's magnetic field was used to calibrate equipment because a reading of 100 was the strength of the magnetic field at the time, and it was much more stable at that time. I am not sure to this day what is causing the continuous and predictable roughly sine wave shaped fluctuation.
I know the magnetic north pole is moving rapidly towards Siberia and has been in constant motion since compasses were invented and has just now started to move very rapidly, but this data doesn't' seem to correlate with that fact so it must represent the actual position of the rotational axis , or north axis of rotation of the Earth. Can anyone clarify this data? It is very odd at any rate, the spiral shape that is. It seems to me it is a gradually tightening circle that is going to culminate in a stationary rotational axis, meaning the chandler wobble has stopped.
… for whatever reason the solar cycles have been delayed . It is also obvious this next cycle is getting started , although there are distinct differences in an ordinary cycle. For one thing, much more minor solar storms are having much greater effects locally on our planet.
This is due to the increased conductivity of open space caused by presence of a more dense charged plasma in interplanetary space than is normal.
There have been several odd occurrences that do not correlate, like for instance a strong solar wind accompanied by a low magnetic field strength and no unusual proton readings, meaning the wind is most likely uncharged particles , possible unionized hydrogen or neutrons. I am not absolutely positive how NOAA's instruments measure solar wind speed, but my conclusion is in the title of this thread as the reason the data does not logically correlate.
Keep thinking and keep asking questions and together we will learn.
[Arnie is concerned for AA's health]
Thanks for you concern, but my life is unimportant in the general scheme of things. After all, it is the spirit that really matters and mine is as strong as ever.
I did read that part in Revelation and have always been intrigued by the insertion in the bible of this obviously correct prediction of the future. It is said that man will curse God because of it, and I found myself while working outdoors question the creator as to why right before I began my intensive study of astrophysics. I knew something was very wrong and the Sun had changed radically. Then i realized, this is how the cleansing will be realized, and it is like plowing a garden full of weeds and applying weed killer before replanting. The circle of time has a beginning and and end at the same point in time, 12/21/12 @ 11:11 AM est.
Regarding this circle of time AA(which I agree with)do you think the earth will be repopulated with an entirely new group of species. In other words, will some humans survive and go on to continue the species and our evolution or will an entirely new species be seeded from where ever?
Quoting: grefey
It is said the the cockroach and the Norway rat are impossible to eradicate, no matter what poisons or tactics are used. I believe that humans are even more resilient, and I know they have survived mass extinctions before by studying the paleontological record. At one time, man co existed with saber toothed tigers, strange looking camel like animals , ans wooly mammoths, all of which became extinct very suddenly. Man has lived through literally thousands of species extinctions.
Personally I believe a tiny portion of the population will survive, perhaps 1 to 5% and not a single one of them will be those who sacrificed the rest of us for their own good.
I actually believe that their undergone lairs will be intelligently excised. like a cancerous tumor. I know this sounds radical an like wishful thinking, but I believe firmly in the intelligent design of the universe and that a large part of the purpose of what is happening is to cleanse the Earth of these self serving
parasites that are killing it and anyone that gets in tier way.
After all, what would be the sense in a cleansing if only the worst of men and women survived? My people believe the people who do survive will be living in harmony with nature and will learn thier lesson, and will be miraculously saved.
I have listened to Robert Felix the author of "Not by Fire but by Ice" and he claims unlike Darwin most extinctions occur rather rapidly and like wise new species arise quickly. He asserts that the fossil record has been misinterpreted and geologists and archeologists have made major mistakes in their theories. I tend to agree with his theory and believe that humans history has been very badly recorded.
Quoting: grefey
Human history HAS been misinterpreted, intentionally. We all were at one time Neanderthal, and somewhere along the lines new genetics were suddenly introduced creating homo sapiens. I a believe this was done intentionally, and by artificial manipulation , that is another species interbred with Neanderthal that Neanderthal coexisted with for some time but eventually was killed off by homo sapiens. Now keep in mind I am a 'creationist', I believe the universe was created by intelligent design, but I also believe that evolution was the natural process that the creator used to create diversity and suitably of species for their enviroment. EVOLUTION AND CREATION ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE! If the creator had the intelligence to create the universe, he had the foresight to create a way to produce genetic diversity through gradual evolution and a way to allow animals and plants to adapt to differing environments..
But we had interlopers, either from the future or another stat system, and we are all partly extra terrestrial. I have personally studied the fossil record as it was of great interest to me as a child and gradual evolution of species is a fact. There were a few instances where sudden changes took place but they are very rare.I have come to the conclusion that except man , all species on Earth are the result of evolution of species.
I know you can only give your opinion regarding this question and a difficult question it is. I believe this has happened in the past or perhaps is cyclic and a renewal process for planet earth. I also believe the ELITES have always known this secret knowledge and have planned history so to speak around it.
Quoting: grefey
Yes. No doubt about it, they've know it was coming for at least three thousand or more years. It is kept from the unwashed masses, revealed in vague references that only the most intelligent and perceptive can accurately interpret.
I had a strange experience in 2007 that made me start to become aware of what is happening. Therefore, let me just say that I am more prepared than most for what may occur. The problem is my gut is telling me that this is going to be a kind of total re-boot for the planet and humans. So do you think humans will survive in their present form and how hard should we try?
What are your feelings on this subject?
Quoting: grefey
The best technological position we can expect to be in is the iron age. Most survivors will intelligently reject going down the same path again, but eventually of course it is inevitable that they will. And the cycle will repeat.
The whole solar system is after all called a system for a reason, and there are interactions.
page 41
[AA comments on an image]
The magnetosphere is a tangled mess of intertwined polarity, magneto pause pressure looks nominal given the solar wind data.
The magnetosphere readings don't match with the magnetosphere simulation at all, and electron flux is normal. Magnetosphere should be weak given the tangle of polarity.
More evidence of falsified data, Also, the major sunspot is being given only a slight chance of producing an my class flare. if that is true, they know something I don;t
Again, back to the thread title. We cannot rely on any of this data any longer, and it is not correlating normally.
I have seen many days when I thought at first that the haziness was gone, but once I got in a location where I could see for several miles the bluish grey haze was evident. If you are sitting in your back yard looking up at the sky, you're not going to notice. Where you do notice is when out on a lake or where mountains are visible off in the distance. The haze is ALWAYS present to some degree.
[This is not true in NZ, which still has the cleanest clearest air I have ever seen.]
Their accuracy of their estimations of the probability of solar flares and their strength increased radically after I gave them my model for prediction. For whatever reason, they discarded it and are back to using their old method, which radically understates the odds of and the expected intensity of solar flaring events. Again, i would be very surprised not to see at least a minor m class flare from 1422. In fatc i would be convinced they were faking the data to prevent the public from being aware. Anything over an middle range N class flare is instantly hazardous to your health when the Sun is almost directly overhead and has only 25 miles of effective atmosphere density to block the EMR. There should be an elert system just as there is with weather to warn people when x ray and particle radiation are likely to be hazardous. Were the data reliable, this chart showing radio frequency attenuation would be a good indicator of x radiation penetrating to the Earths surface, but again, this data has looked minimized for at least a month:
[old link]
Up until recently, it was easy to see where the Sun was directly overhead because regardless of conditions there would be some degree of attenuation where the sun was overhead because the Sun continuously emits x rays regardless of x ray flaring events.. Notice it is blank.
It is dangerous and irresponsible to publish this falsified data.
Feb. 23, 2012
Yes, and if it keeps moving at the rate it is, the north pole will be in the middle of Siberia around 20 degrees south of it's present location in a matter of 20 years or so. I think the Earth will have multiple magnetic poles and probably already does. There have been times when my own compasses were totally unreliable and did not point anywhere towards magnetic north in the past 3 years. AT times they have been up to 15-20 degrees off and at other times no reading at all could be ascertained. People who have GPS in their cars will make the claim their compasses are dead nuts on, but they don't realize they don't rely on the Earths magnetic field to determine magnetic north.
You have to consider not only the movement over a given period of time, but the rapid acceleration of the movement and the gradual weakening of the field.
They know we are going to see them [fireballs], there's no way to hide it, so they are downplaying it. It is really just another sign of entering the mass dense galactic plane.
… how could they keep the production and delivery a secret. The answer is, IT IS NO SECRET. The composition of JP-8 jet fuel is not a mystery to any aircraft engineer or fuel production facility, they just think the
additives are to keep the engines clean internally, it's exact chemical composition is known and was explained in this manner.
Operation cloverleaf is one of the worst kept secrets in the world, it has in fact been officially admitted to from time to time that Geo-engineering projects are underway using aircraft to disperse materials or as they call them 'aerosols' into the atmosphere....there are literally hundreds of websites with information on it and at one time the particle emission data was available on the internet, all you had to know was the address.
Jp-5 has similar additives. One of the expatiation is to allow for cleaner burning of fuels by catalytic conversion, which explains the cirrus like cloud formations produced by to days aircraft.
A change in the position of the pole could explain the Inuits observations of the Sun rising two day earlier than expected. I am convinced there are things going on that would panic the herd were they to know, and they are being revealed to a select few with the intelligence to understand scientific nomenclature and terminology in obscure publications.
I am not one to offend a friend by telling him he's wrong and something he believes might be true is stupid, because that is akin to calling the friend stupid if he misinterprets, but then again it would be wrong not to tell you you are pissing into the wind.
Everything on that page was nonsense and can be proved as such by personal empirical observation with a pair of binoculars as your only tool.
[link to]
I don't know how or why such unscientific notions were ever believe by anyone with any degree of scientific knowledge, but I do know that at one time the most advanced scholars of science once believed the Earth was essentially flat and the Sun revolved around the Earth.
What baffles me is that this can so easily be seen to be false, as this 'spiral cone ' notion of the orientation of the planets in the website you posted. Please do not take this as insult my friend, but independent thought does not always translate into intelligent observations or conclusions.
Sometimes it is nonsense or insanity. I''m not sure how I would characterize this website, let's just say it's wrong on every major point and leave it at that.
page 42
Feb. 24, 2012
[AA's thread is pinned again!]
[So his attackers return…not included here.]
I think it is important to keep in mind that we are all still learning and no doubt are about to get a lesson. As for static plasma discharges, it certainly isn't anything to joke about. Given an adequate difference in potential, electrical discharges can travel across great distances, it all depends on two factors, difference in potential and resistance is certainly not beyond the realm of possibilities that given the right conditions, that a flow of electrical energy from a charged plasma 'cloud' in the form of a static discharge could possibly be a danger to life on Earth and especially our electrical infrastructure.
One things for sure, given what we have seen in the past 12 years the only certainty as far as I am concerned is we have no idea what is possible. There is no doubt whatsoever that the Earth can be hit by an electromagnetic discharge form the Sun that is concentrated like a lightning bolt or spark, and that this could have potentially catastrophic effects, including as I said before,a localized area of total destruction followed by firestorms, partial loss of our atmosphere and widespread biological and technological effects.
It is my opinion that this is precisely what will happen and that is what I am trying to warn as many who will listen about. It has ready happened on Venus and Mercury ,a and now that the plasma density is greater the Earth could be next.
… on this thread and the other under my authorship I give many ideas on how to increase your odds, but the fact is I think the Creator is going to leave those 'he' wants to be left alive to survive and that preparing is prudent but probably not going to matter much.
Sit back and enjoy the spectacle, and get right with your Creator through your consciousness because that is how the Creator communicates with you, and purify your spirit. Learn to live as nature intended because you won't have a choice soon.
What has me concerned is the almost continuous Coronal mass ejections with no Sunspots or solar flares associated with them.
And keep in mind it is not this carnal life that matters as much as your spirit does. The conservation of energy and matter is a basic law of physics, so know your spirit will continue to live on. My health is very poor too and I don't expect to live much longer, in fact I think my psychosocial death will most likely come before or shortly after the circle of time ends and begins again. We don't know what the purpose if life is, but it must have one.
As I said, see the cleansing as a good thing, a necessary thing, and realize that the human race has reached the point where if the Creator did not interfere they would render the planet uninhabitable for thousands of years.
... it is possible the moon could be charged by plasma like a capacitor, given it;s structure. It's density does not increase towards it center, meaning that the metal on the surface might be the only concentration or presence of metals on it, in fact it's surface density is greater than it's density overall, the opposite of all other planetoids which tend to be most dense towards the center. As anyone who has studied electric knows, and insulated metal sphere acts as a capacitor and can store electrical energy, giving rise to a death star like scenario between the Earth and moon.
Many have theorized that since the moon is older than the Earth and has a peculiar orbit and composition , it appears to be hollowed out to some degree, and has a titanium and aluminum outer shell along with some odd other odd facts connected with it, that it was placed in orbit by intelligent beings. (pardon the run on sentence) The fact that it appears the same size in the Earths sky as the Sun is particularly intriguing, it's almost as if it is a sign to those who have the intelligence or wisdom to perceive that the universe is arranged in an intelligent manner.
Trust the Creator, he didn't put you here to waste you.
As i have pointed out before, everyone has a purpose.
The end of the circle of time coinciding with the event I am predicting is not a coincidence IMHO, and it will happen, when i said it will. To me the only question is what will happen in between now and then.
What do you think is the purpose of those who have dominated us all for so long? AKA TPTB
Quoting: 25153
AA: To show us how not to be.
I think that we do learn from it but eventually we come back to the same thing, technocracy. This is mans tendency to play God, and yes, i do think it is a repeating cycle.
As an afterthought, i noticed the infinity symbol is a figure eight , more or less. traveling it's full path always brings you to back to the same point, the crossing probably represents what we as native americans see as the end and beginning and represent with a circle, which as you can see it you travel it's path always brings you back to the same point. Time is not linear as modern science likes to think.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 10:58 PM
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Holy shit. World all time record for "Wall-O-TEXT"
Gotta save this......
File, save as,
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 10:58 PM
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This plasma will also fuel the Sun making it more active than a normal 11 year solar sunspot peak, and will increase the conductivity of interplanetary space between the Earth and the Sun by a large factor, in effect lowering the resistance of electromagnetic and electrically charged particles to pass across distance.
This is something no modern astrophysicist trained in traditional academia will realize or confirm, because he was not taught the electrical nature of the Universe, but instead a fairy tale.
The presence of a high density if charged plasma in interplanetary space with have the exact same effect on electromagnetic radiation coming from the Sun (radio waves ARE electromagnetic radiation) as the presence of charged particles in the ionosphere have on radio transmissions. This is not a theory, this is a fact, backed up by empirical evidence, whether modern astrophysics recognizes it or not.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:00 PM
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AA and The Great Spirit:
The idea of the universe as an entity, as the creator, creation and the individual living spirited creature being parts of the same whole is an integral part of my belief system.
In modern academic science, the main goal seems to be to explain the universe in the absence of God, which makes it the religion of atheism, and to explain the existence of the universe as an accidental happenstance with no intelligent design or creator, an idea i personally find total ridiculous.
I would also like to point out that prior to the idiot savant Einstein's input, most scientists believed in a Creator. What they are trying to claim with quantum physics is that we are our own creators of the universe and that nothing is real. They are trying to make us believe their is no Creator, which empowers them above us spiritually because they know there is.
Intelligence and knowledge are not the same thing, you can be the most intelligent person in the world and actually know very little, just as you can be a m*o*o*n in possession of secret knowledge that gives you immense power.
… they are delusional if they think they are Gods and about to learn the hard way that greedy space aliens aren't the Creator.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:01 PM
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AA's last post was on June 5, 2012 page 246
AA: page 43
Feb. 24, 2012
question from 25153:
Hmm, so you think we're doomed to repeat this same mistake infinitely? Won't our understanding eventually become pure enough that we may be able to overcome this tendency?
I don't really know, I'm not a philosopher, but i think after the circle of time ends we go back to being one with the creator and as time progresses our intelligence and our creativity leads us to be come increasingly belligerent to the will of the creator, and have to be put back in our proper place.A common theme in many religions including my own is that the Creator made us in his image and gave us the ability to do great things, but for whatever reason the selfish ones always take over and ruin it. It is part of a balance, I believe between good and evil, and eventually by it's nature evil overcomes good and the Earth must be cleansed.
The idea of the universe as an entity, as the creator, creation and the individual living spirited creature being parts of the same whole is an integral part of my belief system.
Phase-Sphere says:
I've thought infinity for years, but here recently I've started to think that maybe its a double helix. Just like a strand of DNA, or possibly a fractal. After all, our heliosphere could be analogized as a single cell, with the sun being the nucleus and the inner solar system analogized as cytoplasm. Each solar system being a complete cell, building the Galaxy and taking form in the Cosmos.
AA's reply:
I wonder just how many of us have, and what it means. In modern academic science, the main goal seems to be to explain the universe in the absence of God, which makes it the religion of atheism, and to explain the existence of the universe as an accidental happenstance with no intelligent design or creator, an idea i personally find total ridiculous.
I would also like to point out that prior to the idiot savant Einstein's input, most scientists believed in a Creator. What they are trying to claim with quantum physics is that we are our own creators of the universe and that nothing is real. They are trying to make us believe their is no Creator, which empowers them above us spiritually because they know there is.
Remember this one thing, most actual scientific advancement comes from the minds of independent thinkers, in fact more developments come from science fiction writers than all the university labs in the world combined. Food for thought!
Today's academic science fact is tomorrows subject of ridicule!
[AA mentions Luminous or shining at night; as a noctiluminous clouds as being plasma.]
The Earth itself is an inescapable prison by design.
We are confined here by unconquerable obstacles.
[Regarding thread readers]
Many more are paying attention that you think, they just aren't responding. Most of them are scientists with PhD's and government officials that don't want their IP's logged as responding here.
You believe in re incarnation and retaining what you've learned in the previous life. So do I. The difference that I believe that power corrupts and knowledge is power, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The smarter and wiser people get, the more they tend to exploit those on a lower plane of development. Unfortunately, this is evident in all of the observable patterns. How many people do you know with a lot of power who are not corrupted to the bones?
Intelligence and knowledge are not the same thing, you can be the most intelligent person in the world and actually know very little, just as you can be a m*o*o*n in possession of secret knowledge that gives you immense power.
page 44
AC question: I have a question, will the sun suddenly start events or will it be a gradual onset?
AA reply: It will it be a gradually rapid onset.
When you see the leaves start to fall of of plants and trees in late spring, plants fail to grow or die completely on the sunlit side,and animals nowhere to be seen, you will know it is because of radiation penetrating the atmosphere and magnetosphere.
Many crops have been genetically altered to resist the radiation, but there is a limit.
Large sunspots can be observed by anyone with welding goggles and a number 11 lens.GPS,
Cell Phone s and satellite TV will become less reliable., as will conventional am radio and all forms of radio communications in hf range. Scanning the AM band now will reveal many radio signals emanating from the Sun and the plasma cloud.
Question: What are the probes launched in the Arctic looking for?
AA reply: Changes in charged particles entering at the magnetic poles.
… why I am predicting by early summer it will be undeniable and everyone will be talking about it. there is only so far electronic brainwave manipulation and brainwashing can control the human mind. When they go out and see all of their trees dying and their grass is brown, they are going to know something is wrong no-matter what anyone tells them, how many are in agreement that everything is fine, or what frequencies are transmitted into their brains.
