13 y
Re: Possible Toxic Black Mold Exposure from my dorm, what can I do?
I work in a school, so I know they tend to cover up things like mold to protect their image. I had many of the symptoms you mentioned in my classroom. After several weeks out of it, my body pain is markedly better (but not all the way gone). Numbness also better. My eyes don't burn like they did. The redness on my face was also getting better, but then I stayed at a 70 year old home and it's flushed back again. Hope it clears back up again soon.
Still find myself short of breath on odd occasions--not when exercising, just randomly. I had several lung tests and it shows I have the lungs of a 69 year old although I'm in my 30's. At first they thought I had asthma, but I don't. The pulmonologist said if it was an irritant I inhaled, my lungs should heal if I don't get re-exposed.
Did your MRI show any brain lesions? Just curious because mine did, but they weren't in the pattern of MS. Make SURE you get a copy of all your labs. Four different times I've been told labs were normal when they were out of range.
The allergist/immunologist was the kindest doctor I met, and the most open minded. He didn't have a magic cure, though. He said I needed to get out of that building and stay out, which I have done by taking a demotion at work.
The EPA has a lot of good info on mold, but they won't actually test. I used a Lowe's kit to send off a sample, and got a list of the molds in my school. Strangely, the allergy prick test didn't show I was allergic to any, but I'm waiting on the results of a big blood panel that might show allergies. . .
Best of luck, and please write if you want to "talk."