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Re: Need help with Heavy metal detox please!!!

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Michael B Views: 1,868
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Re: Need help with Heavy metal detox please!!!

Hi Whole body organism,

A very good start with chelation is to research Andy Cutler and his protocols. Generally, there are 3 main chelators: DMPS (prescription only) which effectively chelates mercury and arsenic extracellularly (as well as lead and others), DMSA which chelates mercury and lead extracellularly (as well as arsenic and others), and ALA which chelates intracellularly and can cross the blood brain barrier. By definition, the chemical process of chelation involves agents with a double thiol bond to the metal, and therefore chelators like cilantro and chlorella are not technically "chelating" agents because they have only a single thiol bond and tend to lose their grip on the metals, so to speak. There is also EDTA which is good for aluminum but is recommended to avoid until you first lower mercury levels due to edta-mercury complexes.

It is recommended to use chelating agents in low doses and frequenty in order to prevent "redistribution" (what you experienced with your chlorella). Typically it is recommend to dose at the half life which would be 6-8 hours for dmps, 3-4 hours for dmsa, and 2-3 hours for ALA, although fast metabolisers sometimes need to dose more frequently.

Of course you need to first remove all mercury dental Amalgams from your mouth before chelating because the agents can enter your saliva and pull mercury from the fillings back into your body.

It is generally recommend to first chelate with DMSA until the body levels of mercury are lowered, then commencing with ALA with reaches the brain. You don't want to redistribute mercury back into your brain by having higher body levels than brain levels and creating an osmotic effect.

Chlorella and cilantro are reported to be effective mobilisers of mercury but tend to lose their grasp of mercury before fully exiting the body. It is recommended to use them in conjunction with real chelating agents like DMSA and DMPS or ALA.

Also I highly recommend looking into and researching Iodine supplementation to detox toxic halogens like fluoride, chlorine, bromine. This is connected to the throat (thyroid) and might be what you are experiencing.

I hope you get better!

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