… Many of those objects are too large to be high speed particles, perhaps these are 'fireballs' they are warning about. A sudden right angle movement could be caused by impact with another object. I think they are just masses of congealed matter in the increased density of matter in the galactic plane we are now entering. This is how stars eventually form.
AC: It appears the sun/solar system is becoming unstable. That right angle is not normal.
AA: Agreed.
AC: … many comets being pulled into the Sun.
AA: Or something. I think they are just masses of matter pulled together by electrostatic effects.
AC: …rise in protons …
AA: The protons came from a huge CME that went off about 20 hrs ago. NOAA registered no accompanying solar flare, they scrubbed the data.
[pole shift?]
AA: When you say pole, many are confused between magnetic north pole and rotational axis pole. In the context you are asking, I am assuming you are referring to the actual rotational axis, which according to my information is tightening into a less pronounced wobble, indicating the opposite of what you suggest.
But, I don't know if you have every played with a top as a child, but a perfect rotation can suddenly turn into a pronounced wobble and a falling over of the top with the slightest input of force.
If the position of the rotation axis changed rapidly overnight, not a building would be left standing and the sloshing around of water would cause massive floods. Geological instability would be such that it would impossible to stand or walk. Let us hope that doesn't happen.
page 45
Feb.25, 2012
World War III is about reducing the number of survivors as much as possible and will be coordinated with it and begin right before it happens. They will cause outbreaks of genetically altered diseases and famine as well. The idea is to, as I said before, eliminate as many of us as possible so we are not a danger to them in their bunkers. They're not going to make it anyway. The cleansing targets them specifically.
My people [the Cree Indians] believe the survivors will be upon the mountains, living in harmony with nature.
Nibiru is a new age crock of shit, distraction. While there might be a planet we don't know about out there, it has nothing to do with what is happening, because if such a planet exists every child with a 39 dollar telescope would be able to see it.
page 46
I know that by sheer statistical chance there are countless other worlds with intelligent life …
I've been feeling sapped of energy all day, can't get my mid working, I had a friend drop by and i had to give him the bums rush because I can't hardly stand up.
I am not smarter than everyone … I never said there wasn't other intelligent life in the universe, in fact I think intelligent life is probably proliferated throughout the universe, and has even visited and perhaps interfered or intervened in our evolution.
I have personally seen machines in the sky that far exceeded the operational parameters of anything close to any known human technology and any technology I believe humans could possible possess even if were 500 years beyond what we know exists...
I apologize it this has been asked already but will our electromagnetic field eventually fail if it continues to keep the beating it has been?
Quoting: Do you see what I see
Yes. It will become so weak and so inconsistent as to be totally ineffective. During the sunlit hours of the day during this period of time radiation exposure will be critical. Outdoor activity will be possible with improvised protection that isn't very complicated. The worst case scenario as I have pointed out before is if we lose a significant percentage of the atmosphere and barometric pressures and oxygen levels decrease.
There is evidence that overall barometric pressure averages are already lower than what they were 100 years ago and in some areas oxygen levels or 5-7% lower than what they were at one time. In some cities there are now warnings given for people with compromised respiratory systems given on the local news, like my own area for instance. We frequently have what are called 'ozone action days' which are really just a warning for diminished 02 content.
The proton flux in the lower energy range is puzzling. especially when it isn't correlating with any of the other data. IMHO these protons are not coming from the Sun , but from the plasma field. If it continues to rise, any drop in magnetic field strength will be accompanied by biological effects on the surface. The geomagnetic field strength has been fluctuating in a basic sine wave pattern for over ten years that I know, with no explanation other that it corresponds with a simultaneous and proportional drop in electron flux X energy levels of the solar wind reaching Earth.
I have been very ill all day to day, hard to describe, just like I'm winding down and losing energy. I feel pain but it isn't severe, just generalized and not localized in any particular area. The symptoms I am feeling closely resemble prolonged low level radiation exposure. As for bare skin and the Sun, I am dark pigmented and can't do it, period. The Sun burns my face and arms, I wear long sleeved shirts even when it is hot and a wide rimed bush hat. I believe the epidemic of anxiety so many are feeling is because they preconceive the changes subconsciously and remain in a state of cognitive dissonance, it is just too much to absorb.
High winds are being reported all over the world and are the result of the interaction of the plasma field and the atmosphere. The relative difference in speed between the Earth traveling through the field induces the energy input into the atmosphere, and these protons showing on the data I posted above are probably part of the makeup of the plasma field, which is interacting with the atmosphere.
Yes, that could cause interference with brain functions because the human brain works on electrical impulses and protons effect anything electrical.
In fact, during the last solar maximum there was an epidemic of automobile battery failure and computerized engine control module failure caused by protons simply draining the batteries or erasing the logic circuits of the the computer. I am convinced a large percentage of computer failures were related to charged particle radiation. When a battery died, you could always smell hydrogen sulfide (a sign protons were saturating the electrolytes) and there was no recharging them. Sometimes they got hot and actually cracked open, and always during CME events coinciding with a compromised geomagnetic field.
I personally think they've sunk many billions of dollars of the working class people of this world's money in a project in Switzerland with the desperate goal of escaping.
Good luck. It ain't happenin'
They don't get it, they are the target of the cleansing and it is because of selfish activity just like this that makes it necessary. Ir maybe they do know they are the target, and are resisting the will of the Creator, but it matters little. Their experiments are in vain and what they a telling us about what they are doing is bunk. The real goal of CERN is learning how to exceed light speed with mass.
AC: Something that also just dawned on me is what effect is this going to have on ALL of the worlds nuclear reactors.
AA: Hard to say, nuclear reactors are shielded but no amount of shielding stops certain particles. Like high energy cosmic rays or neutrinos. We have seen many instances of unpredicted overproduction of energy and scrams in reactors around the world, along with many accidents.
page 47
A lack of correlating data is useless because we don't know which if any of it is real. Everyone in my family is reporting odd symptoms and behavior ...
We need people to report any unusual symptoms of mental disorientation or illness as they post to this thread. I am very concerned that the data is being completely fabricated and the radiation problem is much worst than we are being told. Alert other readers on other threads and other websites, get them here to report symptoms. This is very serious, as serious an event as I have encountered in 12 years of research and nothing on the data streams explains it.
It doesn't take a scientist to make observations and see things aren't normal.
AA on CERN: Could be trying to create an alternate timeline. They believe time is linear. It is ironic how the use a circle to try to alter it. Our people warned not to use the sacred circle in technology but the whites laughed at us.
The ort cloud is a reality and the source of many comets with totally unpredictable appearances and periods, and it is also beyond a doubt where the majority of mass of our solar system is located.
I believe there is a large planetoid in a long period orbit around the Sun, but it cannot be a star or we would be able to observe it. I do not believe it ever becomes visible to us here on Earth with the naked eye as many have suggested.
It has to be a such a distance that it is undetectable at the present time with telescopes, or amateur astronomers all over the world would be reporting it's position and fighting over who gets the rights of discovery That DOES NOT mean it could not effect the ort field, which is way out there in astronomical solar system distances.
It is actually SOUTH of Dallas, near Corsicana and Midlothian, and pretty close to Waco. They did eminent domain on all the landowners in the "ring" area, where they built above ground buildings and entrances.
It was called the Super Collider. You can google it for more info. It was "almost completed", more than 3/4's finished. I really believe ALL of the underground part was completed. No telling what is possibly being done there, underground.
Quoting: Ozark
Correct you are, I worked on it as a private contractor/ welding engineer. It was completed, they just wanted to create the illusion the project was abandoned to avoid public scrutiny.
EVEN IF WE SHUT DOWN EVERY NUCLEAR REACTOR IN THE world all of the fuel rods would still need to be disposed of, literally millions of tons collectively. They all remain 'hot' for thousands of years. What do we do with them?
They created a problem that by our present level of technology is unsolvable, which I knew in 1078 was irresponsible, as evidenced by a term paper I wrote on the subject as a high school senior. MY English teacher … failed me based on the fact that my term paper was inadequately referenced and speculation, three months later three mile island melted down.
AC: The most frightening aspect of it is that even if they were all shut down the fuel rods would still need to be continuously cooled, and without a power grid in place reactors would be spewing radiation worldwide.
page 48
Feb. 26, 2012
The cleansing is a bit like a father taking a disrespectful child out to the woodshed. In the old ways and by the ancient laws, sometimes the child didn't come back. I my own tribal society, nothing is looked down on with more disdain than child abuse, except a disrespectful child. If you look at our present society you will notice and odd correlation between what we have been discussing here and the actions and behavior of children, who have became not only disrespectful to their elders, but have taken over control of their own lives essentially through the feminist movement, corrupted court systems, and liberal thinking.
911 HAD many purposes, the trifecta as Bush called it. he got his imperialist oil war, a crackdown on personal freedom in america, and trillions of dollars dissipated into thin air, all without a single mention in the media.
[TPTB thought] That there was no God, that they were the only Gods,in a nutshell.
They actually have it in their minds that they are gods among men, no fooling. They believe in an ancient belief system and in a strange concept that a certain subspecies if homo sapiens with rh- blood was placed her by extra terrestrials to rule over man in their behalf. Supposedly these individuals have reptilian characteristics and a lack of compassion and human consciousness, something that was intentionally bred into the rest of us to make us controllable.
They might be right,some of my research points to this probability, but they are delusional if they think they are Gods and about to learn the hard way that greedy space aliens aren't the Creator, and about to be taken out to the woodshed not to return, as I alluded to in a previous post.
Can you elaborate a bit more on hydrogen sulfide and the effects of the sun in relationship to this...also hydrogen sulfide is often detected prior to earthquakes and during volcanic eruptions....correct? Will this be one of the many upcoming issues we will face?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9525784
I was simply alluding to the fact that if you bombard sulfuric acid electrolytes with protons, hydrogen sulfide is produced. I know that hydrogen sulfide exists in nature and is frequently discovered while drilling oil and gas wells, it is also produced by the production process of paper. I think geological activity will increase, releasing hydrogen sulfide gas and this may be a precursor to earthquakes, or accompany them.
AA - what do you think about a transition from 3D to 4D? (Some call it "ascension".) Just as the possibility exists for many worlds in the universe, the possibility also exists for different dimensions of life/living. As a light being of energy, I'm ready to graduate the 4D. I think the malaise people feel is a readiness to "move on". Bring on the tassles. . .
Quoting: Vlynna 11459626
I personally believe that there are three dimensions to the physical plane of existence, the X, Y, and Z axises. The fourth dimension is the passage of time.
As of your question about the effects of radiation on DNA, almost all 99.999% or more are negative or destructive, or kill the cell itself. There are a very few exceptions where a specific genetic mutation caused by radiation is beneficial to the organism, but these instances are so rare as to be essentially undetectable in scientific experimentation.
What HAS been done is producing plants resistant to radiation by selecting the ones that do best in a radiation rich environment and cross breeding them, and them taking the most resistant among the offspring of these plants and cross breeding them, and so on. Monsanto is involved in this research. As far as feeling off, almost everyone I know says they do, and many are acting very peculiar and out of character completely. The title of this thread is correct.
AA: I believe the sounds strange acoustic phenomena] are caused by the collision of the plasma cloud with the upper atmosphere.
Proton event with no particular noticable event is also shocking. Is it that they are trying to prepare us for anything and everything scenario.
AA- Can this proton event be because of the plamsa cloud which we have started entering?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11458066
YES! And what makes it likely is the energy level is the same for all of the protons, not like a solar CME event.
Feb 26, 2012
I believe if i were a highly advanced and intelligent alien extra terrestrial species observing what is happening, i would liken it in my mind to a building full of venomous , aggressive snakes burning down with no way for them to escape. i would allow the building to burn, perhaps saving a few who were worthy of redemption...
woh - wah - ghwah
This indicative of the fact that a critical portion of your genetics did not evolve on this planet and were removed at some point intentionally and other genes spliced in. RH- refers to the fact that you essentially did not by any natural process of evolution on Earth. I also have the rh- designation. and I am not sure what it means about our part in the future. I know that not all rh- persons are born without a conscious[ness] or with reptilian characteristics. it is am enigma to me.
BTW, I believe that ALL humans have dna from extra terrestrials.
[I agree!]
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
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page 49
Feb. 26, 2012
Speaking about blue bloods and RH- inbreeds, am i the only one who noticed they always employ nannies to raise their children? Could this be because they lack the compassion and nurturing instinct to raise a functional human child?
Mathematical and empirical science are two different things. one is based on observable reality and the other on mathematical theoreticals. I am not a big believer in the former, form the Tesla school of science, not Einstein.
I was brought up by a mother with a broom who knew how to use it and a father that indulged me during the little time I had together with him. It was a different world it seemed, I roamed the neighborhood from house to house by the time I was five, pestering people who for the most part liked me and spoiled me with treats. As far as being restricted in my activities, I was never held back. I was driving at 11 and hunting by myself at 10, taught to be independent and self sufficient. But that was 50 years ago, before Nancy grace , Wolf Blitzer, and cops that shot people for talking back to them.
I don't know if I have the trait myself, having not been genetically tested for it. But what I do know is in my early 40's I look like I was in my mid twenties, but by the time the last solar cycle was over with I felt and looked at least as old as I am or almost as old. Most children I ask how old they think I am say 30 something, but I don't feel it. My actual age is 51.
Darlin', I am many things, but 'insecure' is not one of them.
[couldn't resist! …]
In 12 years I have literally re written fundamental basics of our knowledge of electromagnetic energy and astrophysics in general. I have expanded on the works of greats like Tesla and Maxwell. I have noses with big names plagiarizing my work and claiming it as their own.
Feb. 27, 2012
… claiming men are the masters of their own reality and they few are our masters. Wake up
… we are apart of and an integral part of creation and the creator, but to claim the 'godhead' personally is arrogant stupidity.
Quantum physics is a complex fiction that no two people explain the same way, with no consensus you have no theory.
It's a fairy tale.
The energy contained within your body is your spirit, and connected with others. …
The Eyes are sensors and imagers of electromagnetic energy within a particular energy range, a camera of sorts, connected to a processor in our brain by the optic nerve.
… We are a apart of creation, not the whole schmele.
All energy ranges of protons are increasing rapidly, with the highest rate of increase in the lower to mid energy levels. We are entering the higher density of the plasma cloud very rapidly. We need to keep a vigilant eye on this data spread until the censor it too.
Feb.27, 2012
I made my post stating the proton flux was about to go off the chart at almost precisely 4:00pm central daylight savings time, which converts to 16:00 hours in military time.
To convert Central daylight savings time to UTC you simply add 5 hours, which gives us 21:00 utc. Look at when the proton flux levels off on the source I posted!
This prove they are not only reading this thread but fabricating data. Every time I find a new source to post they simply alter the data.
[link to]
This is direct evidence that not only are they reading what I am posting, but they are reacting in real time to minimize any perceived threat we night discover.
[AA links to this thread]
page 50
Feb 27, 2012
Yes, we are entering a high density plasma field being drawn towards us by the difference in magenta polarity between the Earth and Sun. It is very serious, and the worst I have ever seen. there is no Sunspot or coronal hole that could cause this present on the Suns surface.
Yes, I am afraid we are relying on information that is almost totally useless. there was another thread on this subject where I was relentlessly attacked by people of sort that were hired after answering an add on myth-busters to work for the CIA, and spending a few months learning how to attack and discourage people from revealing information. They learn on line from a … … course on disseminating disinformation and discrediting people who attempt to reveal the truth. their tactics can be very effective, they have spent years researching on how to best disparage people.
There is not a single person who has posted in the last two pages of this thread who has any idea whatsoever what they are talking about from an astrophysics point of view. In reality, it takes many years of study to understand the complex principals and interactions involved, and what we have on this particular thread is people who are not educated in the sciences who are attempting to interpret data that they clearly do not understand. In other words they are pretenders.
On this thread, by a general consensus of total ignorance, today's events were attributed to a 90 degree off center weak CME that supposedly resulted in off the scale magneto pause pressure (if white is displayed in the simulation, that means the pressure can only be estimated and is in excess of what the instrumentation can accurately measure) and a proton flux value in the lower to middle ranges that nearly exceeded the upper range of the scale.
[dead link]
If you will notice, the data in this relatively obscure and unknown page does not correlate with any of the other proton data, and that exactly the same time I reported the proton flux was about to go off scale in my own thread and in the geomagnetic impulse thread, it suddenly 'leveled off', which i personally believe was a real time 'adjustment' made because someone was observing my posts and reported what I had said.
My contention is and remains that we cannot rely on any of this data any of these proton values are real. If the strength of the geomagnetic field is as weak as or weaker than being reported, people, animals and plants will be compacted by the particle radiation reaching ground level at the proton density and energy levels being displayed here:
[dead link]
I did not say for certain it was an ELE, but that it had the potential to have serious effects and kill people, animals and plants.
As many of you know 3000 people expectantly died in Portugal, probably as the result of a localized failure of the geomagnetic field. It is often the old people who die from these events, there was one in France during the last solar maximum that correlated with a similar event and another in India.
Old people die first because their cells do not replace themselves or repair themselves very quickly when damaged by particle radiation. The fact is, the prudent thing to do given all the information we had and the doubt we had in the validity of it due to the lack of correlation between various sources was to shelter. In the near future you will either learn to do this or you will die.
This is not speculation on my part. As we enter the galactic plane, the density of protons will increase and the relative velocity between them and the Earth will create devastating effects in the total absence of solar activity.
Based on previous experience, a CME like the one observed would not have caused any noticeable effect on either the magneto pause, the magnetosphere, the proton flux values, or the geomagnetic field. There were numerous times during the day when information was totally blacked out and other times when it appeared to be altered in real time. Believe what you want, but there was and still is cause for alarm.
The proton flux is unusually elevated and it IS NOT due to solar activity, and the geomagnetic field is now registering 25 nanotesla, 1/4 it's strength when first measured. I think it is also important for me to inform you if you do not know that the magnetosphere is energized by the electron flux from the sun, which is now being absorbed by the plasma cloud of the galactic plane.
My prediction is for a gradual worsening and my predictions have a high rate of being accurate because I have a totally different (and correct) model of the solar system and universe that I utilize to make my predictions. Quantum physics and photons are false ideas, and everything derived from them cannot be relied on to make any sort of prediction as to what will happen n the future.
You will hear from different sources that the solar system is a certain range of distances ( a very large range of distances) of light years from the galactic plane, and in the same paragraph the same person admits he doesn't know if we are north or south of it. Logically this translates into they simply DO NOT KNOW. The Mayans predicted solar and lunar eclipses along with numerous other celestial events that are now occurring to within windows of minutes of accuracy over several hundred years ago. They also predicted that we would cross the galactic plane on December 21 , 2012 at 11:11 EST , and this would mark the end of one cycle of time and the beginning of another, along with the establishment of a new authority over humanity and a cleansing of the Earth.
IF we have entered the plasma Area then I guess we will continue to have more protons and the magnetosphere will be down as the electrons from sun will cancel the protons from plasma membrane . The magnetosphere which is powered by electons from the sun in this case will make the magnetosphere weak.Pls let me know if I have understood it correct .
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11534538
Then this anomaly will be continuous I guess except that the anomaly can be stronger or weaker based on the density of the plasma.
The plasma density may have brief periods of decreasing density but the general trend will be increase. The data is now all being fudged to prevent the truth from being known, The auroras seen in Chicago and the rf outages at high latitudes don't lie.
page 51
Let me make myself clear, after the cleansing the evil that now rules our world and creates our perception of reality though choreographer deception will cease to exist and a new common collective conscious based on peace, good will and harmony with nature will rule over the human race.
