Re: Considering an appointment with Cahill. Do my symptoms point to a particular pathogen?
clearly worth going to Cahill
but there is no guarantees....
and have in mind you must avoid any
Antibiotics , herb medicines, "stupid" flushes or anything that "clean out" bowel in the weeks before you go there....some
Antibiotics can reduce
parasite loads, and also things washing out the stuff in the bowel can interfere with chance of even best diagnostician finding the parasites.....this is well known and described in several good medial books on infection medicine
some people do mistake of going on
Antibiotics just before going to top doctor, or take some herbs that yes could have some effect.... you want to maximise chance of finding what you have not minimze...
jut to have in mind!! Best Luck! Hope you get proper diagnose soon, and soon get cured, and on your way to healing!
If you get diagnosed and cured, and healed, then write to all the doctors that misdiagnosed you and tell them to wake up!