information on dr hulda clark zapper
1)HI I wondered in general what works better the Zapper or the
Wormwood , blackwallnut & clove mixture ? ( or do they just work well together.
Is it just as good to use a zapper alone & not take the mixture will I get the same results ?
I'm using specifically to kill of the Gadial Lamblia.
I have used the
Wormwood , blackwallnut & clove mixture togher it made me feel better for a few months and then the problem came back again. ( I wonder if this is because maybe it had not eradicated the problem all together.
I have purchased a Zapper My homephic doctor advised to purchased a basic model it will be just as well than Rather having to spend a large amount of money on an expensive zapper. ( In a nutshell please would others advise the main benefits of spending larger amounts of money ?
When using the Zapper did anyone experience any side effects .Is there any prior preparation or after information that should be followed ie specific foods to eat or not to eat ?
Many thanks