Re: Necessary to test for mercury?
Many of us here are finding a lot of success with healing through Dr Wilson's Nutritional Balancing program. He tests for several metal toxicities plus toxic levels or deficiencies in various nutrients. What I have learned is that if you have one form of metal poisoning chances are you have others. And metal toxicities have shown again and again in several people I know and others stories I've read to be a huge contributing factor, if not the root cause of AF.
I would say definitely get tested and get your amalgrams replaced if you can. My holistic MD did the same thing, mentioned metal toxicity as a last resort, remote possibility. Turns out I have several, namely copper (but also mercury), which is one of the leading culprits in worsening and preventing healing in AF.
I would start working with someone who is adept at reading hair tissue mineral analysis and can guide you through the NB program. I tried several routs over the last year and this is the first one that is showing me any real success in true healing. Good Luck!
Dr Wilson's site:
There are several different healing practitioners all over that can work with you in this way, but this is my personal nutritionist, we do everything over the phone and email, it's super easy: