Hello everyone on curezone! As the title suggests I unfortunately need some help with getting what I believe to be mercury out of my body. I'll give the background story so that you can see how I got here. Here goes! At the end of 2010, I decided that in the spring of 2011 I was going to improve my diet - stop eating all junk food basically. From research that I did and my own investigative work, I came to believe that I had an issue with heavy metal toxicity, most probably mercury (vaccinations and amalgams). Thinking that in the spring I would start to take things for heavy metal detox, I purchased a small amount of chlorella, 60 grams to be exact, because I know that a certain percentage of people can't tolerate it. So I tried it out until I had used it all up which took me through to the end of 2010 with no problems whatsoever. But then just as everything seemed fine, in the middle of January 2011, I was reading The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell (good book!) in the morning when my vision started to feel strange, kind of similar to some people who get migraines. As it got worse, I began to feel nauseous. Long story short, I spent the next 6-7 hours vomiting and sleeping. It was the most sick I have ever felt in my life! I then proceeded to have a 14 or so hour sleep from 6pm to 8am, waking up feeling much better. Looking back, I now see that this was the mercury being mobilised, possibly from my brain even. Then later that year, at the end of April, I improved my diet. Being the first time doing so, I quite honestly had a bit of a shock. My god, was sugar, chocolate, etc. really having that much of an effect on my body? Wow! Needless to say, I returned to my previous diet within 2 weeks. Then, at the beginning of June I began to have the worst headache I've ever had in my life for about 6 hours solid, then slowly dissipating. This lasted about 6 or 7 days, and that's when my vision went strange again. but this time I wasn't sick. This time my left eye became uncoordinated with my right eye. For a few minutes a couple of times a day, it would veer off in a top left direction. At this point, I was seriously worried! Right at the start of August, I improved my diet once again - Grains, beans and pulses, vegetables, fruit, herbs, spices. I wasn't even anticipating the eye problem to go, but it did. But, the fool that I was, never thought about taking something to chelate the metal out of my body (sooooo stupid looking back on it now). So by improving my diet, my body basically detoxified the mercury out of where it was having the effect on my eye, and it went straight into another part of my body! When I realised something was wrong - a distinct lack of energy - I returned to my previous diet once again, thinking that maybe it was due to not eating sugar, etc. But, no that wasn't the case, I still felt huge fatigue, although not quite as terrible due to eating junk foods. Between mid August 2011 and May 2012 I have read, researched and tried out everything I possibly could to get myself better, but I still feel the same. I have tried taking chlorella, and countless other heavy metal mobilisers and chelators. I have tried poultices. I have tried Magnetic clay baths. I even had an AIDS test just in case! I have now pretty much come to the end of my tether. I am currently trying
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement (which I also don't think is going to work), am going to a Kinesiologist soon to try and get some answers as to how to sort this out and last but not least, my final, one and only remaining idea I have is either a juice or water fast, for however long it takes! The questions I have for all of you guys are, firstly, do you think I may have permanently damaged my body, in which case how would I know? and secondly how the hell can I get this out my body? I can actually feel specifically where it is located - my very upper back, neck, possibly kidneys, and possibly thyroid. It feels like it is 'stuck', that's the only way to describe it, particularly in the neck region. If you would like any more information which may help you to help me, please ask. That is everything that I can think of. All I can say is that this has been the bane of my life for the past 9 or so months and I am sooooo grateful for any feedback. If anyone can help me get better, I will honestly cry. I will personally come to you, wherever you are in the world and give you the BIGGEST hug ever, followed by a sack of money! Okay maybe not quite the sack of money, but, seriously, you will be in my heart forever. The moral of the tale is, don't mess with chlorella! You may end up biting off more than you can chew! Be very careful when detoxing heavy metals. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you.