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Re: Reboot Of The Grid 5 - 20 - 2012
Michael B Views: 1,619
Published: 13 y
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Re: Reboot Of The Grid 5 - 20 - 2012

Yes good points I believe everyone has the ability to optimize their positivity given their circumstances.

But I am also of the mind that there are some things that no amount of positive thinking will undo, like Mercury poisoning for example. You could have a powerfully trained mind and live perpetually in celebration and appreciation. But with all that mercury you would probably only feel 5% better than the chronically negative, depressed pessimist with the same amount of mercury poisoning.

And I also believe the subconscious mind (which is where the Power of conviction comes into play) is closely correlated to the vibration of the physical body. In other words, a very dense and sick body will have subconscious levels of thought that are on the same level regardless of conscious level thought. Any positive thought that is too far deviant from this base level will come across to the subconscious as antagonistic and actually have the opposite effect.

A toast- to negativity! Woohoo!! keeping us sane and grounded since the invention of dental amalgam.


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