Re: our mom - urgent assistance needed: c2 vertabrae fracture and vertebrae dislocation
Thank you, James.
We will see how it goes after she is out of the hospital -- maybe her complaints about cold water have to do with her fracture and spinal dislocation. I believe that, at the very least, her difficulty swallowing and eating has everything to do with it. If it still bothers her, we will try room temperature (or slightly cooler) ozonated water, because I'm sure that some ozonated water is better than none.
When I stated "We were doing it through the ear because we were afraid that it may have been creeping up the spine and into the brain, but it may not be the case after all," I was referring to the cancer creeping up her spine/brain. At this point, it looks like this is not the case, so we will just continue with rectal insufflations as the primary internal treatment.
She has also been barely eating these past two months, and not really drinking too much water. Chewing and swallowing hurts, as I mentioned earlier. Her food was pureed and consisted mostly of vegetables, which I know to be low-calorie and not very energy-rich. She may go to the hospital tonight, so hopefully this can be taken care of soon and she can eat normally again.