At 27:40 it explains that Thoth built the pyramids as opposed to the King Cheops (Greek name of Khufu). This is accurate however it later goes on to describe Thoth as a 6th dimensional being which is inaccurate. The notion that King Khufu built the pyramids is embarrassing, to say the least. Throughout all of egypt there has only been found 1 statue of such a great king- 5 centimeters high. The notion that Khufu built the pyramid was an obvious forgery and the only shred of evidence linking the great pyramids to the egyptians is false. Unfortunately Herodotus the greek historian recorded what he was told at the time of his visit to Egypt- and wrote down that King Khufu buillt the first great pyramid which is incorrect- but unfortunately widely accepted.
The pyramids that the Egyptians attempted to build in imitation of the gods was embarassing by comparison. One such attempt resulted in the pyramid collapsing from its own weight- because the angle of 52 degrees necessary to form a perfect pyramid was too steep for their currect architectural technology.
At the same time this pyramid collapsed, another halfway in the making was suddenly redesigned from 52 degrees down to 44 degrees out of precautionary measures. It was thus named the "bent pyramid":
Thoth equates to the Sumerian god Ningishzidda, son of Enki and brother of Marduk, (this latter adored in Egypt as Ra). In Greek, he would be Hermes, son of Zeus. He is also the mayan/Incan "god" Quetzalcoatl who built the temple of the Sun in Teotihuacan- 738 feet in its base which is proportionate to the great pyramid in Giza.
Incredibly, (or not, depending on your level of understanding and knowledge of reality as NOT taught by the Matrix) there exists a room in the Temple of the Sphinx that has identical stonework to that found in the Incan wonders. Remember, The Sphinx was also built at the same time as the pyramids of Giza- or 10,500 B.C.- and were also built by Thoth.
And for those that believe their grandparents built the great pyramids, I would love to see them move the "trilithon" -three stones found in the Baalbek platform weighing in excess of 1,000 tons each- with their sticks and ropes. That would make a great documentary indeed.