There is nothing you or I can do to change it, and if it did not happen now, the planet would be totally destroyed and left a barren uninhabitable wasteland for thousands of years, totally raped of her resources. The people now in control are destroyer of everything they touch.
The intelligent and compassionate must be given the authority to delegate how the structure and function of civilization will be conducted. Leadership is another word for rule, and without a hierarchy no society can function. Use your family for instance, what destroyed the integrity of the American family. The feminist movement for one,and the empowerment of children by the government to dictate to their parents how they will be raised, Without a leader, no family can stay together and function. This was done with careful planning and forethought.
The problem we have encountered now is a system of so called capitalism, where the best liar is elected to lead and the best most dishonest cheat rises to the top of financial power. The ONLY way you can 'make' money is to steal it from someone else, to charge more for goods ans services than they are worth. The best at it become CEO's of large corporations. Earning it is another thing entirely. i would like to think i earned what I have, and I have thieves of all description constantly trying to 'legally' steal it from me.
It has been said that money is at the root of all evil by people who wish to deceive you, it is not money that is evil, wealth can be used for positive goals and achievements in the right hands, it is deception that is the root of evil and the creator hates all lairs because they pervert the true nature and meaning of our existence to be self serving to themselves, and keep us in bondage to their whims.
leadership and rule do not have to be evil or undesirable. People need to be ruled, because not everyone is intelligent en ought or wise enough to make decisions for themselves, like children and people of low intellectual capacities.. The best leader is one who is intelligent and selfless.
Any reasons why the magnetometer is like a sign wave?
Is there any explanation on that?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 3809085
It is a bit of a mystery that I have yet to solve but I do know that it correlates with electron flux. It also seems to have an approximately 24 hour period. At first I thought this had something to do with the positions of the satellites but upon putting much thought into it, this makes no sense at all.The magnetosphere is powered by electrons emanated by the Sun and the magnetic field strength follows it's 'lead'. One position it measures the field strength is right off the east coast and the other is sever hundred miles off the west coast. They are not always synchronized but usually during normal space weather they are.
If these events were happening...electrical equipment would malfunction.
Quoting: pazsion 11584838
Are you suggesting that nothing is happening and all is normal? It is much easier to shield electronics than it is biologicals, but eventually the electronics will. In fact they already are failing and people tend to attribute it to a normal failure or defective equipment.
… when we are all observing the same things at the same time it cannot be selective censorship.
Well, anything disrupting a different story...the ones "they" want us to know, should remain constant. They maintain their networks well and shield it. If it's worth it.
Yeah, like I said, it is easy to harden electronics against interference or destruction by space weather, but there is a limit to everything and eventually their main infrastructure, the satellites are going to fry. When the sats go, their control goes with them.
I don't expect the government to be superman, but i do expect it to serve my best interests. Use the resources it has to protect and serve the people who made them possible, and tell me the truth or get the f__k out of Dodge.
[AA often gets fed up and goes away for some time. You can feel his exhaustion, trying to get through. Maybe gets something to eat or a much needed coffee.]
page 52
You're absolutely right, they are doing everything they can to suppress this information because the only thing that keeps a large portion of the population under control is fear of prosecution. Were the truth to get out the elite class would be simply killed and robbed, cops shot down in the streets, total anarchy would be the result. My hope is my message will reach people who are already aware of the changes as well as people who have no idea. …
Feb.29, 2012
Like I said, the only things I can be absolutely sure of are things I can measure and observe. Yesterday and today are too cloudy to make an observation of the Sun directly but the particle flux density both yesterday and today is nominal despite the geomagnetic storm. Remember, 100 miles east of here things could be radically different.
I suspect eventually we will be in a constant state of 'geomagnetic storminess' with no connection to solar events.
That's why they will do everything they can to maximize casualties, including releasing genetically engineered diseases, disrupting food supplies and creating a world conflict involving thermonuclear weapons. Your best option is to try to survive and trust in the creator, knowing that the reason for what is happening is to rid the world of these 'things'
In my people's society you are not required to follow anyone's rule you do not wish to and have the freedom to act interdependently. There are no jails for thise who refuse to obey a command of a ruler, only banishment. Only in vary rare cases are criminal acts prosecuted with punishment, which can range from slow and lingering death or total banishment to a giving of a gift as restitution.
Anyone who attempts to use force to maintain control cannot be a ruler. It's not like in the movies. Leaders lead because the people follow willingly.
Rule has to be by consent of the ruled. In fact this is one thing that is predominant in the Declaration of Independence borrowed from Iroquois law, that and the idea of adopting ideas approved by the majority as law.
When you hear that which you agree with, it is easy to hold back your criticism, but when what a person says conflicts with your idea of things, conflicts are bound to arise.
The difference here is I am not wrong, and you were. Call it 'egocentric' or stubborn tenacity, call it stupidity if you like, call it whatever you like, when i am certain I am right I will not waver to appease the majority who think other wise. I have been paddling upstream all my life and passed many rapids by portage.
I've not come here to fight with you..have you been watching the Magnetometer abd Electron Flux of late?
Quoting: Spittin'Cesium
Yes, if I were to take the data at face value i would assume we are moving into a less dense areas of plasma, but the reality is the the kp index does not match up with the election, proton and magnetosphere data. My conclusion is that this data spread is being manipulated and published for public consumption since it is such a popular source of data. Remember the indicators I gave you to detect when solar particle radiation is high and follow my advice. You will extend your life.
You can't have absolute power if rule is by consent and no one is required to follow the lead of another. It is said that no man can be a leader if the led do not willingly follow. There is no 'power trip' going on here, just a realization that the most intelligent and wise are the most logical leaders. What we have now is not just lead by the intelligent, but by what I believe is a subspecies of humans who have conscious as it relates to humans who do not possess their genetic personality markers, which are predominantly reptilian in nature. We are looked upon as a herd of animals, more or less, to be exploited, murdered and lied to.
When you go to the doctor you are passing through the stun gate, and whether you live or die is decided then.
If you are seen as troublesome or useless to the overall agenda, you might be marked for a cancer diagnosis and poisoned with chemicals and bled of all of your accumulated wealth. Note here that the homeless are never diagnoses with cancer, only those with financial holdings and assets.
If you think independently you might be said to have a chemical unbalance in the brain if you exhibit independent thought to the medical doctor, who is trained and specializes in covert eugenics, were upon drugs are administered with an HCL suffix that attach themselves to and eat away the offending area of the brain, a chemical lobotomy of sorts.
The diagram you posted obviously describes the situation with some degree of accuracy given the cyclic nature of the strength of the geomagnetic field's continuous fluctuation. Is there any accompanying information that explains this 'wave' phenomenon?
I have been trying to solve this approximately 24 hour fluctuation for twelve years with little success, the only thing I've come up with is it correlates directly with the electron flux from the Sun, which in turns prove electrons from the Sun following magnetic paths between the Earth and Sun power the Earths protective geomagnetic field.
When the electron flux of the solar wind fell off to nil back in March of last year, there were mass animal deaths reported world wide and the geomagnetic field was very weak.
I was personally so ill as to not be able to function normally at all.
Further examination of the diagram seems to implicate it is the rotation of the Sun causing the fluctuation, which in electromagnetic phenomenon is a common occurrence. I have already established that there is a solid ferrous core to the Sun and this is a 100% probability, and areas that repeatedly produce strong sunspot and solar flare activity as well as CME emissions. I wonder how this is related and why the period is @ 24 hours, the time it takes the Earth to rotate on it's axis. Could it be the Earths rotation causing the fluctuation, which seems more likely?
Logic would seem to indicate there is a connection, what it is I am not sure!
page 53
March 1, 2012
… I will go over the common indicators that you have access to even if you have no specialized equipment or reliable satellite data.
1) radio communications including
Cell Phone s, satellite tv and at times, gps and especially am radio will be degraded. You will notice continuously and inexplicably changing signal strength readings and dropped calls on cell phones. Am radios will have popping noises of various frequencies and amplitudes, the higher the amplitude of the pops, the higher the energy level of the charged particles, and the more frequent, the higher the flux value. At times the flux value will be too high to hear individual particles, it will just sound like a rushing sound, and will interfere with Strong local signals. Tune between channels for best results for most sensitive results.
2) animals will be nowhere to be seen. Dogs will hide under cars and other large objects, and no birds will be seen flying.
3) People will be acting strange, unusually keeping to them selves and quiet, and sometimes behaving very strangely and sometimes violently aggressive. You will have an instinct to stay out of the sun.
4) You will feel the energy in form of what appears to be prickling sensations penetrating to various depths in your body. This is very commonly reported. The sun will also feel unbearable to be exposed to.
…the twice a year outages are caused by the satellite occupying the same part of the sky as the Sun. Satellites are hardheaded to a great extent to survive space weather events and have retractable solar cells to prevent damage and shielding to the electronics....but there are limits and as we have seen with recent failures these limits have been exceeded. I think the predictions of fireballs are the result of thinking that as we near the galactic plane these masses will become more planetary and numerous, remember their relative velocities are much lower than normal fireballs. May be to cover their asses if they start to lose a lot of defunct satellites.
Quoting: nerdrage88sasr
Magnetic lines of force....pushing and pulling depending upon polarity. We also have to consider the fact that if our solar system experiences polarity changes in regards to sun and planets....then so must most or all other bodies outside our solar system. the plasma cloud also magnetically inclined and if so...does it also experience cyclic polarity changes?
i believe it would!
Everything is connected, from the micro to the macro level, from sun to planets, from planets to universe, from universe to universe..and so on..
the question is (AA, SC, anyone) what sort of cycles are we talking here? how long from one cycle to the other, and what effect would this have if it flips while we are in it?
We would experience a loss of the geomagnetic fields defectiveness in blocking and trapping charged particles.
An electric funeral so to speak.
page 54
I can't explain it [a black triangle on the Sun] , but it IS an isosceles triangle. Very odd indeed.
I'll keep this one for my archives. I had planned to publish a book on the subject of the electric universe and the falsification of the Quantum theory that would have had hundreds of color plates of unusual images form NASA and NOAA sources, but was threatened with the death of my family and myself if I did.
A single filament [in the Sun] is relatively rare. When they snap, the result s usually a radiation storm on Earth due to the release of very high velocity particle radiation.
The only reason they don't delete the whole thread is because i know the General in charge of this operation personally, after having had numerous communications with him. He was not aware of some of the dirty tricks being employed here, mainly by foreigners with no loyalty to this nation or it's people, the goal of this operation is supposed to be psychological warfare and data mining against our nations enemies, not our nations citizens.
Many evil and corrupt government officials have been exposed here, BTW.
Wikipedia is a disinformation conduit that is edited in real time to account for specific incidents.
[LOL! Parvati]
[reply] You must not give up and have such a negative feeling about it.
You will create your won reality here.
Think positively.
The purpose is to cleanse the Earth, not to destroy it.
There is an unusually radical variation in the geomagnetic field that i cannot explain given the data I am able to receive. Something is definitely going on right now that we are being kept in the dark about and I personally have no idea what it is. Proton flux at my position on the earths surface is almost non existent at the moment, electron flux is nominal and the geomagnetic field is unstable and very strong. A needle from a very reliable old mariners compass i have vibrates at a frequency of around 100-120 hz and I cannot achieve a steady reading. Mag north is about ten degrees off. I am thinking there is a localized radio transmission causing it, but cannot locate the source and no matter where I bring the compass the reading is the same.
Try to think about what I am going through. my greatest fear is being picked up and just shot when my predictions come true, and it is a very real possibility. I am now facing a conspiracy of people who have been paid off to participate in my removal from the ability to communicate with the outside world. The 'witnesses' were given two identical cars and guaranteed immunity from prosecution for very serious crimes, and the organizer a FED/HS guy named ____ X who just took up residence at the local PD after I exposed the other one and he was run out of town by locals.
They systematically removed several hundred pages of extremely accurate predictions I made during the last solar cycle where I predicted timing within a few hours of accuracy and intensity to even greater accuracy of solar flare and CME events.
With the data I have now, it is impossible to make other than generalized predictions.
It would seem that this website is an enigma …
… I must conclude that any information coming from NASA in press releases is disinformation with the intent to confuse or minimize the issue.
The information I require is accurate proton and electron flux densities and energy level, as well as solar wind speed, the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field, and the strength and polarity of the Earths magnetic field. I also need accurate information on the magneto pause and accurate magnetograms of the Suns surface.
The data all comes from government launched and controlled satellites.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:03 PM
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page 49
Feb. 27, 2012
All energy ranges of protons are increasing rapidly, with the highest rate of increase in the lower to mid energy levels. We are entering the higher density of the plasma cloud very rapidly. We need to keep a vigilant eye on this data spread until the censor it too.
Damned, this UNBELIEVABLE!
Look at the timing between when the proton flux 'leveled off' and when I made my last post! it took them all of ten minutes to fix the data and fabricate the spread.
I made my post stating the proton flux was about to go off the chart at almost precisely 4:00pm central daylight savings time, which converts to 16:00 hours in military time.
To convert Central daylight savings time to UTC you simply add 5 hours, which gives us 21:00 utc. Look at when the proton flux levels off on the source I posted!
This prove they are not only reading this thread but fabricating data. Every time I find a new source to post they simply alter the data.
This is direct evidence that not only are they reading what I am posting, but they are reacting in real time to minimize any perceived threat we night discover.
page 50
Feb. 27, 2012
… Yes, we are entering a high density plasma field being drawn towards us by the difference in magenta polarity between the Earth and Sun. It is very serious, and the worst I have ever seen. There is no Sunspot or coronal hole that could cause this present on the Suns surface.
[a bit of a repeat … but onward…]
page 55
March 1, 2012
YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY APPARENTLY. I'm not trying to be an a**ho** , but you'd have to be a fool not to see that's what is going on with such movies as 2012 and with these apocalyptic commercials. They are laughing at us, hoping the other 99% of humanity will laugh along with them .And it works like a charm.
On the official scientific publications people like me are being ridiculed, and you're not seeing any real information on the seriousness of the situation on CNN or CBS either, are you?
They report the separate incidents, downplaying them as much as possible, and make no connections between them.
One of the odd things I've noticed is that for whatever reason they are required to tell the truth , and only those with the wisdom to perceive it are meant to get it.
A compass an an am radio can both together provide you with enough information to save your life if you know how to interpret the information they are providing. For instance if you cannot receive a local station on an am radio that is a sign of extremely high charged particle flux at the surface, and if this were to be accompanied by not being able to achieve a reading on a compass at all, this would be a sign the magnetic field is totally compromised, a situation that could be hazardous to you health in a very short period of exposure, to put it mildly.
It is possible with a failure of the geomagnetic field that high energy charged particles that normally reside in the lower proton belts of the ionosphere could bathe the surface in deadly radiation which could kill in matter of hours if not less.
I am seeing flatlines on the solar wind speed, a reading of 0 particles per cubic centimeter on the proton flux readout, and flatlined Bz and By field strength and orientation on this website, along with other data that does not correlate with these readings:
[links to the now terminated Japanese Real-time Magnetosphere Simulation]
[link to]
It is no coincidence that the magnetic field is so unsteady and the data is flatlined.
page 56
MzTreeChick: I just pinned again in protest. Don't they realize that the more they 'play the game' the harder we play back? Only THEY would think that they are great enough to hide the SUN from the world - AND THEY ARE LOSING!!! Do you think they get it yet?
The magnetic field has no effect on electromagnetic radiation. And the mass of the atmosphere DOES block some particle radiation, but not the high energy stuff that is dangerous.
My greatest fear is having the magnetic field lines intersect the surface of the Earth, and I believe this is happening from time to time.
In the case of the lower proton belt reaching the earths surface, an hour's exposure even with atmospheric attenuation would cause mass animal and human deaths.
The thing that pisses me off the most about it is a warning system could be set up and people could be told to shelter when radiation flux densities were high. Just getting in a basement or a deep hole or culvert would save you.
That's is why I am convinced they have decided to cover up the dangerous events and just let people die. Most won't figure out what is doing it, like the deaths in portugal, france and india. they still haven't. i think they want as many of us as possible to die, personally.
I am convinced of it, I am also convinced they will maximize deaths with a world wide thermonuclear exchange and the release of bioengineered diseases when it gets bad enough for people to figure out what is going on. They will bunker down and let us die. BTW, the fallout from thermonuclear weapons is minimal, so they'll have only a short wait before they can can come out of their holes.
I have news for them, things aren't going to go as planned.Have faith, the creator didn't put you here to die why these things hide in the ground.
It is going to happen, I personally estimate the probability at so close to 100% as to not be able to calculate the odds against it.
KP index is now at 4 with a relatively strong magnetic field strength and polarity orientation. The magneto pause simulation shows nominal conditions.
I don't know which, but some of the data is simply being faked. It has to be the proton flux and the magnetosphere simulations.
ohhappydays: Hope AA is ok friends.
page 57
March 3, 2012
AA:I don't know if you recall earlier in this thread where I speculated the plasma cloud we are entering would be to the Sun as if one were pouring gasoline on a fire. No flare is necessary for a CME eruption anymore. Before, this was extreme rare. I will try to answer all of the questions asked in my absence, I have been having communications problems of a sort.
… if you happen to be in the location where one of these [cracks in the magnetosphere] happens, you could be exposed to protons with a flux density of millions of particles per cubic centimeter per second and an energy range exceeding 4 million electron volts from the lower proton belt of the ionosphere. This could be deadly in a very short period of time.
For whatever reason they are allowing me to post. They have people in the Pentagon and all over the government reading every word. They will never admit it publicly, but they know that in reality I am the leading authority in the world on this subject at this time. Many scientists have been killed.
AC in the USA: Then do try and be careful...
Manuel: AA was disavowed by the people of the thread SOLAR WATCH * 8 X 104 M & FLARES starting 07.03.2011 (Updated Daily). Since that day things changed.
I think people in this thread owes us an explanation at all.
If someone is discredited because he thinks he owns the truth, that's not good.
I thought that everyone here trying to find the truth and not attack those who have other theories.
That's the world, that's what we have achieved.
The people on that thread are amateur Sun watchers and have little insight as to what the data actually means and what is causing the present situation. It's like going to a mechanic to get a tooth pulled. I haven't wasted much time posting there , because they tend to all have their own ideas and none of them have any idea what they are talking about. They use complex terminology derived from scientific sources in gibberish statements.
They used that stolen money to build underground bunkers in geologically stable areas. What they didn't count on is there being no such thing. Te use nuclear powered tunnel boring machines to carve chasms out of pure igneous rock, this is the source of at least some of the weird mechanical sounds people are hearing world wide.
March 3, 2012
A direct observation of the Sun moments ago shows several very large darkened areas on the Suns surface, not with the contrast of a sunspot but much larger. This is completely new to me.
It is very odd to have an m-4 solar x ray reading with no solar flare.
Although during the last solar maximum, we spent days in the M range without a break, there were always many active sunspots visible.
It will be interesting to see the velocity of the protons when they arrive and the effect they have on the magneto pause and magnetosphere if they don't censor or block the data.
It takes about 9 minutes for light to reach earth from the sun and the fastest protons i have ever seen took a little less than half that. I suspect these will be moving.
ohhappydays: AA....glad to see you back & ok.
