I was on Hv's forum a few days ago and essentially said enough is enough. No reason for this battle. And 'tit for tat'. Wasn't just directed at him. This has become an endless cycle. So someone here says something and then he does and then............
Well it is like a tennis match as you watch the back and forth. And unlike a tennis match, well the winner is the first one who decides to bow out. And I am still waiting to see who it will be.....
As in your post..... Hv said......
"Although the iodine supporters claim that 90% of medical research is fraudulent except when it fits their needs."
I personally would change 'iodine supporters' to 'most curezone members'...........
This is an alternative health site and most throw out 'most' medical research. The vast majority of the studies show no link between vaccinations and autism, but they are disregarded here. Because they are "bogus". If one happens to show something different........
Well then they are welcomed with open arms. I am not making judgements. Just saying how it is. It is always good to be skeptical. But people here pick and chose what is "science" and what is "valid". Just the way it is.
I am not sure if you remember True Cures. A friggin' Dr. Charley turned up to one hundred and eleven. And he claimed he could cure cancer and herpes and AIDS and........
Well everything by just seeing him. And he would do a Vulcan Mind Meld on ya. And you would be "cured" in two weeks. I know Newport remembers him.
Well I took the 'Battle' off curezone. And fought him. He claimed he cured 1-2 thousand people of deadly and incurable diseases. What he really did was dissappoint some desparate people. And he always blamed me for his failure.
"If only Blackngold hadn't thrown up a smokescreen, well I'd be rich and 'curing' people.
And I created a whole Hub about him..........
And I may have gone a little over the top. Well maybe alot.
Why is this relevant????????
Not really completely sure.
But ya hope the battles here don't come down to this.
And this isn't the same situation at all.
True Cures dissappeared for along time and now he is back trying to lair fly's into his Web. That's probably why it is on my mind. Now. And I have to decide whether to get back in the battle or not.
Anyway. People need to be civil here. And I hope they are.
But I will leave ya with some of True Cures words.
And I have changed some of the names to protect the innocent. I was in contact with a bunch of these gals.
And it just came to me know why I put it up. Beyond what I said before. People can honestly disagree. It is healthy. The Founding Fathers did it. Lennon and McCartney did it. Etc. Even though it became heated. Just keep it honest.
And True Cures revealed the personal contact info of one of the gals publically on the internet in order to blackmail her in to saying he had cured her.
And one of these gals, call her 'patient C', was brutally raped at knifepoint on the streets of NYC and given a STD.
And ya can see how he treated her. He spit on her.
This is seroius sh*t. The stuff here on curezone we should be able to work out among adults................
"I'm doing well Jessica. Thanks for asking.
I will be in Chicago the 31st through the 4th.
I may connect Baltimore and Jacksonville Fl with the Chicago trip or make it a few days later.
I will be in Sweden Sept 7-21st.
I just got back from Sun Valley Idaho.
I would do a lot better if I could take back the things I have done in the past like treating patient A, patient B and patient C. Those are three people who may have never had herpes in the first place and were only looking to attack any possible cure. Now the only other option if they are not corrupt and evil is they are just f'ing stupid. :) I mean that in the nicest sense of the way. ;)
Now, granted it is only these three turds in the punch bowel that have seen me who are attacking cures the rest haven’t seen me or ever intended to be cured. I just wish True Cures was not so final. I would love it if the three above mentioned turds were covered in herpes. Again I mean that in the nicest sense of the way. But I can’t take it back so the evil turds get to have their cake and eat it too. They get to be completely disease free from seeing me and still dedicate their corrupt existence to attacking me. Imagine how that feels Jessica.
Don’t get me wrong, the attacks don’t bother me at all, it’s knowing that I gave them something they could have never got by any other means and I can’t take it back and that chaps my hide.
All the other idiots I haven’t seen make me smile and laugh out loud because I can always picture them after their first stroke, after their first heart attack, crooked from arthritis, covered in herpes if they have it or dying of cancer and it lets me know that diseases do serve a purpose for all those who deserve the misery. Diseases weed out the weak, stupid and most importantly the corrupt. I think of that and I feel great. I know that when children are dying of cancer at least the a**ho**s bashing and banning cures are going to go out ugly too.
With patient A, patient B and patient C I can only hope hell finds them some other way. I can dream and I can do everything in my power to not work with their likes again.
I’m going to continue using this hub to weed out the weak, stupid and corrupt so they will have to find their cures through medicine and science not me. :) Good luck with that.
As for the strong intelligent people here who seek cures, rich or poor they are going to have to do their part in sharing cures. They will either need a whole lot of money or a whole lot of time because those without money are going to have to prove they strong enough to deserve a cure."