Re: Thoth and the Pyramids
Why do you say he was not 6th dimensional? Lower or higher?
Is anyone else asking what's up with the math, the visions, the memories? An ascension to a higher consciousness (higher dimension) seems to make sense to me, or at least give me hope that I'm not insane. I'm in marketing multimedia for God's sake, I wear a suit to work every day and have an office with a window.
The idea of the "disk" under the pyramid that can protect the earth if activated was incredible to me (not saying there is ANY truth there, just seemed...interesting on a conceptual level). There was no mention of who made this structure.
Do you think that humanity is literally splitting into 2 distinct races? It mentions chromosomal changes, also I've been researching DNA activation. Is it possible that 5th dimension humans can exist with 4th dimension humans (the "martian" race in the film is about to be annihilated, I'm sure of this).
Hey, maybe the 5th dimensional humans will fill the vortex that the martians crashed, and that is their purpose.
I love creative and abstract thinking. Thanks everyone.