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Thoughts on BO
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Published: 13 y

Thoughts on BO

Just a couple of thoughts on BO.

1. Most of the people I've spoken/corresponded with about BO have had incredible stress, some going far back as childhood. Wonder if this wasn't a contributing factor that started the ball rolling on the bo.

Now, at the slightest stress our bodies feel, the odor begins. Many times I don't feel stressed but my body begins emitting the BO because it feels stressed.

2. It seems that the only thing that really works would be to change what we eat. It's a LIFESTYLE change. I was on my own diet of NO breads, bad smelling veggies, sugar, and certain fruits (they gave me bo) for three months. I did eat protein but very little and only during dinner. Two good things came out of it, lost weight and the odor was almost completely gone. Sorry guys, there is no magic bullet to get rid of the odor over night.

People were getting close to me again at work when talking. Everything was getting back to normal.

But then I started slacking off and went back to my old eating habits and the odor came back slowly. It's not to what it used to be but it's bad enough to where people are making comments.

This is what I learned. Dieting for a day or week and then eating junk food isn't going to cut it. You'll never reduce/eliminate the odor. The BO took a while to develop and it's' not going to go away after being on a diet for a week or two, it developed slowly over time and it's going to slowly go away.

For some reason, my smell got worse at the beginning of my diet and then it got better. Don't give up if that happens to you. It just might be your body trying to rid itself of the toxins.

Once I had the odor under control, I could eat a little something on Friday after work. The bad thing is that it then went to eating bad things on the weekend as well and then eventually the whole week and month.

The odor slowly came back and I have no one to blame but myself because I went back to my old eating habits. Now, I have to start from square one again.

3. Supplements seem to help such as liquid chlorophyll. What food is put into the body plays a huge role on the effectiveness of the chlorophyll. Junk food? You're lucky if it works 30 minutes. Being on a healthy Diet for about a month or two and it can work 6 or more hours.

We all have slip ups because we're very limited in the foods we're able to eat. Try not to slip up the first week. And if you do, eat that one thing but don't continue eating foods that are bad for you the rest of the day because you blew it for lunch. Also, some of us eat because we're stressed and it's usually food that adds to the BO. Try to have healthy foods around the house or find some other ways to relieve the stress such as gardening, exercising, or other activity that helps to remove the toxins from our bodies.



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