Manuel: AA Welcome friend, I thank the creator because you are well.
Thank you. The Creator put me here for a reason, just like he did you and every single other person include the mongoloids and the people digging deep onto the Earth in an attempt to save themselves from his judgement.. I am just following my conscious. I have always been protected. If you knew some of things I have survive you would be utterly amazed. A cat is said to have 9 lives, but that's drop in the bucket.
page 58
March 3, 2012
I can visually see the dark spots from the second image through welding goggles, this is the first time every I have ever observed such a phenomenon.
[To Manuel in Argentina] Do you think Argentina would give me political asylum? Seriously. I can't find a lawyer that flies straight, they are all officers of the court here which makes justice an impossibility.
I don't think I have a future here, but in a country that values freedom and Independence I could accomplish many technological advances.
I must stay here and fight, and pray to the Creator that as always he delivers me. I will not leave my country …
… never caught lying once in my life since my grandfather explained to me the value of a man in the eyes of the Creator is directly proportional to the truthfulness in his words.
There are several places on the photosphere that are cooler than others, they look like huge sunspots without the high contrast. They show up on the magneto gram image as well.
I have a room that is especially hardened against most radiation where I keep my electronics. I also have a converted tornado shelter for when it gets really bad, and have used it in the past, but not recently. Radiation here has been nominal, both particle and electromagnetic, except for an elevation in UVb which is ordinary these days. High energy particle radiation, x rays and gamma rays are whiten normal ranges so far.
These dark areas can be seen with an ordinary pair of welding goggles with a number 10 or 11 lens. Use the highest you can see good through. Some will be able to see it well with number 12 lenses, which are for heliarc welding.
[What is heliarc welding?]
[link to]
In 1988 investors from the tribal councils of several major tribes including the Mohawks , the Onondaga and the Lakota put together an idea to make a movie of loosely concealed metaphors, that was just far enough from the truth to be allowed to reach a large audience as a science fiction.
This movie was written by John Carpenter under a pseudonym and starred the former wrestler Roddy Piper. The movie is called 'They Live', and is a very accurate and revealing source of information about how control is maintained and how the human power elite among he human race have made a deal with alien entities to allow them to rape the planet in return for prosperity. One of the ways they got it by
Once you watch this movie your eyes will be opened, which is what the sunglasses in the movie are a metaphor for. The use of television broadcasts to maintain control of the population is revealed in the movie and is true, as is the use of subliminal suggestion. I highly recommend watching the entire movie. Especially notice how 'they' cause an economic collapse right before assaulting and killing the humans population. It is free on YOUTUBE at this address:
[link to]
Oh, and BTW, the same year the movie was released it was blacklisted in movie theaters and the New York State police invaded the Akwesasne reservation, which is a sovereign nation between Canada and upstate New York state.
The mohawks have never capitulated to white rule to this day.
An uneven absorption of hydrogen plasma by the Sun from the plasma cloud we are in. It is the same thing that caused the unexplained x ray radiation without a flare. I predicted this over 8 years ago, but I must admit, the x ray emissions were a surprise to me, I was expecting more along the lines of fast moving CME's.
They have been for quite some time my friend.
They have destroyed the credibility of their own abilities and especially their scientific beliefs.
page 59
March 4 2012
… the sun will not explode.
I do not believe the world is ending, but I do believe I have a part to play in exposing these 'things' to the world, maybe it's what thwarts their plans.
Looks like "Mid Lat Aurore" is becoming a norm. Does this mean that cosmic rays are also entering the earth. If this becomes a daily norm then will earth become a inhabitable place?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11874162
It means charged particles are penetrating the weakened magnetosphere in places that it rarely did before.
I need to add something to explain what I said earlier. In the movie 'They Live', it is claimed the television is used to control the people, and the catatonic south park is prime example of social engineering mind rot and moral decay.
I think the only reason they ever allowed it on tv is because they didn't think people would get it or would laugh at the horrible acting. BUT THE SETTING IS NOW, IN THE PRESENT DAY if you were paying attention. The drones, the economic failure, the violence of the police, all of these things were not going on in 88. The people who inspired carpenter to do the screen play this were visionaries, not sci fi writers.
page 60
March 4, 2012
… charged particles in the solar wind.
They are following lines of the earths magnetic field down through the atmosphere in areas it does not normally occur.
This is the primary danger I have been warning of as the geomagnetic field becomes more and more unstable. I have noticed a marked change in readings in the past 4 months that do not bode well.
You must understand that even without solar radiation storms, without an intact magnetic field the normal solar wind itself is dangerous over time to living things.
MzTreeChick: Hey A.A, was wondering if you also felt this way.
I have been feeling it build up the last couple of days (been feeling extra 'sick' for almost 2 weeks) but the build up is quite intense.
Extremely dizzy - even the kids - headaches severe - fibro pain is acting up - fatigue is overwhelming, can barely stand today and yeah generally feeling like shit.
I believe I have mentioned before that I relate it to solar activity.
I hope you feel better, but think it is only the start of what is yet to come.
AA replies:
When radiation strikes complex biological molecules, such as proteins or nucleic acids, it may fracture the molecules and prevent their proper functioning. This can result in loss of cell vitality, decreased enzyme activity, initiation of cancer, and genetic mutations.
The immediate effects of acute exposure to radiation are caused by free radicals rupturing the cell membranes. This rupturing causes the cells to lose their contents and die. If enough cells are killed, functions associated with the cells cease. Death occurs because of the direct loss of vital organs or because of secondary infections resulting from the breakdown of the immune system. The effect depends on the dose of radiation received.
High doses of more than 100 gray affect the central nervous system, resulting in loss of coordination (including breathing problems), with death occurring within 1 or 2 days. Doses from 9 to 100 grays damage the gastrointestinal tract, causing nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Progressive dehydration can result in death within several weeks. Lower doses (from 3 to 9 grays) damage the bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues.
[link to]
This can lead to loss of appetite and hair, hemorrhaging, inflammation, and secondary infections such as pneumonia. These effects are also found in patients undergoing radiation therapy. Doses of less than 3 grays are rarely lethal, but cause symptoms that include loss of appetite and hair, hemorrhaging, and diarrhea.
Long-term risks of radiation exposure center on the incidence of cancer and genetic mutations. Both effects have proven difficult to determine since cigarette smoking, diet, and sunlight exposure are also known to cause cancer and possibly to promote genetic mutations.
Analysis of approximately 100,000 survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki shows a slight increase in genetic mutations over what would be expected for a normal population, but this increase is so small that it may not be statistically significant. Hiroshima survivors who received more than 2 gray showed a slight increase in the instances of cancer over a normal population.
There is a good deal of controversy over the contribution of natural background radiation and man-made radiation to the incidence of cancer in humans. The dosage threshold below which radiation has no effect is also controversial.
Today between the hours of 16 and 23 UTC (8 am-7pm) the lower ionosphere of the earth made contact with the Earths surface.
The lower ionosphere at mid levels of latitude has energy levels of 4 million electron volts and flux densities exceeding 7 million particles per cubic centimeter per second. I am assuming it was not a full failure because if it was very few of us would be well enough to speak or alive at all .This occurred between the latitudes of 40 north and 40 south latitudes , it effected the mainland if north and south america , and is shown graphically here on this recently discovered source of information that I was unaware of until another person on another thread found it. i don't think he recognized the significant of his discovery:
[dead link]
According to the graph, densities of charged particles reached levels of 6 million particles per cubic centimeter at the earths surface. I am mystified as to why many people were not made severely ill.
We must be very careful to call these out immediate because we have very real threats to our very existence and false alarms tend to destroy the ability to communicate real dangers like to one I just did. There WILL be effects from this and they will be noticed by everyone on this continent by tomorrow morning when the radiation effects are felt.
March 4, 2012
I am literally bouncing off the walls and look drunk. I spent most of the day outside cleaning up the yard and felt like I could barely do easy manual labor like rake leaves and steer the lawnmower. As for driving, i didn't even try it. I was monitoring channel 19 on the CB radio base station i have in the garage and noticed a number of truckers saying they didn't feel well and were stopping to rest at the truck stop across the street. I feel very strange at the moment, barely alive is the best way I can describe it.
You [AC India] were on the other side of the earth from where it happened. EVERYONE I have spoken to today is feeling ill to varying degrees, and acting off.
I called my son and he sounded like he was drugged. My mother was unable to get out of bed. I got numerous indications that nobody was felling very well. My neighbors were working on a chain link fence and they are normally very good workers, but told me they were packing it in after installing five poles. If you look over this website you will see numerous similar reports.
[to someone less than friendly]
… READ EVERY PAGE OF BOTH THREADS THOROUGHLY AND YOU WILL LEARN THE TRUTH! I feel like the amateur sun watchers are diluting the danger with nonsense and repeated false alarms. When I tell you that you are in danger, you are, the readers have to know the difference between an amateur wannabe spouting off false alarms and the real thing if it is to be a useful conduit of information.
This is life and death and not a game. The only reason i use this website as a conduit is I know there are thousands of people here who have 'put on their sunglasses' so to speak and seen the truth about our world generally speaking. And even though it is full of horrible acting (Piper worked for free just to get the message out), you should watch this movie in it's entirely. You will learn a lot. Many people literally put their lives on the line to get the truth out to you and some were killed as a result.
[links to 'They Live' again]
A cell phone held up to the side of your head is slowly microwaving the brain tissue close to the antenna. This is not speculation, but proved science. In Scandinavian countries they have the sense to forbid children from using them and the adults use speaker phones and headsets.
So, which part of the Earth will be facing the Sun during and slightly before the alignment?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9024692
Sometimes the effects are not immediately felt, also where you spent the day is very important.
Out of curiosity, what kind of structure did you spend the day in and did you drive a car today?
Describe the exact time you drove, the amount of time spent driving, and the construction of the apartment building, including what floor you were on and where you apartment is on the floor plan. FOr instance is your Apartment centrally located on the floor or does it have windows to the outside, and if so are they facing north south , east or west??
In order for you to correlate, I reposted the information:
Today between the hours of 16 and 23 UTC (8 am-7pm) the lower ionosphere of the earth made contact with the Earths surface.
The lower ionosphere at mid levels of latitude has energy levels of 4 million electron volts and flux densities exceeding 7 million particles per cubic centimeter per second.
I am assuming it was not a full failure because if it was very few of us would be well enough to speak or alive at all.
This occurred between the latitudes of 40 north and 40 south latitudes.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:04 PM
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page 61
March 4, 2012
It will gradually worsen in all likelihood. There is no way to be absolutely sure of anything, but the odds are in the order of 99.9999% certainty. The good news is if you know about ti you can reduce or eliminate exposure. you already have a good building to live in, as exposure will be minimal in such a structure.
I know a guy who build an underground house for his daughter and grandsons, when i asked him why he became evasive. I just said "I understand, and I don't blame you for keeping your mouth shut. I know about it too".
You must also shield the ceiling if it is to be effective. I have a similar room, and it is extremely effective. All of my electronics are contained in that room, and I sometimes spend the day there when i know it is bad. I also have a converted tornado shelter that is good to gamma electromagnetic and 7 million electron volt proton/neutron emissions, complete attenuation.
I think it is important to remind you of the purpose of what is happening. I am not a religious person but Jesus once said it as difficult for a rich man to go to heaven as it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, but with god all things are possible. Listening to you speak, expect a miracle and never underestimate the power and the mercy of the creator. Also remember that the physical body your spirit occupies is only a temporary receptacle.
[At 49 degrees latitude] You were well above the latitude of high energy protons in the ionosphere. They are concentrated in a donut shaped area around the equator and extending to 40 degrees north and 40 degrees south latitude. The closer to the equator you are, the worst the flux density and energy levels.
You have little to worry about at your latitude with the ionosphere.
I'm immigrating to Southern Argentina for the same reason as soon as I clear up a few corrupt local officials and get them put in prison for corruption and malicious persecution. Let's just say it's personal, and they hurt somebody I love by destroying this person with their drug trade and intentionally getting him hooked.
They tried to have me shot today by some young punks but I downloaded live streaming video of the two as they waited in ambush with assault rifles. I recognized them as local amphetamine addicts, probably were paid an ounce of speed to off me.
And yes, I am very serious. It is hard for the average person to imagine just how corrupt this area of our country is, but it is somewhat like Mexico where drugs are concerned.
I have an ally that none of them can even imagine the power of. My faith and my spirit is untouched by their efforts, they've always ended up screwing themselves every time they go after me. They did manage to get my son hooked on dope but he will come through it. It has deeply angered me, he has such potential to be someone great, but he was tricked by the temptations of the evil of this place.
AC India: How safe is India?
As for this particular problem, it couldn't be worst. you are very close to the equator. There have already been tens of thousands of deaths in India during the last solar max due to a failure of the magnetosphere Turin a huge full halo CME. it was reported as caused by a heat wave, even thought temperatures were not unusually excessive. Thousands of Cattle that were cooling themselves in water died, proving it wasn't heat.
Same thing in France. They are never going to announce this problem publicly, as total anarchy would be the immediate result and plans of these 'things' thwarted.
page 62
March 4, 2012
Birds active at night is a result of an adaptation in their habits. Since they can see by artificial light , they avoiding the daylight hours by being active at night. Reports are coming in from all over the word about this, see my other threads about the magnetosphere failing and you will see dozens of independent reports.
Also, the absence of birds on certain days is obvious, and can be correlated to space weather events. As I mentioned before, dogs will lie in the Sun during normal conditions when it is cool outside, but during weakened magnetosphere conditions they lie under cars and other large objects. As for when to take shelter I suggest monitoring the following sources, and when you see low magnetosphere readings below 25 nano Tesla or the graph goes below the zero reading and the polarity reverses, or these colors on the second source touch the line on the left of the graph that represents the earths surface. TAKE SHELTER. No job is worth dying for.
If you see elevated proton flux above 10 to the 1st power on the left on this graph:
[link to]
while the magnetosphere is showing a weakened or reversed polarity condition(below the 0 nano tesla line) on this graph:
[link to]
danger is extreme.
No warning will be given publicly.
M1, not a biggy, but with the way things have been it will be interesting to see the effects of an related CME.
It seems to have originated from a high latitude sunspot with a resultant minor cme out of view, it is not from the small sunspot group that is now visible. There is all sorts of debris visible on the lasco c3 and if you watch the movie version from 2012003- 20120304 you can see a large chunk of something ejected from the sun that has a distinct shape
There's a lot of junk out there, the plasma is showing up good on the lasco images. Sooner or later a big full halo cme is going to a happen and the lights are going to go out.
Let me ask you some specifics and see if they ring a bell. Do you notice decline in vegetation or the death of trees? Do you notice foliage one side of a plant is dead while the other side is still alive? Does the Sun feel and look normal to you> How old are you? Do you notice seasonal confusion with plants, that are they blooming or dying off at the wrong times? Are animals like birds always present or just sometimes? Have you noticed a change in people's actions and behavior? Do you ever see amphibians any more, like frogs for instance? One of the first things I noticed missing was amphibians, and it has to do with their method of reproduction. Frogs and toads were once very common here, and now they are seldom seen and very rare.
The fact that you see birds and animals behaving normally most of the time means nothing. Are there times when they aren't behaving normally, like for instance animals concentrating on the shaded sides of buildings or not engaging in their normal activities.
It is quite possible the Earths magnetic field is still strong in your area, and I have repeatedly pointed out especially in my other thread, the failures seem to be localized in certain areas for the time being, mine being a prime example. We have lost many centurion trees, all of the plants are effected, many are still alive but don't grow and seem barely alive.
I recently read that The South Atlantic anomaly had grown to five times its former size.
One of the oddities about my area of the country is the high iron content of the soil, which could be causing magnetic lines to intersect the earths surface. I know it's not just here, I have recorded reports from all over the world of similar observations and many mass animal deaths and what appears be damage from radiation and weakened immune systems.
Many animals are not migrating normally and we essentially didn't have a winter in the United States this year. It is odd how people didn't even notice... There was even an incident in Europe where frogs were exploding during a solar event.
I lived in upstate new york for 15 years and every year the rivers froze, this year none did. SO maybe things are normal in India but personally I think it's matter of the place being so depleted of living things already by human overuse of resources that you just don't notice.
March 5, 2012
I am feeling much better today myself.
page 63
Yes, this was mentioned earlier in the thread.
Since with a failing magnetosphere, charged particles are the form of radiation you have to consider, an ordinary AM radio you can buy at walmart for 5-10 dollars or so will do if you know what to do.
Take the back off of it and get a tiny screwdriver that can turn the tiny screws in the silver box like 'pots' and tune it to the maximum sensitivity by turning these screws in an out until you get the highest level of static between channels.
Charged particles will then be audible as pops just like with a geiger counter. The louder the pop, the higher the energy level, and when the flux levels are extremely high it will just whine and block the static completely out when you turn the radio on, indicating a very high frequency of particle flux.
It works for both electrons and protons. I learned this quite by accident trying to tune the rf gain of citzens band radios. You will even be able to hear when someone turns a light switch on or off on the house next door.
BTW, the transparent plastic box had four screw on it and don't turn any of them or the radio will be unable to receive ordinary radio signals. All you've really done by doing what I suggested is maximize the gain above what FCC specifies. When tuned to a station, it will still work, better than before on distant signals. Or you can buy a geiger counter, which is what I recommend because it will give you an accurate quantification and you can measure x and gamma radiation by pointing it at the Sun. (Get a unidirectional probe too).
Not to mention New york city, chicago, and seattle all are above 40 north.
Quoting: 25153
Yes, I know, but the 49th is pretty far up there and other than Vancouver and Seattle area is sparsely populated. I lived on the Canadian border in upstate new York on the 45th, so that's only from Minnesota west,BTW.
Quoting: Anonymous Astrophysicist 1245248
What about europe though, population 731 million and almost all residing above 40 north.
Quoting: 25153
They are for the most part safe from the lower proton belt contacting the Earths surface.
I guess if the populations of canada, europe and far southern australia/new zealand and south american survived that would probably still only be 10-15% of the world alive.
Quoting: 25153
Yea, that was ow I calculated it basically. But you will still have a hard time of it. Most people have become acclimated to modern conveniences, that's why I always took my kids primitive camping in their youth with nothing but a minimum of supplies and no food.
I would like to begin with pointing out that these effects and conditions on plants and trees WERE be noticed and reported on by others in the internet in many different venues such as hunting, fishing and gardening forums.
It is my observation personally that the decline began in or around 1999, and my report is precisely the same as yours is in an area that is @ 20 degrees south of your location. I am thoroughly convinced that I know the exact cause, because of a simple correlation in data that I noticed that coincided with the decline. The site shows a graphic depiction of UV radiation levels and in 1999 the highest level was 10, which was considered extreme. :
[link to]
Click in the graphic in the upper right hand corner to get a real time graphic of UV radiation world wide, and you will see that where the sun is overhead by an angle of less that 20-30 degrees, uv radiation IS ALWAYS extreme. The purple readings are extremely high and can damage skin and plants, the difference is, plants can't move to get out of it's way. Sometimes they will try to turn their leaves away from the sun.
I am absolutely certain this is the cause, since in the spring the plants always seem to be relatively healthy but they always decline as the sun becomes more directly overhead. This is for the simple reason that the UVa and UVb radiation is attenuated by passage through the atmosphere and the greater the angle through the atmosphere, the more attenuation there is.
