Leaky gut, parasites, food allergies
(I apologize for the double post, but I posted this in the
parasites forum and it didn't give me the option of posting to the other forums so I copied and pasted to these forums).
I am at my wit's end and really don't know what to do.
I had a bad bout with candida last year and after trying natural remedies for months, ended up taking a 1 month course of diflucan and as far as I can tell, overcame the candida problem. It's certainly possible I still have an overgrowth, but these days if I eat something with sugar, I don't get any gut symptoms and when I did
Liver Flushes last year, many of the stones were covered in fungus -- not the case this year.
What I didn't address, however, was apparently my leaky gut and I have GOT to heal this. I had some
food allergies last year, but they've become really bad -- to the extent that I react to more things than I don't react to. I can make a green smoothie with the safest produce I can think of and still react to it and it's extremely frustrating.
So 2.5 weeks ago I decided to do another
parasite cleanse (hadn't done one since last summer) to ensure those weren't contributing, but now I think I've developed allergies to one or more of the items in the Humaworm. At this point, I can't afford another
parasite cleansing product, but beyond that, I haven't noticed that I've passed anything that looks like
parasites since I've been on this stuff, so now I'm wondering whether
parasites are a problem or not. Even if I did invest in another
parasite product, I'd likely develop allergies to something in it within a couple of weeks as well at the rate I'm going.
So here are my questions:
1. How do I know if parasites are contributing to my leaky gut? Last year, when doing a parasite cleanse, I passed a lot of liver flukes and possibly some digestive parasites as well from the look of things, but nothing so far this year.
2. I don't know what to eat to heal myself. I have been trying to eat really, really, cleanly, but I still react to things and I've read repeatedly that you can't heal leaky gut while eating things that inflame you. Well, I only know of about 6 foods that seem 100% safe for me right now but if I eat them every day, I will likely develop allergies to them, so what the heck do I eat?
3. I've started eating Bubbie's sauerkraut and trying to drink coconut milk kefir because I now suspect I've developed allergies to the probiotics I was taking (and they also made me really hungry...isn't that a sign of
food allergy ?), but then I read that there's no point trying to repopulate the gut w/good bacteria until you've healed the leaks...I don't know.
4.I've started taking aloe vera gel (by itself) and L-glutamine with either the kefir or sauerkraut to help build me back up, but the doctor who gave me the diflucan last year told me that L-glutamine feeds candida so I'm afraid if I keep taking it I will get candida overgrowth again. Anyone experience this?
5. I have some diatomaceous earth that I never used when I had parasites last year, but everything I read about it indicates it's got tiny sharp edges that kill the bugs and I just can't imagine it would help heal my very inflamed digestive tract. Anyone have an experience that says otherwise?