Smart is believing only half of what you hear,
brilliant is knowing which half to believe.
Hello and welcome! I suppose you are interested in health, or otherwise you wouldn't be here. On this web site we will try to give you an inspiration, knowledge and support. If you want to take responsibility for your health, you will need it.
Remember: "All diseases are curable, but not all people!"
It depends a lot on your attitude whether or not you are going to be cured.
Real health is not a quick fix. Real health is long term commitment. We have collected hundreds of stories and testimonials from people who did "impossible".
What you will read again and again in these stories is that they really changed their lives. They won a battle against Cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, and they beat Arthritis, Diabetes, Psoriasis, Eczema, PMS, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Fibromyalgia...
"The best can't be said. The next best will be misunderstood."
We have committed ourselves to writing something that others might treat either as a revelation of truth or as confirmation of their prejudices.
"The spirit moves like wind. What is written loses its connection to real life so easily, loses its vitality, and becomes oversimplified, uncritically generalized, and rendered into fixed patterns and empty sentences."--Bert Hellinger.
"Too much theory interferes with practice!" Take what you read here just as it is.
We didn't talk about spiritual side of the healing. Karma, soul, spirit, family consciousness… holds very important reasons why you have illness. You will have to address those reasons, if you want to be healthy and happy.
Any healing method that doesn't incorporate working with deeper reasons why someone is ill, will not give long-term results.
You may cure one sickness, or one part of your body, just to see another disease appears on another part. Or even just to be a victim of an accident. Disease or misfortune will be moving and transforming.
Healing process must integrate all sides: "Family Consciousness" - Spirit - Soul - Mind - Body - Closest Environment.
Only then you will achieve a good health.
If you have any questions, please join E-mail support groups and then ask your questions. E-mail support groups function as a listserv. Please understand, I have no time to answer e-mail questions. Any questions connected to this web site can be directed to
If you are looking for guidelines for some specific disease, please visit this page: Diseases/ Disorders. If you are interested in cleanses, visit this page: Cleanse.
More general guidelines for curing any disease are here: Health. Our site have a huge database of articles on Cancer and AIDS.
Agnes Tiller
A remarkable and humerous account of Malcolm Birkenshaw's recovery from Multiple Sclerosis.
"The doctor of the future will give no medicine,
but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame,
in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."
Thomas Edison
"Let thy food be thy medicine,
and thy medicine be thy food."
the Father of Modern Medicine
The only difference between winners and
losers, is that loser try and fail ...try and fail,,, try and fail and give up.
Winners try and fail,,, try and fail...over and over again until they
succeed. Don't give up!
"Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people
who have kept on trying when
there seemed to be no hope at all."
Dale Carnegie
There's no way to health, health is a way...
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