As a way of illustrating this, draw a circle within a circle with a compass with the same center point, with the inner circle representing the earth's surface and the outer the atmosphere. Then draw lines of various angles of incidence and you will see graphically why the atmosphere blocks more radiation at a higher lower angle of incidence to the earths surface. At differ incidences of light, the radiation has to travel thought more of the atmosphere, which attenuates it. I have already explained this on this thread once before.
In other words when the sun is nearly overhead, it only has to go though the thickness of the atmosphere to reach the surface, but for instance in the morning , afternoon or winter, it must penetrate much more of the atmosphere before reaching the surface.
In the summer time on a sunlit day at any latitude below 60 degrees north latitude, midday ratings are always extreme. This is the cause of the decline in plant life, and I proved it to myself using two identical plants with a uv blocking screen similar to what is used in a microwave oven and is used in some vehicles such as buses now. I have it in my own truck now. It has tiny holes and acts in the same manner as the screen in a microwave by blocking uVb and UVa. The sze of the holes is critical to what frequencies are blocked, so microwave screening is useless.. Since installing this I have felt much more comfortable when the sun is shining upon me.
Anyway, The covered plant thrived and the uncovered plant almost died. losing most of it's leaves by july.
In any area where the sun was overhead at an angle of less than 20 degrees and it is not cloudy, the uv index is always extreme, with the highest reading now being 17.
I would never kill myself because I know for certain the Creator put me here for a purpose and these things can't touch me. They've cause me problems, but never so much as made physical contact with me. DO not give up, it's going to solve itself soon.
I have determined some nee information of a critical nature. The following website is a prediction for today, notice at the top of the page it says "(day of year 064 2012, dmy 4 3 2012). which is march the 4th, 2012.
[dead link… moves to]
[link to]
So it is a projection or prediction. Also, it seems to relate to electron flux densities at various energy levels, but keep in mind if electrons are penetrating which have much lower energy than protons from the same area of the ionosphere, these much higher energy level protons are penetrating as well.
The scale goes up to a density 6,000,000 particles ( i am assuming but not sure it means per cubic centimeter per second) given in red on the scale. Anything in white is off scale in density range. Notice that this exceeds by a factor of ten the present electron flux in the present interplanetary space environment, meaning most of these electrons must be originating from the ionosphere itself where they are trapped in magnetic fields.
[link to]
DO not think this does not mean higher energy protons are not reaching the surface. I think this data is meant for only those who have a key to interpreting it's meaning and is not meant for the general public to interpret. I am still working on it and looking for other more concise data sources.
Look at the website I posted showing real time UV radiation and look how far south extreme uv radiation goes now in the southern hemisphere.
In December it went even further south. When the sun was in it's most southerly position. I looked on Google and found it was going as far south as 140 degrees south latitude which correlates with 50 degrees north latitude during our summer, and they are in early fall now, so yes, you are most definitely experiencing extreme UV radiation at your latitude.
[link to]
I understand the weather there is usually cloudy and rainy a lot, which to me translates to the the fact that the plants there are not acclimated to a sunny climate, so a combination of high UV and a period of unusually sunny weather would probably kill a lot of trees fast.
It is ironic how ozone is what protects us from uv radiation and it is allegedly the cause of this decline according to the woman in your post. I know we have what is called ozone action days here in Texas, announced on the News, where they warn people with bad respiratory problems to stay inside. I don't think it's so much ozone at the surface that is the problem, I personally think it is a low oxygen content due to the depletion of the functionality of plants in producing oxygen.
It makes no sense that in areas of low population density such as where I live that 'smog' would be the problem on a windless day.
As for chemtrails, it is obvious to me and has been for quite some time that their purpose is a desperate attempt to reflect and absorb solar radiation, and it is having a negative effect on nearly all life. Another thing I have noticed and posted about is the presence of perfectly circular holes in leaves that look as if they have been punched through by a laser, and the fact that these leaves always fall off as the summer begins.
The bottom line is that our environment is becoming so far out of whack with what is normal that many species cannot cope with the changes. Like I mentioned, amphibians reproduce by laying their eggs in sunny temporary pools in the spring time and their eggs are not only dying, the animals themselves are dying and being found floating in these pools. Aquatic Frogs and toads are now rare here, yet tree frogs seem to be doing fine.
March 5, 2012
An x1 flare just erupted from a barely out of view sunspot at a high in latitude on the Suns surface. It is at least 120 degrees or more from being geo effective and not nearly aimed toward the satellite, making me wonder how powerful it actual was. If this had been in the center of the Suns disk it would have been lights out, the only reason it is registering as high as it is is the high conductivity of the high concentration of plasma we have entered as we near the galactic c plane. The effects of all solar activity are being multiplied. I maintain my previous prediction that by spring the problem will be undeniable world wide and by early summer there will be widespread extinctions of certain species.
It originated from a backside flare just out of sight of the instruments.
It is at a mid to high latitude, it is amazing the x radiation levels are this high..
I hope it chills out before it rotates a another 90 degrees or it could be lights out.
It is important to understand that this did not originate from the tiny loosely organized group of sunspots now visible, its more than 90 degrees off being perfectly geo effective, If it had been dead on, this would have been the 'kill shot' everyone's been hyping about, but it has no potential to do that since it is too far north on the suns surface.
I guarantee there have been times the UV index at your latitude has exceeded 13 near the summer solstice. There are archives to this, look though them.
UV radiation is what is killing the trees. Their leaves are thin and completely penetrated by it, and not designed or adapted for the 90% increase in UV radiation in the past 40 years. The conifers do between because of the structure of their leaves and the ability to shield themselves, they seem better adapted to it that flat leaved trees. Half of the trees in my yard are dead and 20 years ago they were all strong and healthy. My neighbor has lost three oaks known to be over over two hundred and fifty years old.
Proton flux from the X ray event measured speeds exceeding 85% the speed of light. There was NO X RAY FLARE associated visible on this side of the sun that could explain the power of this event and the velocity of the protons associated with it. Weak sunspot group 1429 produced a weak c class flare that would not have registered above background and is being claimed to be the source. THIS IS NOT TRUE. There are huge dark areas on the Suns surface representing weaknesses in it's magnetic field allowing leakage of x radiation. This is an ominous development when x rated flux readings with no associated solar flare apparel.
damn you weren't kidding about some places showing exceptional UV readings. Bogoto Colombia is expected to hit 15.8 on thursday. That seems absurd.
Quoting: 25153
Yeah, especially when you consider was originally designed to peak at 10 as a maximum predicted strength
The ozone layer is completely gone for all intents and purposes, and the sun is putting out 75-90% more UV radiation than in 1972. It's photo spheres temperature has increased @ 900 degrees K , accounting for the white hot appearance, Those of you who are old enough remember when the Sun was actually tinted yellow and you could actually look at it.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
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page 64
March 5, 2012
[Regarding a pdf on: "Terrestrial mass extinction, cometary impacts and the Sun's motion perpendicular to the galactic plane" written by Michael R. Rampino & Richard B. Stothers; Goddard Institute, NYC from 1984. Still available.]
[link to]
Excellent find. I bet these guys are dead by now. The information they present matches my own findings precisely even though I have never heard of them before. the correlation of mass extinctions and the vertical periodic passage of the solar system through the galactic plane in an osculating pattern was known and is known and is being covered up. I was just banned because someone was reading my posts as I typed it for saying people have been falsely accused of crimes, claimed to be crazy or killed for repeating this information you just posted. This is because they want people to think people like myself are just nuts, and they can save themselves. Unfortunately, they are not planning to save the best of humanity, but the absolute worst.
This oscillation theory of the solar system through the galactic plane was an interdependent conclusion of my own and explains the Mayan long count ending. Their date is precisely correct.
March 6, 2012
The weakly organized sunspot group 1429 WAS NOT the source if the x ray flux reading of X-1 last night. After repeatedly analyzing and comparing various videos of solar flares, I estimate that the 'eruption' from 1429 was a high c class flare that barely registered above background. The source of the Xray flux was at least ten degrees north of the group 1429 and behind the limb of the sun, as was the resulting CME.
"P. ramorum was first reported in 1995, and the origins of the pathogen are still unclear but most evidence suggests it was introduced as an exotic species. Very few control mechanisms exist for the disease, and they rely upon early detection and proper disposal of infected plant material."
Interesting how the appearance of this 'disease; corresponds with the dramatic decrease in ozone and increase in uv radiation from the Sun, and the implementation of operation cloverleaf (chemtrails) a few years later.
I am quite aware there will many increasingly intense and odd events between now and then, but I am also aware the source of this X-1.5 x ray burst was not and could not have been sunspot group1429. You are entitled to believe whoever and whatever you want to.
This is the type and size of sunspot that typically produces low x class rating flares.
[old image still here]
[link to]
Notice the size of the larger spot, which is where the flare actually erupted from. It is well organized and four times as large as ay of the group 1429.
If you look at the data you will see the protons from it arrived simultaneously with the x ray flux, which is very unusual.
This was not a normal solar flare.
…this time the protons arrive at exactly the same time as the x ray flux, no delay at all. They rise correspondingly with the rise in x ray flux.This was a different kind of event and everyone who thinks the source is sunspot group 1429 is simply WRONG. I've been observing this stuff every day for 12 years , patterns develop. The sunspot that developed on the surface of the sun where 1429 is produces weak flares. Never over low M.
There is another spot ten degrees north and slightly behind it that routinely produces up to mid x range flares.. Oh and since the protons arrived simultaneously with the electromagnetic x ray flux, This means they moving at light speed. This translates into it is time to bury Einstein's old fables for once and for all, especially if there were ANY proton or neutrons moving in the opposite direction, which we know there has to have been.
This is why they are reluctant to report on what I just told you. Look at the graphs, there is NO DELAY WHATSOEVER.
They already know I'm right, that's why they dwell on every word I say trying to glean something they can put their name to. I don't mind, getting credit is unimportant so long as Tesla occupies his rightful place as the new 'god of science' and the idiots ideas are finally discarded and forgotten. To the intelligent physicist, SR, GR and quantum physics are hodgepodge of fictional particles and conflicting ideas, none of which anyone truly understands. i have challenged their proponents repeatedly to explain basic precepts of the 'theories' they support like time dilation and the bending of the space-time continuum being the source of gravity, always with the same result.
Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean the person that wrote it has any idea what they're talking about and are super smart. Sometimes is just means they are babbling idiots.
Oh, and BTW, they unreported the energy levels of the incoming protons or their instruments misread the velocity due to never having been designed to expect light speed protons, they had to be well over 10 MeV to be moving that fast, because as you know a proton has a fixed mass value. It is simply that their instruments were never designed to measure matter traveling at light speed.
Einstein's theory was already disproved during the last solar max when cmes on opposite sides of the sun produced simultaneous CME's with protons moving way from each other (relatively) at a speed well in excess of C. PUT A FORK IN IT ALREADY AND LETS GET TO SOME REAL PHYSICS AND SOLVE SOME REAL PROBLEMS.
This is something totally new.
Matter moving at C inside the solar system relative to the Earth.
Look at the dark gash in the surface of the sun in this image taken with a lens that filters all but light with a green wavelength. If you get a welders lens with a number 11 green tinted lens you can see this gash yourself. IT IS NOT A CORONAL HOLE, IT SOMETHING TOTALLY NEW, I have NEVER been able to see coronal holes with welders lenses because the contrast was never this great, this is a gash in the layer of the sun below the photosphere effecting the magnetic field that actually shows up to some degree on the magneto gram:
[old link]
This is the source of the x ray event of last night.
page 65
March 6, 2012
UMMM: isn't relativity still just a theory?
Quoting: Not Einstein 11959851
Actually it does not reach the threshold of theory, there has to be consensus, proof , falsifiability, and a generally accented understanding for it to be a theory. It is a fictional account and damned idiotic one.
AA do your really think it is worthwhile moving to a greater latitude in the long run. Aren't the solar flares and CME's going to effect the earth in other ways like EQ, Volcano's, flooding, Ice age, Pole Shift, etc in the long run. Like you said this is a purification process and we need it. I mean I am 62 and for some strange reason I started to realize what was happening in 2006. I have to say that even prior to that I started to notice people were acting weird.
I have prepared for everything, seriously, I live in VA at about the 39 parallel. The point is after I finished building and preparing I got this feeling like what is going to happen is going to be so big it will not matter in the least that I prepared.
I have the means to move northward but to be honest I do not have the desire or the energy. The one thing and perhaps the most important thing about the last 8 yrs. is boy did I learn a lot about myself and others. I found that I have the ability to face the truth no matter how unpleasant and most people don't.
Quoting: grefey
Move off the 39th parallel, it's going to be totally wiped clean of any life.
Follow your instinct, you have a good sense of things that most lack. Moving to a farther northern or southern latitude accomplishes two things in my vein, it gets you away from the masses of people and it decreases your odds of being roasted alive by radiation.
If the atmosphere holds to 5 psi and 15% o2, many of us will adapt by expanded chests and lungs that become more efficient, at present we only use 12% of our breathing capacity at rest.
Well surprise surprise, they found out we were looking at and commenting on their graph illustrating the magnetosphere making contact with the earths surface and removed it from public access.
[foul temper stuff…]
Dude, I'm telling you, it is happening NOW, not some time in the future. Many species are dying off or becoming extinct, centuries old tress are suddenly dying, almost all plant life is negatively impacted. From the air you can see half the forest is already completely dead, and much of what is left dying. This is not going to be broadcast on TV.
It will gradually worsen and yes you can survive. We already know for certain that some will, and it won't be these things digging themselves in under the ground. They will roast alive and kill each other off.
Whatever you do stay away from new jersey, it was bad enough before all of this went down.
M1 flux rated event at 4:50pm et, no visible flare associated with the event:
[dead link]
x ray flux elevated and low frequency radio communications are out over a widespread area.
ionosphere page now being censored:
[dead link]
this data is obviously completely faked:
[dead link]
page 65
Use the following format in the movie theater for dates
enter the following dates:
Start date: 20120303 (march3, 2012)
End date: 20120306 (march6, 2012)
use the EIT 304 image as flares show up excellently on it.
There are none, period . there is the usual continuous brightening around the few tiny sunspots, but no flares.
then try EIT 284 for a different spectrum, again, NO FLARES!
then try lasco c3 with the same dates
Here you see large chunks of mass in the image moving in all directions, this is the concentration of mass I predicted as we near the galactic plane
at @7:30 utc on the 4th a rather large CME is ejected way north of the visible sunspot supposedly associated with the event. A MASSIVE CME associated with the M1 x ray reading at 4:54 utc , every one of these CME's came from precisely the same location on the sun surface which means it is impossible for a solar flare or a sunspot to be the cause.
Remember, the Sun rotates. Guess what is in the direction the CME's are being ejected towards?? Anyone? Any amateur suntards know?
Here we are seeing protons of such velocity their speed is beyond the sensors ability to measure, and are being misinterpreted by the satellites sensors as x ray flux because of secondary radiation being produced by the aluminum body of the spacecraft upon impact from the high flux levels of high energy protons.. The answer is THERE ARE NO X ray SOLAR FLARES ASSOCIATED WITH THESE EVENTS , PERIOD.
[one of his critics has angered AA… so…]
Guess what is in the direction the CME's are being ejected towards? ?Anyone? Any amateur suntards know?
Some of you are so up on this stuff, the fact is most of you don't know the magneto pause from a CME, but the point is, let's see who guesses first at what the Sun is throwing all of this mass at at such high velocity.
It is what I predicted, and when we get in the line of fire, guess what happens? Hell, we aren't even in the line of fire yet and the mag field is shot to hell.
Yes, I've been out in the sun a while and the surface proton flux is now exceeding 5 million particles per cubic centimeter per second at over 50MeV average energy. I am not sure where this is coming from but assume the magnetosphere has collapsed and is being drawn in by the high density of iron ore in the region.The magnetosphere has collapsed here and no one is saying shit about it, they just censored the page that usually shows it.
I think i fried my f--king brain or at least it is malfunctioning, I may never be the same because i went fishing and let go of the observations for two hours.
Oh yea, we just had another M class event not associated with any solar flare.
I never said everyone on the sunlit side of the earth is going to die ever in my entire life, but i did say that 95% or more will be dead by 2013, and i get the feeling you know I am right/ BTW they lied to you, you have no place in the bunkers, they hate you worst than they do me.
No one respects what you do, not the people who hired you and certainly not the people you lie to, Your reward is coming to you though.
Justice is a bitch, and she's coming into heat.
[AA quits for a time… perhaps to cool down… his patience is wearing thin.]
They [jets] bug out when it gets hot, and they do it fast. Some of the private jet aircraft can climb almost vertically at full throttle, and when they are moving a lot of aircraft in an out they tend to use this tactic. Having flown on a LEAR aircraft, i can tell you from experience the power to weight ration is very high, they can go zero to 700 mph in about 90 seconds.A lot of corporate jets too probably I would imagine.
The magnetosphere coming in contact with the earth is not just serious, it is an immediate emergency just as bad as a tornado bearing down on your town.
Yeah , speaking of a short fuse sometimes I think the next person that smarts off to be I'm just going to floor them. Most people can sense it in me in my presence and don't try to antagonize me.
page 67
March 7, 2012
They don't want to admit there are no flares associated with these x ray bursts.
The only thing is you don't know what a flare is or are simply being willfully belligerent. Go start your own thread and play with yourself, and quit rolling mine. I know what an x and an m class flare look like. You showed a 'movie' of the x class burst that looked like a mid c class coming from 1429.
If you had looked at Lasco you would have seen the CME associated with it came from a location 1-15 degrees north of sunspot 1429, and behind it, not even close to 1429.
The 'double m" as you called it didn't have anything visible associated with it. Sunspots emit continuous flows of x rays, a flare is when the flux suddenly rises and visible flash of UV radiation extending far out from the sun is observed. If you look at the chart now
[link to]
, you will see a more or less continuous flow of x radiation between c and m class designation, and IT IS NOT COMING FORM THIS SUNSPOT: (ENTER START DATE 20120305 END DATE 20120306) , SELECT "EIT 304 FOR MAXIMUM UV VISIBILITY.
[link to]
THE SUNSPOT YOU ARE CLAIMING IS PRODUCING THESE X RAY BURSTS SIMPLY IS NOT PRODUCING ANY CHANGING OUTPUT OR FLUX VALUES OVER A MIDDLE C CLASS.. IN FACT IT IS NOT ACTIVE AT ALL. Now we have m class x ray bursts without flares or CME's associated with them, and the proton flux is not being property represented by this graph, either: [link to]
That's all i have to say at the moment besides this is indeed a simulation of a wonderful day in the neighborhood, it's beautiful day in the neighborhood... would you be mine?
We need to find out fast if any of the big s___ts on a stick are above ground right now. I have elevated high energy proton and electron flux of a high in my location again, the magnetosphere is again making contact with the Earths surface here in East Texas.
The thing is, although I predicted this long ago, I was not sure precisely what the effects would be. The high density of matter in the 'neighborhood' is easily visible if you select lasco c3 and any start end date and run the movie.
[link to]
In other words I don't know where the radiation is coming from (it might just be omnipresent in the area of space we have entered) but it sure as hell is coming and our shields are down. I tell you …. the magnetosphere simulation is a f***ing joke.
