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New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

New lower prices!
Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 1,171
Published: 19 y


after 5 days and nights of fighting with the most stupid kids on earth that work for earthlink, i finally had e-mail that was working ok this morning and afternoon. i try this evening and i have no e-mail account anymore!!!!!!!!!! earthlink refuses to talk to anyone, they refuse all e-mail because they canceled people's e-mail accounts, their phone lines are flooded. there website says their down from nc-oh and if you get your account back someday, you will be forced to hand type your password on each and every e-mail you send.

it appears they are being spamed big time, probably those ivory coast creaps that even spamed the curezone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so if anyone sent a e-mail in the last 5 days, since i accepted earthlink dsl, odds are i may have seen some of them, but now they are all gone again. as far as i am concerned earthlink belongs in the dumper for good, we even talked to a customer in ar tonight and she too said earthlink destroyed her computer in the last few days.

what a joke of a business! i am surprised the dsl internet is still on line, i have went hours at a time when even it did not work and we pay more for high speed??? i have had more computer problems using dsl for 5 days than i have had in 9 years. i have to be desparate to get on the phone and ask for help and never have until 5 days ago and spent countless hours asking for help and every tom dick and harry that works for earthlink does not know sqaut, they all screw up the setting so bad that they eventually say sorry about the troubles and hang up, they know your call will never make it back to them again and the next jerk gets to answer the phone and give you the run around.

we have our service through sprint, they said earthlink would answer their phone for them and they would find what their problem is and i said they will not and sure enough after 15 minutes of being on hold sprint agreed with me!

so for as long as the internet stays afloat i will answer a few questions here, for those that made orders via e-mail, forget it, you will have to call to make sure we ever seen it. i won't trust e-mail for sometime after the past 5 days. i am actually sick of the internet and about 1 more day of this garbage i am about to pull the plug. it is not worth all the hassles that go along with it, it always makes people struggle to keep their systems up and running.

i have many customers that were fed up with the internet years ago and refuse to have anything to do with a computer and i am sure the older one gets, the more they want to pitch it.



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