Re: My mother and her thyroid
Hi, Brent,
Perhaps your Mum is simply afraid of having her fillings removed? Due to my childhood experiences with dentists, I was always very nervous about dental work -- there was seldom a time when I did not require another filling!!
Four years ago, I got them all out at a biological dentist -- all done with proper protocol. His office certainly had an exceptional atmosphere (almost like a lodge) and this work was not traumatic at all -- believe me, I was thrilled. My memory has greatly improved -- I had begun to be concerned about it. Not now.
It is always frustating when our nearest and dearest hear us talk of changing health patterns and then find that they run to the doc without trying a natural way. Each must choose their own path and we must let them.
Would she let you put a hot pan on her skin to burn her? Probably not. Dramatic analogies MIGHT work, but she will most likely do what the doc says.
But, if she is nervous about getting the mercury out, tell her not to be -- she can imagine a lot of illness going out of her body at the same time.
Kindest thoughts.