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Re: Die off ? Candida diets including carbs ?.
Anthony87 Views: 13,922
Published: 13 y
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Re: Die off ? Candida diets including carbs ?.

Heres a forum with people that have my and I think YOUR problem. This woman had bad reflux from gall stones. This whole page is about all these colitis symptoms and how the root cause was stones. Your fatigue, cognitive symptoms and poor digestion need to have a root cause...

"I am so glad I found this. I usually won't register for forums but this one is important to me.

So here is my story. My Gallstones were found while I was pregnant. I've had bad acid reflux since I was a kid but when I got pregnant it got so much worse from my second month in. I couldn't eat without throwing up battery acid tasting yellow/ green stuff. My doctor had me tested for gall stones and sure enough there were a bunch of those little things in there. It was so bad it was affecting my health and my babies health. We were almost hospitalized several times because we were starving and there was nothing we could do about it."



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