I have used several methods. I get the best results when I drink nothing but apple juice for three days. Then mix up a cup of lemon juice and a cup of olive oil (Italian olive oil with a bird on the label tastes best, it is important to have good tasting Olive oil). Shake it up and drink it down with a straw right before bed time. Sleep on your right side.
In the middle of the night I awakened to the sensation of my insides melting and suddenly had to run to the bathroom. at least two pints of rubber balls came out of me. The pain in my side was gone for 7 years. I have done it again twice since, when the pain started coming back. I did not wait for it to get bad. When I did it again, I did not get as much out. If it was soap stones from the stuff I drank, I should be getting the same amount out every time I do it, but I do not.