"The pain of a new idea is one of the greatest pains in human nature... Your favorite notion may be wrong, your firmest beliefs ill founded. And your favorite foods may be the root cause of your greatest pains! It's a fact of life that people find it much easier to believe a lie they've
heard a thousand times than a fact they've never heard before." The Tao of Health, Sex and Longevity by Daniel P. Reid pg. 79
Know the truth
... and the truth shall set you free.
"A healthy population means a dead pharmaceutical industry." -- "Naked Empress" by Hans Reusch
Smart is believing only half of what you hear,
brilliant is knowing which half to believe.
"Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with new solutions."
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"If I have seen further than others, it has been because I was standing on the shoulders of giants"
- - Isaac Newton
"Those who do not have enough time for good health, will not have good health for enough time"
- Paul Bragg
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Book of the Month!
Immune Dysfunction
Winning My Battle Against Toxins, Illness & the Medical Establishment
by Judith Lopez
You must read this book if
- you have unexplained medical problems such as debilitating fatigue and pain
- you can't think clearly because of brain fog
- your doctor implies that it's all in your head
- you want help and inspiration to find the cause and a solution
- you care about someone who has these problems
- you want to learn about health
- you simply want to read a good story
"Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think that you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." -- Ayn Rand
There Has To Be An Alternative!
There is a network of elite herbalists, holistic healers, and renegade medical doctors, throughout the world, performing "miracles" on a daily basis. The network is not only elite, it is also difficult to find and penetrate because it is technically illegal to diagnose or treat people for major diseases unless you use the FDA approved modalities such as Cutting, Burning, and Poisoning (surgery, radiation, and chemo). Thousands of people throughout the world have come to these Miracle Doctors terminally ill, and thousands have left perfectly healthy. And now the secrets of these Miracle Doctors are revealed on this web site.
On this web site, We will share with you those things that we have learned in our 20 years of working with, studying with, and sharing with these remarkable healers. By the time you have finished reading this web site, you will have learned everything you need to know (in precise detail) to optimize your own health (and the health of those you know and love) and to live a long and happy life.
- On this page we will outline the principles of The Baseline of Health. If you read no other part of this web site, the heart of everything We have to say is located there.
- The rest of the pages on this web site address many different problems and body systems you need to concern yourself with in order to optimize your health -- and give you step-by-step pointers on how to accomplish just that.
- We also provide you information about recommended products and usage recommendations.
Note: Keep in mind that good health really comes down to "playing the odds."
- For example, if you smoke cigarettes, there's no guarantee that you're going to get sick and die. (We've all heard stories of the man who smoked and drank like a fiend for 80 years, only to be shot to death by a jealous husband when the smoker was discovered in bed with the other man's 20 year old wife.) On the other hand, there's no question that your "odds" of having emphysema or lung cancer or of having parts of your mouth, lips, and tongue surgically removed increase dramatically if you smoke. It's all a question of "odds."
- Well, in the same way, if you follow the program laid down on this web site, your "odds" of having good health and long life are significantly increased -- not guaranteed, but significantly increased. Oh yes, and you're going to feel a whole lot better, have more energy, vitality, sexuality, youthfulness, and "radiance" in the process.
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