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Re: Die-off or unchecked c. diff infection?
LoricaLady Views: 5,214
Published: 13 y
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Re: Die-off or unchecked c. diff infection?

Does concentrated oregano oil kill normal gut flora
*** Not sure but it does, from reports on the net, cause the candida to morph in ways that are not good, with extended use.
- If this is die-off, is there any advice you have on how long it will take or how severe it may get, and any protocols I should follow
*** You have so many symptoms. Some of them suond as if they may be hypothyroid related.

Following the links below you will find out how to discover & kill candida (so how come you are NOT taking probiotics & prebiotics? Rhetorical Q. You need 'em!), helps with mercury, symptoms of hypothroidism & a site to help on that plus adrenals, info on how to get rid of heavy metals, & ways to detect more parasites & kill them with natural methods. Die off is discussed to.


Re the topic of enemas sometimes mentioned in the link above, I am adding a personal feeling of caution about colonics - professionally done high colonic enemas. I have seen them really depleting people's energy, though some really like them. They do flush out a lot of good bacteria & probiotics along with the junk.
There is really no data that I know of to show that good bacteria can be replaced by over the counter supplements, or even things like acidophilus yogurt, kefir etc., after such a highly invasive wash of the intestines. (You can tell if your yogurt or kefir has live probiotics by adding a heaping tbsp. to regular milk, then letting it sit for 8 -16 hours. If it’s the real stuff the milk will thicken and give you more yogurt or kefir.) Maybe so, maybe no, but there is new info coming out that low probiotics in the gut can cause things like Depression (see Dr. Mercola & Dr. Marsha Campbell’s Youtube vid for example) and even possibly things like autism if the mother's probiotics are too low and she doesn't pass enough onto her baby in the birth canal or through her milk.
There are other ways to clean out the intestines, for example some like Blessed Herbs, some like Oxypowder . Simply adding more roughage & drinking more water can be effective.
I'm no expert on any of that, just presenting what I worry may be a potential hazard. Mho.


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