[link to]
It's a lie. They censored or changed the address of the one piece of data that shows us when the magnetosphere is failing to protect the earth right after we started discussing it here:
[link to]
Page not found, huh?
I have repeatedly played all of the movies in every spectrum available with a start date of before the x class event to the present and there simply has been no solar flare activity whatsoever from any of the visible sunspots on the suns surface.
[link to]
Confidence, 100%. I am not sure where the elevated x ray flux and the steady proton flux in the range of > 10 million electron volts is originating, but it is not the Sun.
I say I am not sure, but I am almost sure this is simply the energy range of the protons in the plasma cloud we have entered, which is represented by the satellites relative velocity with the plasma cloud.
A proton has a fixed mass, the energy formula is 1/2 mass X velocity squared. so the energy level is simply the speed of the proton relative to the sensor. In other words this proton flux will probably not go away and will gradually increase as we close in on the galactic plane.
The good news is they are relatively low energy compared to what they could be , if you have watched this for long you know that protons from a CME tend to be of a pretty large range of energy level whereas these are all >10MeV.
The really concerning situation is that we had and X class rated X ray flux without any solar flare and a massive high density coronal mass ejection barely off the western limb of the sun at a high latitude.
I think these vents will gradually worsen, 'they' will continue to downplay the significance and alter the data and by the time most people realize what is happening they will be too sick to do anything about it.
I have observed sunspot 1429 directly repeatedly and the images of it are greatly exaggerated on the official sources.
It is loosely associated complex of tiny pinhole sunspots and is simply not the source of this radiation. It is the galactic plane itself.
BTW, for those of you not aware, I did predict this. I did not know what the exact readings and results would be. But I did know this would happen. The magnetosphere will continue to weaken in response to the constantly changing polarity strength of the galaxies own magnetic field. The heliosphere and the magnetosphere will continue to become more unstable and weaken and eventually totally fail.
Ok, just to add my observations from 19 degrees latitude and 7000 feet altitude in Central Mexico.
I've regularly measured radiation levels here for 8 years and for the last few months while reading this thread. I have also measured filters (for hot particles, ala Fukushima). A few concrete structures I have measured have been a little hot, sometimes hitting 50 or 60 cpm, but where I have been the last few years seems relatively clean.
My readings are fairly consistent, with average CPM around 15-20, lows of 10 and highs of 25. I am reading alpha, beta, gamma and X.
Quoting: ehecatl
X is attenuated by the atmosphere unless the sun is directly or nearly directly overhead during an x ray flare, so pointing the probe at the sun on a normal day isn't going to register x ray or gamma ray flux. Try the x ray selection when a solar flare occurs during midday in the summer, and you will get a significant flux reading.
Its more or less like UV, except that UV output of the Sun is rather continuous. In order to measure flux readings of beta or alpha particle originating from the Sun or from space, it is necessary to have a directional probe, not the 180 degree omni directional one that comes with your counter. This probe has to be oriented perpendicular to the ground, facing upwards or towards the Sun to get an accurate count.
If it is midday and AA is talking proton levels or of the proton belt dipping low, I put the Geiger counter out in the sun sometimes to see if there seems to be high levels caused by protons. True, my meter is on only sometimes, but up until now I have not come across high readings yet.
Quoting: ehecatl
Again, the failure of the magnetosphere is not total and can be very localized. You must also have a directional probe to get an accurate reading. It could be you just haven't tried it at the right time. i suggest trying it during the miday hours while the magnetosphere on this chart is reading below 25 nanotesla and a CME is arriving:
[link to]
You will obtain a rather high reading at that time.
The trees seem healthy on all sides, and usually the birds and wild animals are out most of the day, except for the early afternoon.
Quoting: ehecatl
I believe this is mostly because of your location, the tress there have evolved to deal with elevated UV due to the altitude. I have also noticed that trees on mountains here in the US are also healthy.
I suspect that other things may be affecting trees in the US and Europe, like the chemicals they are releasing into the atmosphere, and radioactive releases from Fuku, etc. I read about these "tests" they have been doing starting decades ago in science magazines. Most people do not read science journals though so they think it is false conspiracy, when in fact it is true and well documented for a long time. What's the line from Jurassic Park? "God help us, we are in the hands of engineers!" Very apropos.
Quoting: ehecatl
I am not meaning to be argumentation, but I am almost positive it is UV radiation since the decline in the vegetation correlates dirctly with the increase in UV radiation
It is true we get very high UV at midday here, but that is normal for high altitude central Mexico, and why people wear broad hats, and have the saying, "only mad dogs and gringos are out walking around at mid-day."
Quoting: ehecatl
Yes, but since trees can seek shade, they must adapt over many years, evolve to resit UV radiation.
However the data I see at [link to]
does seem to indicate that the current high proton levels (in space) are not caused by the sun, and do know that the earth is moving through ribbons of plasma at the center of the disk of the galactic plain.
Quoting: ehecatl
I know that what AA writes is all possible in theory, perhaps in the next year, and for that reason I follow his posts and appreciate his work.
Anyhow, not to detract from your posts or theories AA, please keep up the good work, but I just wanted to add my measurements and observations to the picture.
Quoting: ehecatl
Your comments are appreciated and helpful in determining precisely what is going on.
They have made their bunkers deep in the ground, too deep, hundreds of feet. I know the oil industry pretty well having been working in the field for 25 years on and off, and the temperatures oil is coming out of the ground at a given depth IS INCREASING GRADUAL. This is because influxes of charged particles have the ability to heat the earths core, and this heat is radiated outward. This is also responsible for much of the geological instability. You only need to be 4 to feet down to block the radiation we are going to experience, and should have a way to get out quick if there is geological instability so you are buried alive.
… shows a flare past the western limb and definitely not from 1429 as he has been claiming, he's just an airhead an an amateur suntard or gov disinfo op. The CME's are obviously coming from and area beyond the western lim and 10 to 15 degrees north of the sunspot group 1429.
The protons we are seeing now are NOT from this CME.
Earlier in the thread it was pointed out that the protons came simultaneously with the X ray event, even seeming to precede it slightly, this can easily be confirmed by looking at the charts.
This is not normal solar flare activity, it is something totally different.
One thing I have to say, it's not what you've got, it's how you use it.
I have told people here simple ways to detect particle flux using everyday stuff that they already have because most don't have the money to spend on an 800-1500 geiger counter or a 4000 dollar telescope. besides that, why would I need to look at the sun through a telescope when ten thousand other people are at any given time and posting their observations on the internet. I had a telescope of some quality years ago but lost interest and gave it to a child, this was before 1999.
[to ehecatl] BTW, If you're Mexican you and I are closely genetically related since Mexicans are mostly native American genetically. In fact, the racists in my area single me out due to my dark complexion, they wouldn't even let me go to their church because I looked indian or mexican, they weren't sure which.
True story.
[the rural USA is often less than open-minded…
Parvati knows this as she grew up in Texas!]
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 11:06 PM
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I consider this to be the most important quote of the entire thread:
This is what is going to happen in 2012. The magnetic field will be almost non existent as far as a coherent shield against solar particle radiation, and most if not all of the surface vegetation will die, as will animals unable to hide and find food in the aftermath. this includes the majority of humanity. IMHO all of the weirdness we have been exposed to in recent years is an attempt to distract us from what is happening around us, the real danger, the elephant in all of our living rooms.
This thread will attempt to provide empirical evidence that these deaths and blights are the direct result of a progressively worst failure of the Earths magnetic field.
My true goal here and has been from the beginning to warn specific people with the intelligence to perceive the truth.
I have REPEATEDLY stated that not everyone will die , it's not the end of the world, just the end of the world we now live in and know. The planet WILL recover, as will humanity, there's just going to a a lot fewer of us and a radically different power structure and shape to our social structure...
This is WHY the cleansing must occur. >>End quote
Thank you Parvati for keeping this alive. It is very important that those intended to live take heed of the advice.
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:07 PM
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AA page 68
March 7, 2012
Yes ,and what is most interesting is that despite its intensity, there was no solar flare
type in start date 20120305 end date 20120307
look through the various spectrums
see if you can find the flare.
There is no x class flare
this came from somewhere else
Again, this was not the result of a solar flare and the increase in intensity tends to indicate we are getting closer to the source
[link to]
find the flare!!
it's not there
We just had another X rated long duration x ray event not associated with a solar flare
There have been several cases where protons from CME's exceeded 1/2C
none of the x ray events of the past four days originated from the sun, and if they did it was from previously un-described or observed phenomenon
I believe from the galactic center, although I cannot be sure. If I am right the flux levels will gradually increase.
page 69
March 7, 2012
I predicted with fair accuracy what is now happening over 8years ago. i admit that I used an ancient calendar to time the events, it's not a big secret that for native americans the circle of time begins and ends on 12/21/12 with the crossing of the galactic plane. But before you laugh, keep this is mind. Modern scientists use this ancient calendar to predict solar and lunar eclipses as well a planetary transitions many years in the future because it is know to be accurate within a window of minutes, an accomplishment they haven't came close to equaling..
I think it is also important to mention that the effects I described were based on my own model of the universe and the galaxy, and totally contradicts nearly every major idea in lame-stream physics. THE ONLY reason they allow me to even post on the internet is because they are learning from me, reading ever post and every word, and have revitalized I am right and learning more every day. The 'Einstein-ian' model of the universe is the ravings of a lunatic idiot savant and is totally nonsensical.
The universe is ELECTRIC.
Weird question but we cant smell radiation im sure...but can we smell any gases that might be somehow associated with how we can sometimes smell ozone after a storm?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 11733699
I have worked in a nuclear power plant during a shutdown, radiation causes you to think you are smelling metal.
… protons of a higher energy level are now arriving, as the ones that have already been fairly constant remain so…
VERY HIGH ENERGY Protons in the above 100 million electron volt and above 50 million electron volt range are rising rapidly. This could cause a bad radiation storm on earth if the upward trend continues, further analysis to continue into the night.
Anything in the >100MeV range that goes over the dashed line will cause notable and serious problems with radio communications, satellites and power grids. If it gets much higher than that, welcome to the iron age.
It is climbing at an alarming rate…
I know it doesn't seem like much, but right now 1000 protons with an energy level of 100 Million electron volts are penetrating ever square centimeter of your body every second. The atmosphere or magnetosphere is is incapable of even slowing these down. If it goes up another level, the scale is logarithmic meaning it will them be 10,000 protons per second per square centimeter.
50 nanotesla and dropping on the magnetic field strength of the earth on the east coast of the US, enough to absorb a small amount of their energy but barely slow them down:
[old link to]
[link to]
people ARE feeling effects of this right now.
what effects do you think people will feel?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 9258796
They are going to feel like shit, have headaches of varying degrees, lose memory both sort and long term, and be unpredictably acting. Some of the older or weaker may die depending of course on the flux densities, which at the present are not extremely hazardous but they continue to rise
[old link to proton flux graph]
[link to]
This IS NOT the arrival of a CME, either. The CME that occurred will have a glancing blow more than 180 degrees off the side, but nothing of consequence.
BTW, in case anyone here that is following this thread missed it, what makes this so dangerous is the failing magnetic field coupled with the high conductivity of interplanetary space caused by the high density of plasma and particulates. There will be localized areas where there is little to no protection and as for the >100Me stuff, forget it, it doesn't even matter, 50 nanotesla wont even deflect it.
You should listen to YOUR body as well as read people's reports here. AA has repeatedly (yes, repeatedly) described some effects. Headaches, nausea, etc.
My ears have had a burning, itching sensation almost all day. I feel exhausted and drained (strange combo, I know).
Quoting: Vlynna 12064103
Burning ears and itching skin = ultraviolet A and B
The increase in proton flux is perfectly linear and steady, not a good sign that it is soon going to subside soon.
*** Asia, not the Americas where it is night, right?
Quoting: ehecatl
The protons will travel in basically linear path from their source, which I believe is the galactic plane. The protons on the red line of the graph are simply out in space rotating with the galaxy as a whole, and we are entering vortex of gradually increasing energy (velocity of matter).
In other words night or day it makes little difference, if depends on where you are in relation to the protons direction of travel, which at the moment is basically north and south america and western africa.
The last refresh indicated a totally vertical rise in flux density of the highest energy protons of a considerable amount for five minutes. I may be entering my shelter soon.
[old link March 7]
Note the vertical line at the end of the graph, indicating a rapid rise.
page 70
[AA must have gone to his shelter!]
I will be posting from my shelter for the remainder of the night.
As I have repeatedly tried to point out, the magnetic field is not consistent. It is at approximately 20 nanotesla on the east coast right now, and I Guarantee they are getting fried right now and going to feel it tomorrow morning... The field strength (by interpolation) where you are is at around 50 nano tesla, I am very surprised you are not getting at least 5,000cpm. What have you got it set on and what kind of probe do you have?? I'm getting 6500cpm right now.
6500cpm means the magnetosphere and atmosphere are stopping a hell of a lot of it at the moment, and my shit works. I am in my hardened room but if the proton flux continues its rise Im sleeping in the bunker. 6500cmp at an average of 75 MeV is not dangerous, I've been through a hell of a lot worse.
Magnetic field dropping to ZERO and protons going balistic. I hope you're wrong AA!
[link to]
Quoting: ehecatl
Yeah, just saw that, this is not good, not at all. Pray the proton flux levels off or we will see mass human deaths. There is essentially nothing deflecting charged particles ATM. The magnetosphere has been oscillating in a basic sine wave pattern, but damned, it's going to be a while before it recovers, and there is the possibility with the high energy high flux protons it wont this time. this could be the Carrington event. We have about ten nanotesla at the moment here, it's zero in the pacific off the coast of California, and my compass is unusable at the moment.
page 71
March 7, 2012
The earth is going to be between the sun and the galactic center in precise alignment on 12/21/12. If you saw the CME's earlier today and this week, CME's much more powerful and intense than those will be pulled by the vortex of electromagnetic energy of the galactic center towards the earth. That why this is the 'big day'.
But you have to understand, there will be gradually worsening conditions between now and then, it's not a singular event, it just that that day I can predict with almost 100% certainty that a massive CME or previously unknown and unseen intensity and size will envelope the earth and cause a catastrophic event.
It is difficult to predict what will happen between now and then besides a gradual decay of the magnetic field, large holes and void showing up in it, and eventually multiple poles like we have at the moment will be long lasting events, making magnetic navigation impossible.
iT IS PROTON FLUX DENSITY, the amount of protons contained in a cubic centimeter of space at any given instant in time. Of course the higher the energy, the more protons pass through a cubic centimeter of space per second.
[link to]
Think of the red line as the 'slow lane', the blue line as the 'center lane' and the green line as the 'fast lane', with the vertical axis showing how many cars are in every 100 feet of highway if that mental image will help.
The differences in colors represent different energy levels, or to be precise how many electron volts the protons are and the the green line is the fastest moving and therefor the most powerful. It shows electrons in the over 100 million electron volt range. The blue line shows proton flux density in the over 50 million electron volt range and the red line shows proton flux densities (protons per cubic centimeter per second) in the above 10 million electron volt range. Basically, the different colors represent protons of a range of velocities, the green line doesn't have an upper limit which means there is no way to tell the upper limits of their energy from the chart , the blue line is between 50 million and 100 million electron volts and the red line is between 10 million and 50 million electron volts.
I hope this has been helpful.
I would like everyone to report on any physical symptoms they are feeling. We pretty much lost the magneto pause, its not showing any pressure at the moment which means the data is falsified or it has been breached. Last night the magnetosphere lost all of it's protective abilities at 0 nenotesla at 2 in the morning here while the proton flux was still climbing. I actually entered my shelter at that time and stopped posting because my 4g connection was nonoperational.
What is most concerning is the continuing rise in proton flux, there doesn't seem to be any tapering off.
Well, I may be wrong, but it appears that they, NOAA, have counter-intuitively labeled the low energy protons as red, and the high energy protons as blue.
So the low energy protons, the red line, started a rise a few days ago, and last night a rise of medium and high energy protons, blue and green, started, according to how I am interpreting that graph, and to how some people on other threads are interpreting those readings.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: Dead on, I've always wondered why they didn't use re for >100MeV protons.
I don't think that the protons affect the grid much, just us biological units and our DNA, if they get past our magnetic field.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: This is not exactly true, protons can fry the grid
The grid is going to take a big blow tomorrow starting at 10:00 GMT when 3 big electro-magnetic waves from solar activity pile up on top of each other and hit the earth heavy... they say. The electro-magnetic pulse tomorrow may weaken or rip away the electro-magnetic field, which in turn protects us from the protons, X-rays, etc, which are elevated for their individual reasons. So tomorrow may also be a risk for our DNA if we loose the magnetic field.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: The electromagnetic energy arrives 9 minutes after the event. Effects on the magnetosphere by proton emissions are generally a weakening effect.Protons cause elevated or exaggerate differences in potential, which have a tendency to overload power grids and fry transformers.
Of course it is possible that another solar flare could kick off at the moment when the electromagnetic wave hits, and heighten the physical risk, because X-rays only take minutes to arrive, not days.....
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: Like i have repeatedly said, the one thing we can count on is for a gradual overall worsening of effects.
I have a few questions AA.
The proton graphs we are looking at most are from the GOES satellites it appears, which are outside of the bulk of the magnetosphere, right? Are there other data sources which would indicate the locations on the earth surface or atmosphere (in relation to the sun and time of day), where the protons are impacting or affecting?
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: There were, but they have been censored or removed in the past few days. here is an example:
[link to]
This question in regards to the origins of the protons, although undoubtedly interstellar proton clouds or ribbons are also going to influence the suns output and behavior.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: I believe the prions and electromagnetic flux we are observing are originating from the galactic plane and the galactic center. In fact I predicted this effect 8 years ago and it is fairly predictable. We have entered a vortex of matter and energy.
Also, in these graphs which we have been using heavily,
[link to]
...the Magnetometer graph, is referring to earths magnetic field as measured from GOES, is that correct?
Quoting: ehecatl
AAYes, the red line is the magnetic strength in nanotesla of the geomagnetic field on the east coast and the blue line off the coast of California.
Because there are other data sources which refer to the suns magnetic field. I imagine our most immediate concern is earths magnetic field, because it is our primary shield from dangerous levels of radiation from outer space.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA:Actually, our very worst concern is the collapse of the heliosphere(the suns magnetic field) combined with the geomagnetic issues, which is what is allowing these high energy protons (plasma) to enter our solar system.
Other thing,
The GOES satellites are geosynchronous, which is to say they are fixed in relation to physical locations on earth,
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: correct
but that also means they are not fixed but whirling around in relation to the magnetosphere, the magnetopause, and the earth-sun relation, as opposed to the STEREO satellites which are heliocentric.
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: Very true, and this probably accounts somewhat for the 24 hour period of oscillation, although it is hard to explain. I know Ive never been able to but amuse it has to do with an interaction between the geo magnetic field ans the suns magnetic field.
How does this geosynchronous positioning, factor into this GOES data, such as the Magnetometer readings?
Quoting: ehecatl
AA: Magnetometer readings shouldn't be effected but obviously they are. As for proton and electron flux, there should be a drop associated with an eclipse of Sun the satellite by the earth, but this period is very short in duration since the satellite is 22.000 miles up.
page 72
March 8, 2012
Because there are other data sources which refer to the suns magnetic field. I imagine our most immediate concern is earths magnetic field, because it is our primary shield from dangerous levels of radiation from outer space.
