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Re: Exercise and Fasting
anfisa Views: 1,039
Published: 13 y
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Re: Exercise and Fasting

Well, Chrisb, thank you.
As you know I am grossly obese, and mostly at bed all the time, since that is what I my body is asking me. I also have the extra time and could force myself to do some exercises but, besides not feeling like doing it, I am more inclined to seek cleansing and healing first. I am very concerned about my health conditions.

Now I remember to add that in spite of all the time I spend in bed, my breathing is less labored, a lot easier, and my blood pressure is normal, not high ( I have beginner's CHF signs). I have no worries about my breathing or BP now, and no digestive troubles to suffer, as usual when not fasting. Today is day 5, not so bad so far, not bad at all!

Of course, I want to lose weight, but health concerns are number one in my list. I know that my excessive weight will also be gone, as a by-product, the nicest one, but a by- product. Health is First.



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