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Re: I need further advice, please.
grizz Views: 1,541
Published: 13 y
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Re: I need further advice, please.


The standards we use at Marks Daily Apple:
- - ½ tsp Natural Celtic Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Redmonds Salt or Hawaiin black salt
- - - If the Sea Salt is pure white, it is unacceptable (minerals have been stripped out )
- - 200 mcg selenium (L-selenomethionine preferred)
- - 400 mcg Magnesium - Glycinate preferred
- - 2,000mg Vitamin C - Ester-C preferred
- - ATP Cofactors by Optomox- contains 100mg B2 & 500mg B3 non-flushing in the correct ratio, replaces the older B2 & B3 - 1 tablet for 1st 50mg Iodine 1 tablet for each 50mg thereafter.

* In addition to the daily ½ teaspoon of natural Sea Salt taken with vitamins every day, if severe detox symptoms occur, we should also do the Salt Loading Protocol “Salt Flush.”
½ tsp of Natural Sea Salt is dissolved in 1/2 cup warm water, followed immediately with 12-16 oz pure water. Repeat every 30-45 minutes until copious urination begins.
* Repeat each day for up to 3 days if required to clear detox symptoms
* or go back to a lower dose that was problem free and pulse dose.

Pulse Dosing to clear the kidneys
Pulse dosing of Iodine has often helped our participants with detox symptoms: taking a 48 hour break from Iodine supplementation as needed seems to enhance the kidneys' ability to excrete bromide and other toxins.



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