The GOES satellites are geosynchronous, which is to say they are fixed in relation to physical locations on earth, but that also means they are not fixed but whirling around in relation to the magnetosphere, the magnetopause, and the earth-sun relation, as opposed to the STEREO satellites which are heliocentric.
How does this geosynchronous positioning, factor into this GOES data, such as the Magnetometer readings?
That's a good question, and the answer is it shouldn't since it's position is stationary in relation to the earths surface.But like I said earlier, it is moving 40,000 miles closer to the sun that it's furthest distance from it due to it's orbit, which would have some although a negligible effect on particle flux readings, except during the rare times it is in the earths shadow when readings from the solar wind would be very low.
The low energy proton flux we have been observing is definitely not coming from the sun, it is simply a result of our passing through a cloud of ionized plasma, hydrogen atoms that have lost an electron and are therefor highly absorptive of electrons. The energy levels are the result of our relative speed of passage through the cloud, or tier relative speed with the satellites sensors to be more specific. It was very steady as I am sure you observed.
If there is high electron flux the panels can be ruined or overloaded. Since you haven't seen any spikes in the output, you're good to go so far.
When flux levels of particle radiation are high and the magnetic field is at a low nanotesla reading, orient then towards the ground or cover them with something that absorbs particle flux efficiently. These can be ruined by particle radiation and what I suggested will greatly extend their lifespan.
1 - why are the electron flux graphs dropping to zero with this recent event? are the protons 'canceling' them out?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 682262
Yes, and forming hydrogen atoms in the process. It is possible the proton flux could eventually completely block the electron flux from the sun by absorption, and cause a total failure of the geomagnetic field. I predicted this probability in 2004 .Remember, the geomagnetic field is created by the interaction of electrons from the solar wind with the earths ferrous (iron and nickel) core.
2 - aside from the ancient teachings, do you know of any sources that prove out galaxy's location with respect to the galactic plane? i have always understood that we were soon to cross it. when i try to confirm this is true i found about 3 'official' sources that claim we are north of the galactic equator and heading north. much confusion seems to exist withing 'scientific' circles regarding this when intuitively i feel that this should be so easy to discern with todays technology. are they purposely obfuscating these facts?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 682262
I am going to be blunt here and state the obvious,if you listen to their official publications they are purposely confused, they apparently don't have any idea where we are in relation to it other than we are close, according to official publication, but in reality they know exactly the same thing I do. The 'ribbon' of plasma is the galactic plane. BTW, that's why they allow me to continue to post despite the fact that I have completely trashed lame-stream physics.
Someone mentioned the magneto pause pressure has all but disappeared, and that in itself is most worrisome considering the proton flux readings. Remember,we CANNOT rely on any data coming from official sources, when it's gets really bad they will completely shut it all down so we can't figure anything out from it. That is why it important to learn the signs and the simple methods of detection i outlined earlier in the post.
This data is falsified and in no way correlates
It's simply being draw in to make it appear the magnetic field and electron flux are strong, which is simply not possible given the KP index and the drop to zero in the electron flux on two separate occasions in the >2MeV ranger from the Goes 13 satellite. In other words it's being faked.
I got to thinking about what you [ehecatl] said about the magnetic strength oscillating in a 24 hour period with the GIES satellite readings, something that has perplexed me for years, and am convinced you are right.
Instead of measuring the magnetic field strength of the surface at the given latitude like the key suggests, it is actually measuring the field strength in it's own position above that latitude at 22,000 miles.
When you get to thinking about it, this is the only possibility, since the satellite could not measure the geomagnetic field strength on the surface remotely, it would have to have sensors there on the surface to do that, which is i suppose what I always falsely assumed without putting the proper angle of though into it. I do know we have many surface magnetometers.
I learn something new every day.
It is simply possible for the solar wind density to be this high and have a magneto pause pressure of near zero with the high magnetic field strength the satellites are registering. We are being horn-swaggled. The data cannot be relied upon at all, any of it.
... calling these shards an "alien invasion" is a bit exaggerated. Chunky? Yes. But alien ships? ummm, I'm not convinced.
Quoting: Vlynna 12107010
It just exactly what you'd expect entering the galactic plane, a concentration of mass. This also greatly increases the odds of a celestial impact from one of these objects, and depending on the size it could a problem.
If you simply click on lasco c3 and watch a 'movie' of any recent time period, you will see thousands of pieces of junk floating around.
[link to]
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
HnryBwmn (OP)
User ID: 18085374
United States
07/23/2012 11:08 PM
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If GLPs' server crashes tonight I don't know nutting.
Parvati, you have mail
Last Edited by HnryBwmn on 07/23/2012 11:09 PM
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:09 PM
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page 73
March 8, 2012
And btw, all of the nations know about this, most have chosen not to warn the whites at all since they tend to throw it back in our faces. They just can't understand the difference between true spiritual development and being a part of nature, and their plastic and useless destructive 'technology'.To them we are an always will be inferiors. When an indian like me comes along, it really gets under their skin. Tecumseh was another, BTW, and so was Geronimo. Geronimo was a military genius. I just peahen to be a scientifically oriented individual who has trashed their whole view of the universe in 10 years of research.Their gods aren't fit to fill my wood stack, much less postulate an all encompassing explanation of the universe.
It [this solar cycle?] will gradually and quite rapidly worsen as a general trend, as for this event, it came from the galactic center, not the Sun. the next idiot that tells me it came from 1429 is on permanent ignore.
I would like to further state and clarify that the spiritual development of the people who wrote the bible and especially the Talmud is not even in the same plane as native culture. They called us savages, read about what they call their gods, and that should tell you a lot about the conditions of their inner souls. …
… Those fit to continue to exist those who cherish truth and coexistence on an equal level will, and those who aren't, wont.
Unfortunately, most of us are hopelessly gone, lost in the false world of greed and a self serving existence.
Things are not always as they seem on the surface.
Many are in denial because the truth is too hard to face.
Ed _ames was part of some kind of government remote viewing deal, they cant give timing of events according to him. I personally think he knows, I think they all know. The reason for not saying should be pretty obvious. If I ever stop posting you'll know they got to me and that's the only reason I would [stop]. I intend to follow through until the internet is no longer functioning.
Never saw the high energy protons so steady for so long at such a high flux, they might not even go down, following the earlier pattern of the >10MeV energy range protons. I wouldn't be surprised. Usually the readout is represented by a jagged line when the flux is high like this.
The moon is exceptionally bright, indicating to me that the Sun is drawing in newly formed hydrogen with it's gravitational field. Of course the government issue total irradiance is steady as a rock, which is impossible with an x class flare having just happened. I'm tired of being lied to by my government.
[Aren't we all, darlin' …. Parvati]
page 74
March 8, 2012
[turns out MzTreeChick is one tough cookie… warrior gal! - Parvati]
March 9, 2012
The above data indicates to me that we have entered a much dense are of high energy plasma that does not originate from the sun.
[old data from this link]
[link to]
The readings are too steady to be the result of any solar activity.
Expect conditions to worsen.
I also strongly feel the MICT simulation sis now useless at this point as is all government filtered data (any satellite data).
It's time for me to build a magnetometer and that is what I have been busy doing this morning. It is not a complex device. It simply uses the earth magnetic field to induce a current in coil of wire wrapped around a ferrous core, the power output is then connected to meter reading the electrical output.
The problem is that the field strength is normally so low that it takes a very large transformer (I am using a welder) to induce a very small current, and the other problem will be calibration of it after it is functioning. I already have an output registering at a maximum of 2.3 milli watts on an electronic multimeter and fluctuating rapidly between zero and 2milliwats, but have no idea what the actual magnetic field strength is.
I am also receiving no abnormal partial flux readings in the high energy electron range but am registering occasional bursts of high energy protons that correlate with 0 readings on the multimeter connected to my newly constructed magnetometer. Before I can call it that i will need to amplify the output and connect it to a meter that can i can calibrate somehow with a known magnetic field strength and mark out in nanotesla.
[AA says] Feeling much better myself, here is why i believe:
[old data at this link]
[link to]
The magnetic field strength is stronger that what is normal. At one time 50 years ago a steady 100 nanotesla was the norm, that number was chosen because it equaled the field strength over most of the earths surface, and magnetometers could be calibrated using the Earths magnetic field strength.
Gee AA, I've got a "good old" Miller arc welder (model 330A/BP) with a giant copper core. The machine weighs about half a ton. Could I do something like that with it?
Quoting: ehecatl
Yes, you certainly can if it is a DC welder. I have a DC miller myself I am using, I am not familiar with the model you have it must be an old industrial grade.
An Ac welder Will not work unless you happen to have a multimeter that can measure wattage in milliwatts in ac mode. These are rare and expensive.. If you connect a multimeter with a 10 milliwatt range (100 will do if it is electronic with digital display), you can set the meter to milliwats and connect the negative probe to the ground and the positive to the stinger and you should get a reading. if your welder is ac, you will have to put a diode rated for about a watt between the stinger and positive probe.
The extreme size of the transformer should give you a fairly good out put. My miller is rated at 200 amps, it's a mig.
I have an old Ideal arc AC welder that is rated for 450 amps but it is an AC welder, I might end up trying to use it with a diode or buy a multimeter than can reed milliamps in AC.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the power switch must be set to 'ON" and the welder unplugged!!!! Critical omission on my part.
You realize our heliosphere has shrunk to half it size, RIGHT?
You realize the magnetic field of the Sun that creates the heliosphere is unstable and revering polarity, RIGHT?
You realize that the plasma cloud I am discussing is not OUTSIDE the heliopshere, but INSIDE of it?
See this: [old link] [link to]
That's the plasma of the galactic plane in the form of hydrogen nuclei, or PROTONS for the less scientifically inclined. When a proton from the plasma field encounters an electron from the solar wind, a hydrogen atom is formed, and the electron is ABSORBED. The hydrogen is pulled into the Sun by it's gravitational field which further exacerbates the situation by providing the Sun with more fuel.
Electrons power the Earths magnetic field, which protects us from particle radiation, like this:
[link to]
Go here and watch a movie, select any time frame and lasco c3:
[link to]
you have to enter the dates like this 20120305
See all that crap floating around?
That is matter caught in the electromagnetic influence of the galactic plane.
page 75
I believe I am in a localized failure of the magnetosphere . wrong place at the wrong time. Three surface magnetometers showing strong readings, Colorado and Alaska. I have zero here.
I have long thought the high iron ore content here could result in localized effect on magnetosphere. I know it attenuates all radio signals. In shelter now with two dogs and two turtles. F__k the fish, I couldn't move the tank anyway and they don't want to be caught.
1 bar to No cell phone signal. Is anyone able to post?
Respond if you are able and give a generalized observation including the signs I outlined earlier about animals and people.
[Ok, Parvati is amusing herself by cleaning up the F words … …]
You MUST watch the movie [They Live!] I posted, this is very serious communication.
I am not going to be able to post much longer.
… I am quite convinced that the magnetosphere failures are localized in certain places. But if the electron flux remains at zero it will die everywhere. Watch the movie the lasco c3 movie i suggested earlier, it's mind blowing.
A full halo CME occurred at @2012/03/07 @02:06 utc. There was no accompanying x ray flare or rise in x ray flux. The particles from it hit the Lasco sensors at a high density @ the same time the CME was visible, indicating light speed particle radiation.
… give up their damned charade.
I've seen bake-outs before, but never the particles hitting the sensors at the exact moment the CME became visible. This means they were moving at light speed. Do you have any idea what the energy of a proton moving at light speed is? Do you realize they might be heavier nuclear remnants than just protons?
do the math, and use the REAL formula KE=1/2Mass times velocity squared. Each proton had an energy level equivalent to or greater than a 30.06 rifle. I will do the math and give you precise energy rating in conventional terms. Give me awhile, I am quite occupied at the moment.
The x class flare occurs at @0:00utc on the 7th I've seen delayed CME's, but not at this velocity or time delay.
I came up with the KE of a PROTON moving at light speed at 3565.36 joules, which converts to 2629 foot
pounds of energy PER proton. This is an incredible amount of energy, when you consider the flux densities we are seeing visibly... though I must admit I overestimated a bit when I said equal to or greater than a 30.06 rifle, which is @3000 ft
pounds at the muzzle.
If we see any significant flux density of mass moving at this velocity at the surface of this planet, there will be biological effects that are immediately noted despite the fact that the size of a proton is so 'tiny'. It makes no difference,KE is KE no matter what the mass part of the calculation is. BTW, I did make a small error in my calculations by leaving out the 1/2 part of the KE formula inadvertently, which means the energy levels are half of what I claimed, 1310 ft
pounds per proton. Sorry about the error.
. . I have no idea how to detect or measure mass moving at light speed. I know none of NASA's or NOAA's sensors are capable of it or even designed with the idea that mass can move this fast.
[Recall that today July 23, 2012 there was "A coronal mass ejection (CME) blasted away from the sun this morning with rare speed: 2930 km/s or 6.5 million mph. CMEs moving this fast occur only once every ~5 to 10 years." - from ]
CME Speed Scale: [link to]
There has not been an uneventful day since 2001.
BTW, there is no way the atmosphere or magnetosphere will significantly attenuate the energy of the particles I have detected. It will actually cause structural degradation of anything it impacts with any level of flux density, literally blow it full of macroscopic holes.
page 76
My calculations are correct and have been double checked, and yes, i believe i do know that the mas of a proton is 1.6726231e-24 grams, I simply converted the joules resultant to foot pounds to give a better idea of the energy to those more familiar with weapons ballistics.
AA: It's already hit us apparently.
If it reached the satellite at light speed it reached earth 9 minutes after it left the sun.
News sources said TODAY we were supposed to experience the effects of this solar flare...
I NEVER get this sick and yesterday I could barely move...also the electricity in the air made my hair stand up on its end all day!
Answers please!
Quoting: E 9244014
I feel rather fine other than a bit of dizziness earlier, could have been from high blood pressure., but we are having a long lasting electrical storm complete with intermittent power failures.
A proton … mostly passes through without hitting much of anything. It's when you have a high number of these and they are hitting something that you have a problem.
I enjoy your thread, post the formula you used for the Proton Kinetic energy calculation please.
Quoting: AdHocBOHICA
KE=1/2 M x V2
page 77
March 9, 2012
… causing DNA damage, probability 100%
I am sorry to say this but the vast percentage of people are not ready for the wonderful future that is in store for the very few!!
Please keep up your good work and know that no matter what happens, do not fear for there is a ray of hope, a splendid one!! for all that search within themselves, we will be and are well looked after!!!
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12046908
You are right, and i out of 100 people reading this thread are getting the message. They are my target audience. I have said all along not have fear, that I am not trying to create fear, what is happening is not only nessesary, in the end it will be a blessing.
[too many fights here now for old Parvati…]
If you are thinking this will be announced on the mass media as what it really is and the significance it has on our existence, don't hold your breath. They will lie through their teeth until we are being cooked alive.
page 78
proof of electron absorption by current plasma :
[old data from here]
[link to]
The higher energy electrons are not being captured, which is not really surprising. You're talking about particles moving at extreme relative velocities to each other in the case of the higher energy protons and electrons, and they ARE NOT moving in the same direction, but more or less at an obtuse angle to each other at the moment. When the earth orbits the Sun and is between the galactic center and the sun, the particles will be traveling in basically the same direction and velocity range, increasing the capture ratio and taking away more of the earth's magnetic fields power supply.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:10 PM
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page 84
I never was much of a poet , but this certainly touches the essence of our existence and describes the crossroads we are at. The thing is it is it seems to me all of us have already passed the crossroad and taken out paths and it is too late to change.
Most of the human race is lost to greed and self serving apathy, they have assumed the characteristics of the reptiles. Me, I'd just be happy to live in peace, to be loved and have enough to eat.
March 13, 2012
page 85
DO NOT use metal roofing!
Velikovski along with Tesla were two of my greatest mentors as far as my own ideas go. The electric universe seems so obvious to me it is impossible for me to believe that it is not known as fact, which at first made the Einstein and quantum BS seem like a irrational fictional complication, i couldn't get it through my head that TPTB were keeping us in a state of ignorance intentionally to keep us down.
page 86
My prediction is and has been since I first posted on the subject of astrophysics on GLP with the thread listed below that conditions will gradually worsen as we near December, I expect this summer will be exceptionally hot, breaking all previous records, with radical changes in weather patterns, and an increase in water vapor content of the atmosphere (the REAL material in the atmosphere that causes the greatest amount of global warming) . I also expect that increased geological activity will cause multiple catastrophic events equaling or exceeding the Japan earthquake. By fall the leaves will already have fallen from most of the trees and many plants will be dead. Extinctions of many species will accelerate and mass deaths of animals and people will be reported world wide. The Suns 11 year sunspot cycle has been delayed.
The most destructive events will be collapses of the magnetosphere where it's high energy particles make contact with the surface of the planet and solar radiation storms coincide with openings or breaches in the geomagnetic field.
There is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that these events will occur and that it is known by NASA and other world Space agencies and astrophysicists that they will, and that they have more or less agreed that since there is an overpopulation of the planet and limited space in the bunkers that they will conceal and downplay the severity of the events, continuing to deceive the people and just let them die.
I also strongly believe that TPTB will do everything within their power to maximize human deaths once the truth becomes undeniable to the masses. I believe they have developed diseases that once released into the population will spread rapidly and cause almost 100% mortality in those infected, and that they will launch a coordinated thermonuclear exchange between all of the nuclear powers to completely annihilate the population centers. What is most disturbing is that it is obvious they have no intentions of saving a cross section of the human race, but only a narrow range of the gene pool. The ironic part of it is that the ones behind all of this are the target of the cleansing, making me believe or future is in our own hands and it is up to us to stop them. That is why I have basically given up my life telling you the truth, You can count on it , soon my voice will be silenced.
I am going to need all the luck i can get and I appreciate the sentiment. They couldn't just kill me so they went another route to isolate me, but I trust in my creator that he will as always protect me from their persecution, he always has. I am facing the fight of my life, set up by a group of government conspirators. I have always been a person who makes friends easily but who chooses very few to be my friends that I allow into my life and especially my home.
I made a mistake in the heat of the summer when I was not thinking clearly and allowed someone who I ordinarily would have repulsed instinctively to enter my home, I was recovering from an extended illness and effected by having to be out in the extreme heat of triple digit temperatures every day. it's weird you should say good luck, I suppose you sense the danger I am in, and I guess it stands to reason i would be.
I was hoping this would go viral before I am silenced. I honestly believe I was put here for this specific purpose. Since i was a child I have had premonitions about problems with the Sun, and I began my studies of it as soon as I could read.
I know this sounds strange, but I have memories that preceded my birth, when it was explained to me that I would go through exactly what I did in my past and what I am now and that I had a job to do. I was told I would have difficult, experiencing great suffering, painfully unjust treatment, and a lonely existence, and it all came to past.
Strangely, i feel alone in a large crowd, even when accompanied by many friends, I just can't seem to connect with anyone who understands me.
There is a need now for the people to become aware, I don't know if it is because the bunkers are the only chance of salvation and we need to depose the present hierarchy and preserve the right people, but I do know this, if we allow the people who are posting here against my message to have their way, only the very worst of humanity will be preserved, which I do not believe is the creators intention.
