Last month I went to see an internist and told him about every single symptom I was having. Nasty Body Odor that smells like butt/feces, excessive and smelly gas when I ate anything. He did NUMEROUS tests and everything was normal except 2 things. I was borderline anemic and I tested positive for H. pylori. I had no idea that I had this bacteria within me (no symptoms). He gave me Antibiotics to treat this. I'm still in the middle of treatment. I decided to take high doses of probiotics, because as we all know what Antibiotics can do to our "good bacterias". Since last week I just started to realize that the odor that was plaguing me for 16 somewhat years was gone. I will definitely keep you guys up to date. I have not changed my diet or anything like that. Of course I'm trying to eat more healthy, but up to yesterday I was eating candy and junk food. If you have any questions just ask. Good Luck.