unknown parasites, need help please, all classic symptoms, doctor is no help..
i have most classic symptoms, itching, swelling of the face , constipation, unusual crawling skin,my biggest symtoms though, is nasal
parasites and facial swelling, i have been to so many different dr`s and thry refuse to treat me for parsites, or even pass Any test, now my face is swollen most of the day, i suddenly have a kind of pressure in my right nostril (that seems to be blocked most of the time) i am on crannberry, heart and braun vitamins, a livver cleanser, almonds pumpkin seeds, metamucil,nasel rinse (saline), pommegrade juice, cloves, i have no luck finding woodworm or
Black-Walnut , i tried using peroxide on cue tips ,up my nose, and my face swell up. how do i control the nasal
parasite and especially the facial swelling , i put hot water on my face, it helps abit...any suggestions