I was promised my suffering would be rewarded with a new life, where the peace, harmony and justice I have always craved are the status quo of human existence. I know all of this sounds strange and uncharacteristic of me to open up this way, and not my usual presentation of information, but yes, I am here to accomplish something essential and that will have a great impact on the future of humanity. The planet will recover, very rapidly. What is about to happen has happened before and will happen again.
WE MUST NOT ALLOW THOSE IN CONTROL NOW TO PRESERVE THEMSELVES AND KILL OFF THE REST OF THE HUMAN RACE. The people must learn the truth between now and summer , or it will be too late.
A basic formula for radiation attenuation no matter the type is to put as much mass between yourself and the source as is feasibly possible. I have used an old tornado shelter that has 1 ft steel re enforced walls and ceiling that has been covered with 3-4 ft of earth using an excavator. This will stop everything but neutinos (which are harmless) and the highest energy cosmic radiation particles, which can penetrate to 50-100ft of Earth. Luckily, their flux values are normally very low, the approximate odds are your body is penetrated by one particle ever month or so. Generally speaking, the higher the energy level, the rarer the radiation type, but a high flux density of >50MeV protons can and will kill a human being in a short period of time by literally killing their cells like bullets penetrating their body, more or less. AT densities of over a million particles per cubic centimeter per second in this energy range (which is common in the weaker areas of the proton belt of the Van Allen radiation belts around the 40th latitude) , this is an emergency situation where protection must immediately be sought. All it would take to save you is 6
inches or less of concrete. If uou live near the equator and the proton belt makes comtact with the the Earth surface, you will be facing flux densities exceeding 7 million particles per square centimeter per second, with energy levels exceeding 100 MeV. You need a shelter like I have constructed or similar mass to be protected from this.
With gamma and x radiation, attenuation increases with the mass between you an the source. 6
inches of water is better than nothing but 4 feet of concrete or Earth will block over 99%
Quoting: Anonymous astrophysicist 1104141
Why es the 39th parallel en trouble?
Go avove or below it?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12233848
Otra vez porque 39th solamente?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 5969016
I am sorry I did not see this question earlier. The thing is about the 40th latitudes both north and south is that the majority of the highest energy and flux density protons and electrons of the lower belt of the Van allen radiation belts are concentrated between these latitudes, and it is a certainty that they will make contact with the Earths surface at some time in the future. They already have for brief periods. This is what cause the illnesses reported recently resembling radiation sickness. The density of particles is such that an hour exposed to them would result in death. The actual numbers are 7 million particles moving through every square centimeter every second in the most dense regions, with energy levels that well exceed 100MeV. This would be very similar to being inside the Fukushima reactor building as far as biological effects.
March 14, 2012
[a gentle post from AC India]
AA- We didn't have a winter and the sun is very hot .Yes I did observe that whenever there is a photon storm or AME hitting us the weather is hazy with full of dust in the air. Looks like our failing magnetosphere is giving away . What you said it right.
You also mentioned that the solar cycle 24 is delayed. When do you think it will start. When I saw what sun did last week I thought the max had started.
I might not be intelligent since I am still learning and all my knowledge is because of you. thanks for that and I am sure many of us are benefiting from this apart from a few who sidetrack this important discussion.
Magnetosphere seems to be red , yellow and occasionally white. Why is this. Please debug for us.
Also I was telling you that during events ( Proton & CME) the atmosphere looks hazy and dusty.
What is it? Is it the protons?
IS it harmful? Any device I can use to measure it?
Quoting: Anonymous Coward 12435243
Well, yes, if there is a high flux of charged particles that atmosphere will appear hazy. Try this, get in shade of a shed or eve of a house and just defocus you eyes while looking at the edge of the eve or roof. You can actually see the charged particles.
[I can see these myself - Parvati]
They might not seem that bright, but consider their tiny size they are giving off a lot of light.
Here is what I have been waiting to see, notice the high energy protons have returned to normal levels, but the >10MeV protons leveled off where they were before the storm. This indicates they are not originating from the Sun. This is the plasma cloud. There is also hydrogen present, although we have no chart for that here.
AC India:
AA- Is the charge particle harmful?
Yes I noticed the protons >10MeV leveled off where they were before the storm. Now I am sure they will manipulate this since they you have explicitly mentioned.What is the effect of this increase to mother earth.
page 87
[answer to AC India]
No , not in of itself, it doesn't penetrate the atmosphere at high levels of flux density and is of relatively low energy. The problem is , it has greatly increased the conductivity of interplanetary space reducing electrical resistance between the Sun and Earth, which magnifies the result of solar particle events and x ray bursts, and has apparently caused particle radiation from the Sun to increase radically in velocity.
Go to this website :
[link to]
Select soho movie theater from the column on the left, then select lasco c3, then enter begin data 20120312 and end date 20120314 .
Once again the particle radiation reaches Earth at the same time as the light from the CME, indicating light speed particles and mass. As I have stated previously, this disqualifies quantum physics and general and special relativity by direct incontrovertible empirical observation. It is a milestone in science. It should be flooding the headlines of every major scientific publication and newspaper...
As I have stated and even calculated the energy of these particles which are extremely energetic and penetrate even a strong magnetosphere with very little deflection or weakening, although the very highest energy protons very luckily don't have as high a flux value (number) as the gradually decreasing energy level particles do. I suspect a large percentage of these particle are massive multi particle masses, which could mean even much higher and destructive energy levels. For instance they could be incomplete nuclei containing many protons and neutrons.
We have no access to data the differentiates between proton and neutron particle radiation and remnants of atomic nuclei, which could have atomic masses in the tens or even hundreds, and if we have particles this size moving at the speed of light this represents a tremulous amount of kinetic energy.
AA: My target audience is small. We don't want very one knowing about it, lets face it , there are people who would kill you for a quarter if they knew the truth,and none of them will believe me anyway.
The pattern I am familiar with I like to call the 'cobbler on the sky' pattern of criss-crossing trails, as if they are attempting to systematically cover the entire sky. These always spread out into what appears to cirrus clouds at first and then eventually the density increases to the point where it is an artificial overcast.
The reason for this is to increase the Earths albedo or reflectivity and reduce solar energy reaching the surface, it has been going on every day for 12 years that I know of for sure, and I am convinced that if it were not done, much of the living things on the surface would have died by now , especially the plants , by radical increases in surface temperatures and UV radiation. I know these trails are harmful, they killed my father and everyone I know is sick from them to some degree with respiratory ailments, but the alternative is mass extinctions and impossible outdoor working conditions.
I would also like to point out that even with global chem trailing on a massive scale, UVa and UVb radiation are reaching the surface at levels ten times what as normal 20 years ago.
It's every day, anywhere where the sun is less that 20 or 30 degrees off being perpendicular to the surface and particularly bad when it is near to directly overhead.
This summer the sun will be directly overhead as far north as the tropic of Cancer (strange coincidences huh?) at 23.5 degrees north latitude, and this means that any place less that 50 degrees north latitude will experience extreme UV radiation .
The further south you live , the worst it will be and longer the period of high uv readings. We have seen readings of 17 here where people were actually warned in the mainstream news not to go out side between 10am and 5pm.
UV radiation is dangerous not just because it causes skin cancer and is ionizing radiation that penetrates to a mm depth, it also causes a type of sickness akin to radiation sickness because the skin has a lot of surface area. I am absolutely positive of the reasons for chemtrails and have been involved in many heated arguments with people who have all sorts of sinister explanations, but occam's razor is is what it is.
If they wanted to kill us, they could easily do it by introducing bio engineered diseases, poisoning the food and water supply, and many other methods. They don't want us dead just yet, thy need us to complete their plans, which are behind schedule and running out of capitol.
And if they wanted to hide a particular celestial object, this would be totally impossible since so many people are observing and photographing the sky and sun using sophisticated telescopes and imaging systems.
I gave a 99.8 probability because I realize I could be wrong because I have before, but never about something I have put this much time in research into, I know that has a very low chance of being incorrect at this point with everything falling into place just as I predicted years ago.
I will accept criticism as being totally wrong despite the 2% chance I predicted of being wrong. It is statistically significant chance, but very small nevertheless. 2 out of thousand.
Maybe if I showed you some of my archives from period of time when the comet NEAT approached the Sun, you would literally s--t yourself. There springlike CME's, arcs that zapped the f--k out of Mercury and Venus, and several comets that plunged into the Sun causing spectacular CME's hundreds of times the size of the sun. When something interesting would happen, they always had a 'bakeout'!
I am convinced it was the creator sending them a message.
…if you are referring to the gov. disinfo. ops, to me it is just a conformation they know I am right and are doing their best to cast doubt on my credibility. There are dozens of predictions of all sorts of earthshaking events on this forum, and none of then get the gov. attention mine do.
AC India:
AA- Can you help me understand
I mentioned that during a proton storm/ CME the atmosphere looks hazy and you mentioned that these are charged particle and not harmful. if this correct then can you tell us from where the charged particles came from .
We have a hole in our magnetosphere and definitely during proton storm /CME event the atmosphere is hazy . This means the plasma from CME or protons will leak into and this is what causes the hazy atmosphere and therefore will be harmful.
Can you tell me which is true?
Do you feel we have still not reached the solar max?
page 88
The reason for this is to increase the Earths albedo or reflectivity and reduce solar energy reaching the surface, it has been going on every day for 12 years that I know of for sure, and I am convinced that if it were not done, much of the living things on the surface would have died by now , especially the plants , by radical increases in surface temperatures and UV radiation. I know these trails are harmful, they killed my father and everyone I know is sick from them to some degree with respiratory ailments, but the alternative is mass extinctions and impossible outdoor working conditions,
Quoting: Anonymous astrophysicist. 1356833
Saludos AA,
I agree that there are probably chemtrails because I have been reading about these "tests" for decades in science journals. But if it were true that there would have been radical damage to the population without these, how do you explain that there has not been mass die-offs of humans in parts of the world not being sprayed?
Quoting: ehecatl
Because the materials sprayed are injected into jets streams and air currents where they are spread world wide. BTW I feel really crappy from the direct hit we took during the last nearly X class flare.
Saludos AA,
Here are some interesting links,
one from a thread on another blog dealing with the cloud of material that the solar system just started to enter several years ago - [link to]
Quoting: ehecatl
Thank you I will read them.
Saludos AA,
And the other from NASA about their new surprise discovery of dangerous photons coming from the sun at near light-speed. - [link to]
Quoting: ehecatl
Yes and that was the day I proposed that quantum theory had been disqualified by observation. As I recall the same day there was a backside CME that occurred simultaneously that proved matter can move at reactive velocities higher than light speed. Oh, and there is a typo in you paragraph, it's not 'photons', it's protons. "photons' are supposed to move at light speed, and BTW do not exist.
Saludos AA,
Gee AA, to you think that with the changes induced on the solar system environment by the magnetically charged cloud which it is now by some estimates to be 80% inside of, that the environment between the earth and the sun may become more conductive, explaining the giant sparks that hit Mercury and Venus.
Quoting: ehecatl
100% probability. And we could very easily be next.
Saludos AA,
Do you think that a giant lightning bolt could hit some spot on the earth, from the sun?
That would be cool!
Quoting: ehecatl
Yes. Only it would be billions of times the energy and it wouldn't be cool. A billion people could die instantly.
Saludos AA,
Also could the magnetic field of this cloud of material affect the suns and earths magnetic fields? If the earth loses its distinct magnetic field, even for a few days (not to mention decades or centuries), that could place a whole new lists of constraints for life on the earth to survive.
Quoting: ehecatl
Yes, that is the concern, one on many.
March 15, 2012
So what do you say as I believe it is difficult to be as certain about most things as you are. I have been certain on many occasions and have been wrong, especially when this has never happened before. So we really have nothing to compare it to.
Quoting: grefey
They are simply taking advantage of it to maximize human death. They have arranged for their own protections and will do everything they can to make life for survivors difficult, because they know if we get to them in their underground lairs they will experience worst than hell. The intelligent resistors are being killed and locked up.
Are there more deaths in Peru because of fewer chemtrails. Personally, I think people have been dying right and left in this country. I know there is a lot of boomers coming of age but I read an article recently that said that the average life span of American's has decreased by about 8-10 years in the past 20 years.
Quoting: grefey
Peru us particularly notable because of two reasons,extreme high altitude on average, and high uv despite being at a very high latitude relative to the equator for this reason. They don't bother to try to protect it, for some reason.
… there are many different solar observation space weather platforms, many that provide data overlaps.
They could have lost some of them, if not most or all of them. I have been saying all along it could happen at any time. These satellites are not in normal orbit and are way outside the protective influences of the magnetosphere, I am personally surprised they have lasted as long as they have with light speed matter of unknown atomic mass prevalent in the last few weeks.
BTW, I think it only fair to warn my readers that I might not be able to post much longer, I am very weak and feeling quite ill, and my intellectual abilities are severely affected. I find I cannot type any longer without continuously correcting my work, and that some of my sentences are complete nonsense when I read over them.
… the comet in question did NOT pass through the Sun, but a very sparse area of plasma known as the corona. While the corona has intense temperature, it heat energy is very low, so the real heat issue here is the infra red from the Sun itself. Water evaporating and then turning to steam due to rapid heating has a tremendous cooling effect. I do not suggest you try this experiment but the results are exactly as I claim.
If you take a pot of molten lead or aluminum, dip your hand into water and then in to the molten metal briefly, you will feel the bubbling of the water vaporization but no burning will occur nor any sensation of heat.
This effect it is a product of the heat of fusion of water, which means when it changes state from a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a gas a tremendous amount of heat is absorbed in the process. I think in the case of the above mentioned experiment, the bubbling of the water keeps the liquid metal from making contact as well, based on my own observation while conducting the experiment.
page 89
[more fights…Henry asks for peace…nice]
My intuition tell me that all of the data we are now seeing is fabricated and something unprecedented has happened, I am going to check my own instrumentation an report back in a few.It's still just before sunrise here.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo
User ID: 7521845
New Zealand
07/23/2012 11:12 PM
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March 15, 2012
I think it only fair to warn my readers that I might not be able to post much longer, I am very weak and feeling quite ill, and my intellectual abilities are severely affected. I find I cannot type any longer without continuously correcting my work, and that some of my sentences are complete nonsense when I read over them.
page 46 Feb. 25,2012
I have been very ill all day to day, hard to describe, just like I'm winding down and losing energy. I feel pain but it isn't severe, just generalized and not localized in any particular area. The symptoms I am feeling closely resemble prolonged low level radiation exposure. As for bare skin and the Sun, I am dark pigmented and can't do it, period. The Sun burns my face and arms, I wear long sleeved shirts even when it is hot and a wide rimed bush hat.I believe the epidemic of anxiety so many are feeling is because they preconceive the changes subconsciously and remain in a state of cognitive dissonance, it is just too much to absorb.
page 45
Feb.25 2012
Nibiru is a new age crock of shit, distraction. While there might be a planet we don't know about out there, it has nothing to do with what is happening, because if such a planet exists every child with a 39 dollar telescope would be able to see it.
page 45
Feb. 25, 2012
World War III is about reducing the number of survivors as much as possible and will be coordinated with it and begin right before it happens. They will cause outbreaks of genetically altered diseases and famine as well. The idea is to, as I said before, eliminate as many of us as possible so we are not a danger to them in their bunkers. They're not going to make it anyway. The cleansing targets them specifically.
My people [the Cree Indians] believe the survivors will be upon the mountains, living in harmony with nature.
page 46
I personally think they've sunk many billions of dollars of the working class people of this world's money in a project in Switzerland with the desperate goal of escaping.
Good luck. It ain't happenin'.
They don't get it, they are the target of the cleansing and it is because of selfish activity just like this that makes it necessary. Ir maybe they do know they are the target, and are resisting the will of the Creator, but it matters little. Their experiments are in vain and what they a telling us about what they are doing is bunk. The real goal of CERN is learning how to exceed light speed with mass.
page 48
Feb. 26, 2012
The cleansing is a bit like a father taking a disrespectful child out to the woodshed. In the old ways and by the ancient laws, sometimes the child didn't come back. I my own tribal society, nothing is looked down on with more disdain than child abuse, except a disrespectful child. If you look at our present society you will notice and odd correlation between what we have been discussing here and the actions and behavior of children, who have became not only disrespectful to their elders, but have taken over control of their own lives essentially through the feminist movement, corrupted court systems, and liberal thinking.
911 HAD many purposes, the trifecta as Bush called it. he got his imperialist oil war, a crackdown on personal freedom in america, and trillions of dollars dissipated into thin air, all without a single mention in the media.
[TPTB thought] That there was no God, that they were the only Gods,in a nutshell.
They actually have it in their minds that they are gods among men, no fooling. They believe in an ancient belief system and in a strange concept that a certain subspecies if homo sapiens with rh- blood was placed her by extra terrestrials to rule over man in their behalf. Supposedly these individuals have reptilian characteristics and a lack of compassion and human consciousness, something that was intentionally bred into the rest of us to make us controllable.
They might be right,some of my research points to this probability, but they are delusional if they think they are Gods and about to learn the hard way that greedy space aliens aren't the Creator, and about to be taken out to the woodshed not to return, as I alluded to in a previous post.
page 51
Let me make myself clear, after the cleansing the evil that now rules our world and creates our perception of reality though choreographer deception will cease to exist and a new common collective conscious based on peace, good will and harmony with nature will rule over the human race.
There is nothing you or I can do to change it, and if it did not happen now, the planet would be totally destroyed and left a barren uninhabitable wasteland for thousands of years, totally raped of her resources. The people now in control are destroyer of everything they touch.
The intelligent and compassionate must be given the authority to delegate how the structure and function of civilization will be conducted. Leadership is another word for rule, and without a hierarchy no society can function. Use your family for instance, what destroyed the integrity of the American family. The feminist movement for one,and the empowerment of children by the government to dictate to their parents how they will be raised, Without a leader, no family can stay together and function. This was done with careful planning and forethought.
The problem we have encountered now is a system of so called capitalism, where the best liar is elected to lead and the best most dishonest cheat rises to the top of financial power. The ONLY way you can 'make' money is to steal it from someone else, to charge more for goods ans services than they are worth. The best at it become CEO's of large corporations. Earning it is another thing entirely. i would like to think i earned what I have, and I have thieves of all description constantly trying to 'legally' steal it from me.
It has been said that money is at the root of all evil by people who wish to deceive you, it is not money that is evil, wealth can be used for positive goals and achievements in the right hands, it is deception that is the root of evil and the creator hates all lairs because they pervert the true nature and meaning of our existence to be self serving to themselves, and keep us in bondage to their whims.
Leadership and rule do not have to be evil or undesirable. People need to be ruled, because not everyone is intelligent en ought or wise enough to make decisions for themselves, like children and people of low intellectual capacities.. The best leader is one who is intelligent and selfless.
page 86
There is a need now for the people to become aware, I don't know if it is because the bunkers are the only chance of salvation and we need to depose the present hierarchy and preserve the right people, but I do know this, if we allow the people who are posting here against my message to have their way, only the very worst of humanity will be preserved, which I do not believe is the creators intention.
WE MUST NOT ALLOW THOSE IN CONTROL NOW TO PRESERVE THEMSELVES AND KILL OFF THE REST OF THE HUMAN RACE. The people must learn the truth between now and summer, or it will be too late.
"This whole universe has come into existence just to carry you to God consciousness." -Lakshmanjoo