Glad you liked my post from awhile back.
It's weird. I have put up many posts on curezone. Maybe thousands.
But ultimately you could wipe away all but 5-10 of them.
And this site would be a whole heck of a lot for the better. Much better.
I have blown a lot of smoke here over the years.
But that one I do think has some vaiidity to it..............
And Wiel.
Most people tend to view things in 2D.
And I guess we now have 3D. If you wanna put on a pair of glasses in a movie theater.
But there is a "Fourth" dimension. Maybe even a fifth or a sixth.
And ML realized this. Even if he didn't understand it.
We are made up of trillions and trillions of cells.
That interact in a way that we just don't understand.
In todays times.
And there will come a time when all of the "Modern"
textbooks on science and chemistry will need to be rewritten.
Or at least Re-Adjusted.
And I am not going to say that this is how ML viewed it. Per se.
But in his own way. Well he did recognize that 'Fourth Dimension".
Anyway. Enough of my yappin'. I will leave it to the 'Master's".
Of Absurdity.
(And some people just write them off as dope smokers.
It goes wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy beyond that................)