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Re: Interesting article warning:treating
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients with thyroid meds by #131178 5 h 36
You wrote 'but
Iodine itself? it only cures one thing -
Iodine deficiency'
Iodine deficiency have any known symptoms so a person could know if they are deficient and also is there a best way to get the right amount without going overboard like some people have said ?
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Re: Interesting article warning:treating
Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome patients with thyroid meds by trapper/kcmo 4 h 47
well, that is a really good question and one that is more complicated than any one malady or symptom simply becauseIodine is as necessary as oxygen and water for a healthy body. in fact, the answer is so varied(and sometimes complex) that we have filled one of the top forums at curezone trying to ferret out all the ways that iodine helps the body. some of the folks, myself included, sound so fanatical just because we know what iodine has done for us and it blows our minds with the many ways it helps and to what degree.
i have tried to discover through self experimentation what OVERBOARD means. i found that, like so many before, including nobel prize winner Albert Szent-Györgyi
who discovered vitamin C and took potassium
Iodide by the gram and lived to be 93, that a gram is no big deal at all. its just food. in fact, this inorganic molecule, a salt of iodine, is EXACTLY what is in seaweed and kelp that folks crow about being natural and organic. why eat something out of the worlds toilet when one can have the pure substance?
but i took the issue of dosage even further because people come to me as an expert in iodine supplementation. i kept increasing the amount i took until i reached 5 grams a day. in my opinion, no one should ever take that much per day. so maybe that is overboard. i wont do it again. neither would i breath pure oxygen or drink a gallon of water in five minutes. those things will kill you dead. i survived the iodine quite easily and with no professional medical intervention at all.
for clarification, my individual dose at this time is 390mg of
KI per day.
i suppose a short answer to your question still comes from a variety of sources(chronicled and referenced on the iosup forum). they would be lack of energy, lack of mental acuity, benign cysts and cancers of different kinds, poor skin, ED, poor gut absorption and motility, dysfunctional menses, low pH and more. lack of iodine is a direct cause or a contributing factor in all of them.
and finally, there is an iodine loading test that can be done. is a not for profit that will actually pay for this test for women who cant afford it. but with a 95% deficiency rate in several doctors offices across the US who use this test, the likelihood of being deficient is great. and even if one is not deficient according to industry standards(its a living), the iodine project has also been able to ascertain that total body burden is not restricted to the thyroid and is many many times the amount previously thought. i cant recall the exact numbers but that info is on the VWT iosup forum as well. point being if you want everything to work better, iodine will do that. i recommend it to everyone. there are many sources of iodine supplements on the internet and increasingly in health food stores. it is an idea whose time has come, too late for some.
people have been told iodine is poison. they are told that canola (rape seed that even birds wont eat) oil is good for them. i find that exactly the opposite is true. i challenge and encourage others to see for themselves.
i hope this answers your question at least to some degree.