Re: Repair or Pull #15 root canal tooth w/cracked crown
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If you have mercury amalgam fillings in your teeth, have them replaced. In many instances, this step alone has led to elimination of cancer. Cilantro and chlorella can help eliminate heavy metal accumulations in the body, as can parsley and apple pectin.
Perhaps worse than amalgam fillings is Root Canals. According to Bill Henderson, author of "Cure Your Cancer" and "Cancer-Free", root canals is "the big elephant in the room". Bill reports that "it has been proved by many dentists and oral surgeons I respect that virtually all degenerative disease starts in the dentist's chair and points to the book "The Roots of Disease" by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S.
Bill goes on to say, "I have worked with hundreds of people who have struggled with all kinds of conventional and alternative treatment. Nothing seems to work to heal them. When these people finally wake up to the above and get their mouths cleaned up, they get well in weeks -- not months. Almost everyone (85-90% of the people I work with) has root canal-filled teeth. One lady had 13 of 'em. They are ALWAYS related to the cancer. No exceptions."
Dr. Thomas Levy, one of the world's experts on dental toxicity, told me he had done a study with Dr. Hal Huggins from 1994-2000. They removed "over 5,000 root canal-filled teeth." He said they took every one of them to the lab and tested it. Every one of them had toxins coming out of it "more toxic than botulism." His exact words. You can see on a thermogram the root canal tooth with its inflammation on the exact same meridian as the cancer tumor in the breast, colon, prostate, etc., etc. There are over 40 million root canal fillings done in the U.S. alone every year. Is it any wonder we are all getting sick?
Now is the time for every human to take responsibility for their own health. The unnecessary suffering as a result of the greed and ignorance is very, very avoidable.
Knowledge is power.