Well it turns out it was a little more serious than I thought because I ended up getting a blood transfusion, one unit, and they're keeping me a second night.
They found uterine fibroids, the largest of which was 5.5
cm. The obgyns suggested the usual suspects -- hysterectomy, ablasion, and birth control pills, depo provera. When II pressed them a little they said there was an IUD that delivers progesterone locally just to the uterus, and I think I'll consider that option while I work on the
Iodine deficiency.
They checked my TSH and the nurse said it is "slightly elevated.". Yes, the pieces fit, don't they?
Well, onward and upward! Thank you so much everyone for your comments and you support -- curezone is a great place!
I will post more as I move forward...
Plus if anyone has experience with or opinions on this IUD thingy I'd be interested in hearing.